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Toa of Comedy

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Everything posted by Toa of Comedy

  1. Oh you now have 5 stars

  2. Hey welcome to BZPower hope you stay a while

  3. Hey Kagha good work on writing! see you around the Epics page.

  4. Hey Kagha it's me the Ex Nova Nuva

  5. Good luck Bionicle Rex I hope you do well. You were a really great Admin.

  6. I am soon going to be King of the Vorox or something like that

  7. hey CyberNova I'm Nova Nuva.

    Nova Xena Nuva from the Trio

  8. Welcome to Bzpower. you have 5 stars

  9. Could you please have pohatu rescue my charicter (Trellen)

  10. Welcome to Bzpower enjoy your stay

  11. Did you get my Pms?

  12. Happy B-day I rated you 5 stars

  13. Hi enjoy your permenent stay (unless you are banned but I think you will not)

  14. hi you have 5 stars

  15. Welcome to bzp You have 5 stars

  16. Where are you Kagha? The Trio needs you

  17. Hey Pohuki like the Hakaan picture in your signitre

  18. Welcome to BZP hope to see you around

  19. I might not do that however

  20. Hey I will change my name in a month to Nova Nuva

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