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Status Updates posted by DragonxFlutter

  1. If you're not nice, I may have to report you to the Admins.

  2. Be polite to your superiors, punk.

  3. I just read the comment you left in my profile, and I don't quite under stand. Plus you sounded like a (grr. Sometimes I HATE this word fillter). Explain. NOW.

  4. Hi there! This is weird. I have a freind named bioboy12. Wierd.

  5. I didn't get it. Could you please resend it?

  6. o.0 What PM? Was it the reply to the one I sent you?

  7. To tell the truth ,I have no clue :P. I'll do that now.

  8. But only if you can't take critisism. I, unfortunatly, can't.

  9. Hi there TRoD! Welcome to BZPower! I would like to give you a tip if you ever think about going into comic making: DON'T. Trust me, you'll hate being a comic maker.

  10. Yeah, now that I tink about it, the KROnix thing didn't really work out for me as well as I thought it did.

  11. O o

    /¯¯/_o___o___o___o____o __

    \__\¯¯o¯¯¯o¯¯¯¯¯¯o ¯¯¯¯¯¯o

    I can fire my lazer

  12. Well, sence nobody has done this yet, I'll start. WELLCOME TO BZPOWER!

  13. Skor, Skor, Skor, Skor. Is PU still running, or are you still busy? Or are you just being LAAAAAAAAAAZZY :P ?


  15. Hey Spirah, did you get the message? ys know, the one I sent you about UV?

  16. Ok I'll get to the point. You're 21 so you probubly will never get this but if you do, please go read Unknown Voyage, my Epic. A link is in my sig.

  17. This is a message to all of the fans/authors of PATS comic corp. I closed it because it was dead and I didn't want it revived. All PATS authors tell me when you are at a point where you are able to do it, and I will repost it. Thank you.

  18. Hello? Barrakimaster? Are you there? It's me Auto! Remember, the author of Unknown Yoyage? Well anyway, I wanted to tell you that I was bringing it back.

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