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Inferna Firesword

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Inferna Firesword

  1. Inferna Firesword
    I'm having the worst luck trying to tame horses. Admittedly, part of the problem might be that I've been going after the giant horse that's in the Gerudo section of the map.
    I refuse to give up, though. Clearly I just need a lot more stamina potions.
    Also, since my last entry was made a while ago, I do in fact have a job now. Not a particularly glamourous job, but it's busy, I have good coworkers, and it's not in downtown Seattle, so there's no traffic to deal with on the way to work. =)
  2. Inferna Firesword
    So, not much has been happening, outside of the job search.
    Went and saw Kubo and the Two Strings the other night; I loved it. If you haven't seen it yet, please do so; it's wonderful.
    Also, I've been preparing for both Rise of Iron and BrickCon; I should hopefully be planning transportation for the latter better than I did last year.
    Reborn's next chapter is in the works; there's just a scene that's been causing me trouble. I'll hopefully have it done by BrickCon itself.
  3. Inferna Firesword
    I now am in possession of the most expensive piece of paper in the world: a United States college degree.
    Go me.
    Time to find a job and prepare for the crushing weight of debts.
    Hopefully I can update Reborn soon; I have all the pieces for the next chapter here, they just need to be put on paper.
  4. Inferna Firesword
    I dunno how many people here read my stuff, but there's an organization in Reborn called the Matoran Militia, which acts as the police force for the city of Aonui.
    While I have some characters set for it (mostly the leadership), I do need a few characters to help fill out the roster. That's where you come in.
    I'm opening up slots for guest stars in my epic to act as the protectors of the City. Starting from the next chapter (Chapter 3), said guest stars will begin to appear and take part in the story.
    To make sure I don't make promises I can't keep, I'm setting the max number of GS to the first 20 applicants for now; I might open this up again if I need more recruits.
    Will I appear right away?
    Some will. If you're not in Chapter 3, be patient and you'll appear in a later chapter.
    How do I sign up?
    Just fill out and post your character's profile below. Here's your template:
    Name: (please try to have it appropriately Bionicle-ish)
    Element: (any of the existing tribes, aside from Light or Shadow)
    Mask: (if its an original mask, describe what it's Great version would do)
    Weapon: (all members have a sword, a shield, and a Kanoka launcher, but can use one personal weapon as well. No firearms)
    Personality: (give a few personality traits so I can write them appropriately)
    Do I have to be a Matoran?
    Yes. There are only a few Toa in Aonui, and no Turaga. Members of the other races (ie. Vortixx, Steltians, Skakdi, etc.) join the Wall, who guard the city from attacks from the outside.
    I'll be recruiting Guest Stars for the Wall in the future, so it you have a character that fits that bill, keep an eye out!
  5. Inferna Firesword
    Alright, so Ehksidian and I both thought that we might want to provide hints to the others partaking in the Secret Santa event. During a SS that my workplace had, my boss put up a sheet with our names on it, and we were to write down what we liked so whoever got our names would have an idea of what they'd like to get.
    Now, we have profile pages here, and records of our posts/topics, but that only goes so far, especially for those that haven't been here very long. Hence, this post.
    Here, those participating can mention what our interests are, and what (if anything) we're doing on the forums these days. That way, those that don't know each other very well can get a point to start from.
    I guess I'll start.
    Interests: Video games (Destiny, Hearthstone, Dishonored, Pokémon ... there's a list on my profile), writing (my victim will likely get a Short Story of some kind), trying to learn how to draw (I -love- seeing fanart of my characters)
    Currently working on: Reborn
    Those interested should post below. Any hints as to whose name you were given shall be smote with the Banhammer edited with the Almighty Editing Tool. =P
    EDIT (12/5/15): Adding to my list for greater detail and fixing errors.
  6. Inferna Firesword
    Alright, time for the recap!
    Getting to Seattle was difficult, mostly because Akaku and I didn't have access to my car -- and in any case, I had no experience driving downtown. We wound up taking a bus or two. Not the most efficient, or comfortable, way, but it got us there.
    Things seemed both a bit packed and yet not as packed this year. Lots of impressive MOCs, though! Special note to a remote-controlled R2-D2, and a remote-controlled mouse droid (those rolling toaster ovens that ran around on the Death Star).



    The Bionicle table was a lot smaller this year, and not in its usual place of mid-back (more like the back-back). There was a lot of cool MOCs but - somewhat worryingly - no members hanging around. (We got to the hall at around 11:50.)



    After some heartbreaking moments of concern that we were the only members there -- eureka! We found one!

    Pictured: Roa McToa and her amazing Makuta of Okoto MOC. Not pictured: Akaku fanboying.
    We had a lovely chat, and -- our hope restored -- we went on the hunt again. And we found more!

    Pictured: GSR and Kakaru. Not pictured: Cajun.
    We all had a chat, a couple of the metal pieces I brought with me got passed around (my bronze Shelek, and my Kohrak-Kal ring), and then -- the fire alarm got pulled.
    We regrouped outside, and met up with Cederak and Ezorou. After a few moments getting acquainted, we decided to take our unscheduled break to get lunch at the Armory. We spent about 1.5 hours eating and chatting together, then returned to the convention hall.
    Fortunately, during the break, more members came out of the woodwork.

    Pictured, from left to right: Based Goomy and xccj.

    Pictured: Cederak, Ezorou, and Letagi.
    We had a great time, but with the end of the con day coming up (and my getting dizzy), we needed to get going. I took one last picture, then headed to find the bus home.

    Pictured, from left to right: Roa McToa, The 1st Shadow, Meyres the Anchorman, Akaku: Master of Flight
    All in all, despite issues with the transportation and finding other members, this was probably the best BrickCon I've ever gone to! Can't wait until next year! ^^
    EDIT: The Brickshelf gallery I put all the pictures in is now public!
    (warning, not all of them were cropped before uploading)
  7. Inferna Firesword
    Well, aside from some issues with our transportation, we had a great time! I'll make a post with our pictures of the things we saw soon, once I've gotten them all uploaded.
    (Shout-out to the lunch crew! That was the most fun I've had in a long time. ^^)
  8. Inferna Firesword
    I'll be coming this year. And I won't be alone.
    I'm still sorting out the transportation thing, but I think we'll be taking the bus downtown, so we don't need to worry about driving and trying to find parking. Sure, there'll be more walking that way, but that's not as bad as the alternative.
    Hmm ... I'll probably wear my Kohrak-Kal shield ring there, and maybe string my bronze Shelek into a necklace so I can bring that along.
    Anyone else coming this year?
  9. Inferna Firesword
    Excuse me as I flail in happiness at the fact one of my favorite games is getting a sequel. xD
    (And as I contemplate what potential nastiness will be waiting for the recipients of the Non-Lethal eliminations. How can you one-up the takedowns for Campbell, Burrows, and Delilah?)
  10. Inferna Firesword
    So for the last couple years at WWU (this year and the year before that), I've been living in the same dorm room. This is a problem. Why?
    Well, the room I'm in has a reputation for having an insect infestation every spring quarter. My first year here, it was silverfish, though I was fortunate to not have to deal with them. The last two years, the years I've been living in the room of evil?
    Carpenter ants.
    And not just any carpenter ants. My roommates and I have had to deal with the reproductive-capable males -- aka, the ones with wings.
    In a small room. Where they like flying near the light fixtures.
    Soo ... yeah. Now you know why I now have a fear of flying insects.
    (Rant over guys, sorry.)
  11. Inferna Firesword
    Thanks to everyone who tossed ideas for location names at me! It'd be kinda awkward if I kept calling the main location in my upcoming Bionicle fanfic just 'the City' xD
    For the record, here are the names I've settled on:
    Fortress: Dorcha (my filler name, which I got attached to)
    City: Aonui (my original placeholder, which I decided on against Dragon 11603's Clatis via coin toss)
    Village: Pareo (submitted by Zox Tomana)
    All being well, I'll start work on the story this quarter, and start posting it in late May-early June if it comes along well.
    As a side note, I've put Wings on indefinite hiatus (if there's anyone that's wondering about it anymore). I can't make Chapter 15 work the way I want it to, and in any case apparently there are people not keen on how I've been writing it anyway. If I manage to finish Chapter 15 to my satisfaction at some point, I'll put it up, but its not my priority right now.
    Thanks for reading.
  12. Inferna Firesword
    So I'm trying to set up a plan for a story I'm working on. I've hit a snag, though: I need names for a few locations, and I'm drawing blanks on ideas.
    Here's what I need. I need a name for a city, a name for a village, and (possibly) a name for a fortress. I promise I will give you credit if I wind up using your ideas in the final product.
    Commence the brainstorm!
  13. Inferna Firesword
    So I'm more or less still sticking around again. I won't be as active as I was back in the site's heyday, since I'm mostly sticking to DA these days.
    That said, I'm considering starting to post my Bionicle fanfics here, as few as they are. I still have my Wings topics, so if I get that off the ground again I'll probably post chapters there, and I'm toying with a new story idea that might take precedence over it.
    All being said, I want to know if there's anyone here that would read and/or reply to them. Call me egotistical, but I do like hearing what people think about my work.
  14. Inferna Firesword
    So apparently I still remember my password here so I can access my profile, and I'm still Premier, too. I was originally just here to try and remake contact with a couple old friends, but ... well, maybe my leaving the site isn't as permanent as I thought a couple years ago.
    We'll see.
    In any case, hi again. How've things been?
  15. Inferna Firesword
    I've been thinking about making a final break with BZP for a long time now. Heck, I've been doing so in all but name for the last year or so, when I was barely active. But after this latest hack, enough is enough.
    Most of my work is gone, victims of the various hackings and data losses. Most of my friends have left already. My reader base here is not enough for me to have the motivation to continue Wings or Break of Day -- here, anyway.
    My friends know where to find me online: I use this same name on most of the other sites I'm on. I'd list them, but I don't trust the site enough for them to not have their names removed when I bring them up. If you see me there, comment or send a note and mention how I know you; I'll reply pretty quickly.
    It's been fun, BZP, but all things come to an end. Happy Halloween.
  16. Inferna Firesword
    And I'm still Premier, for some odd reason. I haven't paid for Premier-dom for quite a while -- certainly not during the last few months, when I only looked at BZP to check the front page -- so if someone could explain this to me, that'd be nice.
    Anyway ... I'm back.
    For now.
    We'll see how long it takes before I vanish again.
  17. Inferna Firesword
    Yep, it's been a year.
    Considering that nay-sayers kept claiming we'd last two months maximum, I'd say we've proven them dead wrong. =P
    On to two years!
    EDIT: And hey, have another early valentine's day picture, made by Jayson.
  18. Inferna Firesword
    As promised. =)

    This is Andy; he's the older of the pair at 2 1/2 years old. He's polydactyl, so he has an extra toe on both of his front paws (not that you could tell here -- sorry). He's also really funny when it comes to catnip.

    This is Pebbles; she's seven months old. Andy keeps following her around when he sees her, though she's not sure what to think of him right now. Despite the fact she's closer to kittenhood, Andy's a bit more rambunctious than she is -- but she makes up for it by having a very cute meow, in my opinion.
    (I wanted to call them Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel, for the record, but I got vetoed.)
  19. Inferna Firesword
    Mayans: the world's oldest trolls?
    ... jokes aside, I highly doubt that tomorrow will be anything other than the average Friday, not the apocolypse or the 'dawn of a new age' as the New-Age people are calling it. Since whatever's supposed to happen is supposed to happen around 5 AM, I'll probably sleep right through it.
    So, if I don't wake up from earthquakes tomorrow, or I'm unable to move things with my mind (as the New-Ageists are saying I will be), I'm going to have a nice time laughing at the people that bought into it.
  20. Inferna Firesword
    So, after a session with a Dell tech helper (in which he remotely accessed my laptop -- any Mass Effect 2 jokes will result in the joker being shot), apparently my hard drive is the root of the problem. While he managed to do a temporary fix, I need a new drive.
    One option was to send my laptop to the Dell depot to get it fixed, but it'd take over two weeks. The other was to pay a fee and get a tech to reinstall.
    Normally I'd go for the free option, but since it'd be cutting it close to when I go back to college and I'm taking a long trip after Christmas, I can't risk that.
    So, I've got two or so days for me to back up my files before the tech guy comes.
    The things I do for a working computer.
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