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Akuna Toa of Sonics

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Posts posted by Akuna Toa of Sonics

  1. Your drawing of Lewa is very good, especially the mask, but the left leg looks too distorted. I think you were trying for more perspective, but the leg could have been larger.But again, nice work.

  2. The matoran sizes are different for canonical reasons. In 01, the matoran became smaller than they were as Metrutoran because of being in the pods. Then they rebuilt themselves in larger, stronger forms after the Bohrok-Kal came. And the Av-Toran were so big because of the energies in Karda-Nui.Toa and Turaga are, story-wise, similar in height to other Toa and Turaga, I think. The reason why they changed was because of new parts.

  3. Lewa's ax is one of my favorite weapons, along with Nuparu and Hewkii Inika's weapons. I also think Gresh's shield halves were great.As for launchers, the original Zamor launcher is epic.

  4. Update 3/18/12: Since I've been adding so much to this kit since the last edition of the compilation, I've decided to make an up to date one. Also included are some new bohrok poses and the blue Nui-Jaga.HereWhat I plan on doing is making the main things from 2001-2004 in this kit and making another for 2005 and on.

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