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Blog Entries posted by DragonxFlutter

  1. DragonxFlutter
    As the title says, I have joined forces with LNU (John Egbert) to make this.
    I claim nothing in the videos, and I claim the videos not.
    But this blog is mine, even if the site's not.
    I give credit where credit is due.
    So to LNU,
    I say, Thank you.
    On to the awesome-ness!
    1: How to: get rid of those accursed white squares, rotate your sprite, and glow it up.
    2: How to: Make gradient backgrounds, and make portals.
    Hope you enjoy!
    BTW, please go check out LNU Comics 2.0 and KRComics if you want to see the stuff shown here put to good use.
    Thanks in advance!
  2. DragonxFlutter
    Well, it's been two days sence I started school, and things are going preaty well. So far I only have Math (worksheets my dad prints out for me), Science (this old PBS show that's now on Netflix called Rough Science. It's a great show), Reading (books I check out from my librairy), and Music (when I practise my guitar and go to my guitar lessons) for subjects. I havn't been able to keep to my schedule as I had hoped, but I'm gonna try to remedy that. I'll let you know how that goes.
  3. DragonxFlutter
    This is an important message to all my friends and co-workers (I'm in a few projects). Please note that I am writing this because my parents are about to download my latest homeschool curiculum, and around this time of year, they are weird in the following way.
    I regret to announce that starting September 1st, and going on untill further notice, I will only have two (2) hours of computer time (excludeing Sundays [unofficial]) over the course of the next few months.
    It is required that you contact me through Personal Message about anything you need to talk about, as I will not see it in the forums.
    The following is how I will break-up the time, so that you know when to expect me to respond:
    The first hour will be used when I get up out of bed (like I always do). This time will be used for video games mostly, but I will replace that with any BZPower projects that need to be done.
    After this I will be doing school work, guitar practice, and any other things my dad can think of to keep me busy.
    If I can, I will use the remaining hour to post any compleated comics/voice over lines/reviews I have finished, and reply to Personal Messages sent to me. I will also use this time to update my blog in the way a blog was ment to be used; updateing you guys on the way things are going on my end.
    I hope you all understand, and I hope you all will tolerate this unwanted schedule.
    Your friend,
    - Autodude Dragon
  4. DragonxFlutter
    Ok, so maybe I'm not almost done. I just finished scene 2. I'm gonna try to finish tomarrow, but if I can't (if I'm lazy) expect it by the end of the week.
    The movie is currently at 123 frames. I'm gonna try to get it to run at 4 FPS (frames per second).
  5. DragonxFlutter
    Okay, I'm just going to come right out and say it. The next part of the Search for Rachel saga (series, whatever) is a movie. Not anything big, just a small short (for those who saw this only because I just posted it, and don't know what I'm talking about, go here).
    Please keep in mind that this thing that's most likely going to be a minute thirty at the most when compleated, took me (if you want to push it) eight days to finish. And that's only the frames. I have over 70 frames to compleate (so no, it's not done yet). I'm going to try and finish them today. The I'm going to have to wait for the rest of the week to get my dad's help on the timeing of the frames (probubly). So I might not be posting it untill next week, at the latest. I'll try timeing myself first, to see if I can do it. But if it's not to my likeing, I'll have to wait and get help.
    So yeah. That's what's going on here on my end right now.
    UPDATE: I am currently at 86 frames (one panel = one frame in this case). I will update again with the next count, or to state progress, or both.
  6. DragonxFlutter
    Wow. I didn't think I could go through school work that fast. I had a revision test today an boy was it easy. I missed only one question! I was on a role! It felt good. Well getting 99% of the questions right is still an 'A', right?
  7. DragonxFlutter
    Psst. Hey you. Yeah you. Do you like conquoring? Do you like ruling? Well if you do (and who dosn't) go to the link at the end of this blog post.
    Im an invincible Skakdi General. Care to join me?
    If you want to take over BZ-Koro, click the above link and tell my Warlord that his top general sent you.
    P.S. This link goes to another blog here on BZP.
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