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Franz Joseph Haydn

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Blog Entries posted by Franz Joseph Haydn

  1. Franz Joseph Haydn
    Adding on to what Omi said, This kind of behavior could result in banning, should it go any further then "Better in full". You may mean it as a joke, but the Mods and Admins don't, or atleast they don't know your trying to be tricky, or funny. So, in addition, this has to stop.
  2. Franz Joseph Haydn
    My camera. It hates me. Just today, I droped it on the floor and it took a picture of the floor as it hit. I picked it up and dusted it off, the thing went off in my face.
    Now I have a picture of the floor and a picture of my face. And a broken 300 dollar digital camera.
    The good thing is, I bought it some time ago, so it's not like I'll be in the slums if I buy a new one.
  3. Franz Joseph Haydn
    I talked to my dad about how long it would take to get to the lake. He said 7 hours. I went =0. So from 7:00 A.M Today to 2:00 P.M EST I won't be on.
    Also, I won't be on once we arrive, I don't think the ship has WI-FI. Maybe.
    Bai. Don't wreck mai blag kthx.
  4. Franz Joseph Haydn
    Coming to you in the comedies forum!
    The inspration
    With a slew of "Ask" and "Resturant" comedies, A person named Dark Cape has decided to set an example for new comedies.
    Look here for further insight into this new comedy.
  5. Franz Joseph Haydn
    What was the inspiation for your characters?
    Well nearly all of them are based on people I know in real life, except for having their personality tweaked a bit and maybe changing their names. Most of them are friends, others are people I have met just once.
    Can you tell us anything about future chapters?
    Alex is going to try and put everything back to how it was before, but finds that once you come into contact with the NETwork, it's hard to lead a normal life. Just when it seems that he will suceed in rescuing David's parents, a new element will be thrown into play which will mean Alex can't lead a normal life.
    How long do you plan for this to run?
    I don't know. I'm trying to keep on top of coursework for school, which is why I haven't put up a chapter lately, but I think it will run until maybe May 09, at the rate I'm writing at now. I know when in the story I'll stop.
    Were did you get the inspiration for the NETwork?
    I was really annoyed at how despite people saying how much info is available on the internet, when you want a simple list of things or a map of farms in an area, you never could find it. Even the 'information supergiants' such as Wikipedia proved unsuccessful, so I thought if there was one place of reference which would have absolutely everything. Of course to manage that, you'd have to have reliable sources everywhere. But I was also interested in the idea of secret societies, like the Knight's Templar and Freemasons etc. So I combined the two together, and added a more modern element to the mix.
    Is this story based off a real life event or is it true fiction?
    I can safely say my school bus has never been attacked, or anyone I know be kidnapped, or be involved in a gunfight. Nearly all of the locations used are real, and a lot of smaller elements are real, but the actual plot is fabricated.
    Now, the word around the forums is that this is going to delve deep into history and stuff, any commentary?
    Word around the forums? I didn't think that it was that popular. In the second part, which will be after the one that I'm writing now is finished, I plan on moving onto more historical subjects yes, but for now I'm keeping with the modern 21st century theme.
    Are you going to bring in any new characters?
    Definetley. I'm trying to limit the number of new characters I create, so not to confuse the reader but I find it difficult to stict with a small group of characters, especially when most of them are after people I know.
    And what about publicity? What are you doing to advertize your story?
    Well, not much at the moment. I had an advert in my sig a while ago, but it was removed. I'm not really bothered about publicity, it's just a hobby to me, and if other people can benefit from my works by enjoying my story then that's good eneough for me.
    Everyone thank Dark Cape for taking the time out of his day to fill this out.
  6. Franz Joseph Haydn
    With my sadness over Omi's leaveing dismissed, I return to my duties as BZP weekly udater.
    Fresh Makuta of bel air has been unbanned. As a loyal follower of his comedy, I am extremely happy. Nice to see you back!
    Holiday updates
    Thanksgiving is over, Now we move on to Christmas!
    This is the last Weekly update, I will be keeping the weekly update catagory for reference. Goodbye. Thank you for listining to our program.
  7. Franz Joseph Haydn
    It's that time of week again! This week we got lots of cool stuff to discuss, so let's get started!
    Well, I have been gone for two days, but now I am back.
    First off, the Matoran universe map was released on the 18th. It holds information pretaining to the locations of all of the islands in the matoran universe. Is it me, or has anyone else noticed that the islands form a body?
    Anyways, I will be categorizing my entries over the next few days, so expect to see a few new things on the blog.
    And last off, The "Mailbag' Section has been changed to "Summery"
    1. Gone for two days
    2. Matoran universe map released
    3. Mailbag section changed
    Well, I'd like to get your feedback on the idea of a update summery. So, What do you think?
  8. Franz Joseph Haydn
    Wow! I still remember writing last week's update as if it were yesterday.
    Some sad news came to my attencion this week, Omicron has left BZP. I was extremly sad when I heard this. He was one of the few people who told me I had found a site I like. He was my mentor, i followed his posts when I first joined, and 500 odd posts later, I am a better person on this site because of it. You will be missed, Omicron. And screw you Lluvio. I hope your happy, You wished for Omi to leave, now he has.
    Any ways, The new James bond film, Quantum of solace opened this week, and I hope to go see it soon.
    No new mail, surprise surprise.
    If you want some questions answered, please send them to me with the title "Member Mailbag"
    Head on over to the polls forum for a surprise. Also head on over to my profile for an even bigger surprise.
    This messege is deicated to Omicron
  9. Franz Joseph Haydn
    With my recent move to Wyoming, i am alittle late with the update. Such nonsense is life.
    This week we have a few amazing updates.
    The first is the most important, the Mata Nui Rising video. I must say, that bink guy sure did a good job keeping this one secret. I would like to congradulate Binkmeister on his excellent work with the story update aswell. Not only did bink write the story, but he also kept the movie a secret. Go Bink!
    The next updates are the BIONICLEstory.com chapters. Dwellers in darkness is up, and so is the destiny war. Brothers in arms is up aswell. Takanuva has updated his blog ALOT over the past week aswell. The toa nuva are finally home. Whoo hoo for new chapters!
    The last thing on my list is the Mata Nui Rising Podcast. This is basically the story. Told by the famous "Voice of bionicle".
    Well, sorry for the lateness. As i said above, "Such nonsense is life".
    As you can see, i have used to many emoticons this week, PHEW!
    See ya next week!
    (I could not resist the awesome power of emoticons)
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