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Toa Solon

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Status Updates posted by Toa Solon

  1. Hey Smeagol4! Just wanted you to know that you're doing a good job with the BZP podcasts. Love you msuic choces. I posted it here because I didn't want to go looking for the Podcast itself on BZP if it's here.

  2. Hey welcome to BZPower dude. You need any help, there's this little button if you click on my profile under my picture that says send message, put in your question and I'll try to get back to you

  3. Rock the zamor ball out loud!!!!

  4. U like the Beatles, I like Ringo.Awesome drummer dude!!!!

  5. MacGyver, ya did it, saw that once on the show, awesome series.

  6. What's up............... awesome!Toa J...Out!!!!

  7. Solaran, I haven't been on in ages. I happened to be browsing the forums and found you on! I can always remember our names being so alike haha xD

  8. Man, your up there in posts!!! Good job. Toa J...Out!!!!

  9. Dude, love your banner. Toa J...Out!!!!

  10. Are you really 86, or are you just hiding your true age for internet protection?

  11. Hey, awesome profile pic? How'd you get a white Ignika?

  12. Richard dean Anderson (McGyver) is awesome!

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