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Toa of Nerds

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Year 15

About Toa of Nerds

  • Birthday 07/28/1995

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Somewhere in Kentucky, USA
  • Interests
    I'm, Christian, liberal, and super-nerdy. Outside of Lego, I enjoy video games, reading, music, playing the piano, juggling, and imitating political figures.

    I truly enjoy too many games to mention, but a few of them that pop into my mind are: Age of Empires, Supreme Commander, various sports titles (especially Madden), Lego Star Wars, Sid Meier's games (doesn't matter which one, Civ1 and Col, all the way up through CivIV, he's a genius), Splinter Cell, Elder Scrolls games, and various other games that I cannot mention for the sake of time and space. Right now I'm playing: League of Legends

    My favorite books are: the Harry Potter series by J.k. Rowling, The Hitchhiker's Trilogy (Consisting of five books) by Douglas Adams, All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque, The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumas, the Bionicle books by GregF (obviously), Dune by Frank Herbert, Paranoia by Joseph Finder (or anything else by Joseph Finder, but Paranoia was his best work), The Forever War by Joe Haldeman, Curve Ball by Jim Albert and Jay Bennet (which is non-fiction and super nerdy) and Moneyball by Michael Lewis (also non-fiction and fairly nerdy). I've actually read a bunch more, but those are the ones that I read over and over again and still love them (except after I wake up the next morning). Right now I'm reading: Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut, The Hunger Games by Suzette Collins (just finished)

    I love sports of all kinds, and I mean all kinds. I would watch more Rugby and Cricket if only they showed them more on the American side of the Atlantic. My favorite teams are

    -Atlanta Braves (baseball)
    -Tennessee Titans (american football)
    -Detriot Red Wings (ice hockey)
    -Kentucky Wildcats (college basketball, NATIONAL CHAMPIONS!!!)
    -Murray State Racers (in everything; they're my hometown team)
    -AC Milan (football/soccer)

    My least favorite teams are:

    -Philadelphia Phillies (baseball)
    -New York Yankees (baseball)
    -New England Patriots (american football)
    -Indianapolis Colts (american football)
    -Pittsburg Steelers (american football)
    -Chicago Blackhawks (ice hockey)
    -Philadelphia Flyers (ice hockey)
    -Tennessee Vols (college basketball)Like every real sports fan, I hate more teams than I love :-P. Right now I'm rooting for: The Atlanta Braves in the MLB

    I listen to comedy or nerd-core music such as Weird Al or Jonathan Coultan in addition to rock/pop from artists such as Kansas, Iron Maiden, Maroon 5, and Melody Club (a wonderfully weird Swedish syth-rock group that you should totally check out). Right now I'm listening to: OneRepublic, the Fray, Maroon 5

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  1. If you're a real nerd, you run Linux on your personal computer :P

    1. g.m.c4


      No you don't.

    2. UltraHau


      Why not? I've never seen any nerd (me included) that would prefer Windows on their personal computer over Linux.

    3. a goose

      a goose

      Yes. Even Sheldon Cooper likes Linux better.

      'My favourite Linux based operating system.' and 'Windows 7 is more user-friendly. I don't like that'.

      I still have Windows XP, but I haven't been allowed to mess with computer settings since I accidentally wiped the memory.


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