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Toa of Nerds

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Posts posted by Toa of Nerds

  1. Occasionally, I find it annoying when I start a topic in S & T and nobody reads the first post and the topic dissolves into new member's misconceptions being corrected.It shouldn't annoy me, but it does.

    I concur, and would say that similar issues exist in other sub-forums, too. For instance, this topic has seen people getting corrected over such trivialities as whether MLP is a "meme." Of course, this problem is worst in S&T, and having an influx of posts on whether some character could have lived or done some random thing differently gets quite irritating when it distracts from better discussion of a theory. I wonder if there could be some sort of "Official Simple Questions and Misconceptions" thread.~ BioGio
    Or a "Things that Greg Farshtey has confirmed about current story" thread. Even a pinned link to the old "Official Greg Dialogue" would be helpful.This would stop new members spontaneously bringing Makuta Teridax back from the dead and claiming the Golden Being's mind could have come from Makuta antidermis.

    Also, another pet peeve of mine regarding the word filter is that I'm not exactly sure of all the words that are banned. Now, I know the obvious cuss words, however, there are some marginal words (and some very mild expressions) that are censored, however, I don't know all of them. So, to invoke George Carlin, "could somebody give me a list?"-don't touch my pocket protector

    Um...a posted list of all censored words would be unreadable, because it is, um, censored. And linking to a list of banned words by any member would likely land said member in the net equivalent of BZP jail.
    True, I guess that's the inherent irony in any list of words that should never be said.Also, right now I am working on assembling some data on active BZPower members regarding their age. I'll post what I've found soon.-don't touch my pocket protector
  2. At last! I think Lego should have done this years ago. I really want to see Helm's Deep and Aragorn's epic undead army. Those minifigs should be sweet. Also: Rivendell, a troll catapult, Bilbo's hobbit hole, the Prancing Pony, and Bilbo's epic fight with the dragon at the end of the hobbit. Seriously Lego, you hit a grand slam with this deal.-don't touch my pocket protector

  3. About the word filter, I feel like too much made about the word itself as opposed to the context. What is really wrong with a "mildly offensive" term which is currently censored on BZPower? Is it the word itself, or how the word is being used? From what Gata said, it's obviously the latter. Personally, instead of blanket-banning that word, I think the staff should just continue to enforce their anti-flaming rule. If the word is used to flame, the staff can edit it. Otherwise, I don't see any problem with using it in say, the library forum. Also, another pet peeve of mine regarding the word filter is that I'm not exactly sure of all the words that are banned. Now, I know the obvious cuss words, however, there are some marginal words (and some very mild expressions) that are censored, however, I don't know all of them. So, to invoke George Carlin, "could somebody give me a list?" -don't touch my pocket protector

  4. What exactly does following a topic do? I've selected to follow a couple of topics, but what exactly does it do? Where do these notification go, to my E-mail, to my PM box, where?-don't touch my pocket protector

  5. Hmm... maybe they just need to organise the story content better? They made some effort to do this by dividing the books into three or four different series, but even then, it was still tricky. They seemed to take the philosophy of "take everything from last year off the site so kids don't get confused", rather than archiving it in an accessible way. Ironically, I think taking previous years' content offline actually made it more confusing, as the current storyline each year was presented with very little context, at least as far as the main site is concerned. Kids would need to rely on external sources, such as BS01, to get the full picture without buying a lot of books.

    Dviding the books into series just shows how complicated the story became in later years. Probably what they needed was some sort of 3-5 minute flash video for each year that explained what happened in that year. Then you could go back and re-fresh your memory on the story. Then anybody good get up to date with the story by just watching 30 minutes worth of entertaining videos, instead of having to spend hours reading through mountains of text. They could have still kept backstory and stuff for older fans, but the face of the story should not have been the mountain of written material; it should have been those videos.-don't touch my pocket protector
    They actually tried to do that with the "Bionicle 4-minute retrospective" in 2008, and it didn't work. Although that might have been too little, too late, and it was on Bionicle.com, which only the Bionicle nerds of the time went to.
    Well, really only Bionicle nerds were into the story in anyway. But something like that for each year would have been nice, especially if it was displayed prominently on the website. That way, anybody who wanted to would be able to get into the story. With Hero Factory, however, I get the feeling that they are going for basically no story, which is something that I absolutely cannot get behind. I think Lego needs to realize that they aren't selling action figures, they're selling characters. Do kids buy Spiderman action figures because of their features, or because they're of Spiderman. This connection between character and product is what really drew me to Bionicle in the early years, and the story actually drove most of my purchasing decisions.-don't touch my pocket protector
  6. Hmm... maybe they just need to organise the story content better? They made some effort to do this by dividing the books into three or four different series, but even then, it was still tricky. They seemed to take the philosophy of "take everything from last year off the site so kids don't get confused", rather than archiving it in an accessible way. Ironically, I think taking previous years' content offline actually made it more confusing, as the current storyline each year was presented with very little context, at least as far as the main site is concerned. Kids would need to rely on external sources, such as BS01, to get the full picture without buying a lot of books.

    Dviding the books into series just shows how complicated the story became in later years. Probably what they needed was some sort of 3-5 minute flash video for each year that explained what happened in that year. Then you could go back and re-fresh your memory on the story. Then anybody good get up to date with the story by just watching 30 minutes worth of entertaining videos, instead of having to spend hours reading through mountains of text. They could have still kept backstory and stuff for older fans, but the face of the story should not have been the mountain of written material; it should have been those videos.-don't touch my pocket protector
  7. I would be for BZPower to continue the story after it's finished. The Multiverse was a good idea but I don't think BZPower gave it enough support. Right now, I don't even know where to find multiverse stuff, and I never knew when they updated a chapter. I would like for a group of story nuts (lead by Bonesii of course) to continue the story through regular monthly updates. We could all give feedback and suggestions, but they would have the final say. It wouldn't just be a free-for-all, but we could have input. However, I want to make sure that GregF's finished with the story first. I know he hasn't updated it in a while, but I think we should hold off on any ambitious project at least until we get confirmation that Greg's done.-don't touch my pocket protector

  8. The ironic thing is that the books were the main reason I became a big fan of Bionicle in 2004-05. Consequently, those were my two favorite story years. However, I do see the problem with putting such a large amount of story in a non-free package. I may have bought every single one (or had my parents by every single one :P), but most kids probably couldn't swing it. And while my public library had a reasonably good collection of the books (my library is awesome), it was missing a few.Personally, I think that mountain of backstory was the main reason for Bionicle's end. While I agree somewhat with what Alyska said about accessibility, I think that the main reason was simply the amount of backstory. Kids felt like they had to read tons of stuff to get into Bionicle, so they didn't bother. While that wasn't true, it was the impression that was given off by the 20+ novels, 4 movies, dozens of comics, numerous serials, multiple guidebooks (I count at least 5 on my shelf right now), and the flat-out massive wiki on Biosector01. Is it really worth it to read all this stuff to get into Bionicle? Many kids answered no, and went off to play with their transformers.-don't touch my pocket protector

  9. I forgot to post a chapter Saturday and Twas the second time.

    This comedy is updated on Sunday, not Saturday. :) Patience. We can't expect comedians to abandon their lives and completely devote every waking moment to this site.
    Yes, I've got a life, and I've also got a cold right now which is making the former difficult. However, I've also got the next product lined up:

    Product Seven

    Credit fishers64 for the idea.

    Announcer: Do you want to be a Premier Member?Audience: Yes!Announcer: Do you catch yourself lustfully looking at the lavish Premier Member logo?Audience: Yes!Announcer: Are you willing to pay the exorbitant $35 to become one?Audience: NO!Announcer: Then you need Premier ME! Audience: Yay!Announcer: Premier ME! is a breakthrough product that can make YOU a premier member. It’s simple! Just input your username and password into the program and it will hack into BZPower server, making you a Premier Member, too!Crying 47-year-old in audience: It’s just what I’ve always dreamed of!Announcer: Yes it is! Premier ME! is fast, safe*, and has not been proven illegal in a court of law yet!*Safe being defined as: “unable to cause physical harm to the user’s body, specifically excluding self-inflicted injuries relating to the user finding out that his/her BZPower account was hacked.”Audience: Whoopie!Announcer: This will get you every Premier Membership benefit including:Polls!Games!Blogs!Rank Images!Inbox Space!And much, much more, all without that sick feeling of parting with your hard earned cash!Audience: Huzzah!Announcer: A “real” Premier Membership could run you $35 for a lifetime membership. Think of all the Lego sets and coconut flavored slushies you could buy in a lifetime with $35.Audience: Yum, coconut slushies.Announcer: But this life-changing product doesn’t cost $35. It doesn’t cost $25 either. This unbelievable program can be yours for only four easy payments of $19.95.Audience: Wow!Announcer: And what’s more, we’re giving you a lifetime* supply of coconut slushies as well! That’s a $35 value, yours absolutely free!*Lifetime refers to the lifetime of your pet hamsterAudience: No way!Announcer: Yes way! For only a fraction* of the cost of a Premier Membership!*The fraction is 16/7. It’s still a fraction. Don’t believe me? Well, you should have spent less time shooting spit balls at the blackboard during math class, then.Audience: Sweet!Announcer: And when you order, ask about our Premier Premier Membership package! Only available to our Premier Premier ME! customers, for only a small variable monthly interest rate,this package will get you even more bonuses than a normal Premier Membership!Audience: Like what?Announcer: Like quadruple the inbox space! A special “Premier Premier Member” logo! Super secret bonus rank images! Oh, and the ability to edit other people’s posts.Audience: Yippie!Announcer: That’s right! Is somebody giving you trouble about your MOC or artwork? Well, you can fix that with a Premier Premier ME! Membership! Have them love you instantly without having to go through all the hassle of actually changing their minds! All these benefits, still for only a fraction* of the cost of a “real” Premier Membership!*Where x=payment and n=the number of months in the purchase order, the fraction is approximately equal to: 80{∑x1…xn * [sin(n^2) + tan(√x)]}/35. That’s still a fraction, too. And it makes sense, just trust us ;).Announcer: And what’s more, the contract you have to sign will give you a working knowledge of trigonometry if you read it!Audience: Whoa, I always wanted to learn triggerwhatsit!Announcer: And if you order the Premier Premier ME! , then we’ll double your lifetime* supply of coconut slushies! That’s right, you get TWO lifetimes** worth of coconut slushies. That’s a $70 value, yours totally free!* Once again, “lifetime” refers to the lifetime of your pet hamster. Don’t have a pet hamster? Just call 1-800-HAMSTER and we’ll send you one for only 19.95 (plus shipping and handling). For an extra 4.95, we’ll even poke air holes in the shipping container. Call now!** Extra lifetime supply of coconut slushies is not redeemable in any afterlife scenarios; that would violate BZPower’s religious discussion policy.Announcer: So what are you waiting for! The number is on your screen and being spontaneously shouted out by the audience!Audience: 1-800-PREMIER!Announcer: Pick up the phone—Audience: 1-800-PREMIER!Announcer: and—Audience: 1-800-PREMIER!Announcer: CALL NOW!Audience: 1-800-PREMIER!And I guarantee (less shipping and handling) that next week's product will actually be posted on Saturday. Also, photo-shopped images will be making a return.-don't touch my pocket protector

  10. People who overuse the " :pirate:" emote.The " :pirate: emote is cute, but...The " :pirate:" emote just gets overused.

    I've never used that emote ever... till right...NOW! :pirate: Anyway, my pet peeve would have to be when I have to deal with other members that don't know how to make complete sentences, spell everything wrong, and always misunderstand everything you tell them...I see a lot of that in the RPG forums...And they're usually YOUNGER PEOPLE!!! :o Why do I feel old when I say that?
    Yarg! :pirate: Kids these days!But I've also got very little patience who don't use proper grammar. Seriously, just because it's the internet doesn't give you a license to be illiterate.-don't touch my pocket protector
  11. The ponies do annoy me a bit, but I can get over them just like any internet meme. Not being able to link to other sites also annoys me. I understand the reasoning behind it, but I personally have faith in the membership's ability to be appropriate, and the staff's ability to moderate it in any situation where it isn't. Personally, I don't see any difference between linking to a website and posting a picture. The BZPower staff have no control over the picture that's posted, however, if it were inappropriate, then the staff could easily remove it. Same thing for links, if the link is to an inappropriate site, then the staff could simply remove it.-don't touch my pocket protector

  12. I think the cultures will probably get used to each other's customs. When you first hear music from one culture, you might think it's terrible. However, if you spend a long time living with that group of people, then you might come to like that music. Something similar might happen here.-don't touch my pocket protector

    I can see what you mean there, but at the same time I don't think you could ever enjoy the way someone else eats :P I'd say it would more be more to do with becoming tolerant of the eating, or music in your analogy.
    Well, yeah, if you focus on somebody else eating then it would probably gross you out even if it's culturally acceptable.

    Simple. Matoran don't eat, Agori do. It's not like the Matoran can be like "Can I have some of that?" like when you're eating chocolate and and your dog wants some. Matoran can't eat, so it can't really be an issue. Besides, I doubt this has any storyline significance.

    Matoran do eat. They do it by absorbing the energy of the meal through their hands.
    I meant that they don't eat with their mouths
    I think they can eat with their mouths, but they just choose not to because absorbing food through their hands is much more convenient, and perhaps attracts less social stigma. Not 100% on this, but I can't PM GregF to confirm it :(.-don't touch my pocket protector
  13. Well, I hope that it goes on. It was probably one of the best storylines Lego ever created.

    Correction: it was the best storyline Lego ever created. But how much of Bionicle is left? Well, Bionicle is, and forever will be, beholden in the hearts of all its fans. Although its story may have ended, it's legacy has not, as evidenced by the continued existence of this very site.-don't touch my pocket protector
  14. I think the cultures will probably get used to each other's customs. When you first hear music from one culture, you might think it's terrible. However, if you spend a long time living with that group of people, then you might come to like that music. Something similar might happen here.-don't touch my pocket protector

  15. Wasn't there an announcement a while back that said there was a 1 hour long special of Hero Factory planned for 2012? Would that be considered a movie?

    No. That's a TV special. A feature length movie is around 2 hours long and is either released to theaters or direct to DVD (like the Bionicle movies were).-don't touch my pocket protector
  16. Very interesting. WoS was actually my favorite book when I read it (now it's my second favorite, behind Time Trap), however, I thought the movie was underwhelming. Matau was actually my favorite character in 2004-05, but I think the movies did him a dis-service. The voice acting made him sound like a real buffoon, when in actuality he was much more than that.-don't touch my pocket protector

  17. And on the subject at hand, what currency do you think will become the 'main' one? I'm not sure what the Agori use (probably just trading), but it seems widgets might be considered unless Metallic Protodermis becomes rare. Also, what happens to the Matoran holiday(s), such as Naming Day? Or what about whatever Agori celebrate? Will those still be a thing, and will both races be able to join in the fun?

    I think the Agori used water as a currency (like in Dune) but now that Mata-Nui's turned Spherus Magna into a paradise, that may be a bit obsolete. With that in mind, they'll probably switch over to Widgets or a similar currency. As for holidays, I'd imagine that Naming Day would take a similar place in society as Hanukah in America. A majority of American's don't celebrate it, but there is still a community within America that does. I'd imagine the same sort of thing for Naming Day and other Matoran holidays.

    I think after all they've been through, and with Mata Nui's little speech thing, they'll generally get along okay. I think they've realized they've got nothing to gain from fighting with each other, and matoran and agori seem like pretty nice people all around anyway.

    You're thinking rationally. Racists don't think rationally.

    I think Tahu's changed a lot over the years, I don't think he'd have a problem with taking orders anymore. I'd personally like him to pack it in now and become a Turaga, as his destiny has been achieved he can do that...

    I kind of wish that all the Toa Nuva would have become Turaga after they awakened Mata-Nui. That would have brought the whole Bionicle saga full circle and made for a much better ending.-don't touch my pocket protector
  18. Product Six

    Announcer: Have you ever promised to do something in advance?Anonymous BZPower Comedy Writer: Yes!Announcer: Even something as simple as “I promise to post a chapter every Saturday?”Anonymous BZPower Comedy Writer: Yes!Announcer: And then, due to an unexpected road trip, you were unable to do it?Anonymous BZPower Comedy Writer: Totally!Announcer: Are you too ashamed to deliver the embarrassing apology in person (ambiguous references throughout this chapter notwithstanding)?Anonymous BZPower Comedy Writer: Yes!Announcer: Then you need Insta-Apology 3000. This breakthrough technology will deliver your admission of guilt guilt-free!Anonymous BZPower Comedy Writer: That’s just what I need!Announcer: Simply input what you’re sorry for and the parties that have been offended. Insta-Apology 3000 will automatically send apologetic PMs to all of the people you imputed. Here are some examples:

    I may shed a thousand tears, but it shall never repair the damage I did to you when I forgot to post a chapter Saturday.

    I will forever be in your debt because I forgot to post a chapter Saturday.

    When I forgot to post a chapter Saturday, I know I destroyed your life forever. I’m sorry.

    Anonymous BZPower Comedy Writer: Wow! That’s exactly what I need! But I don’t know everybody who follows my comedy. If only I could find a way to post these apologies in a way that everybody who reads this topic could see…Announcer: Why, that’s easy! Just use our optional topic post feature! Available for only an additional 4.95 widgets, this enhancement will allow you to remotely post your apologies in any topic you choose! Even this one!Anonymous BZPower Comedy Writer: Awesome!Announcer: It can even use built-in corny poetry! Just watch!

    Roses are RedViolets are BlueYour Heart was BrokenBecause I forgot to post a chapter Saturday.

    Anonymous BZPower Comedy Writer: Hmm, I’ll pass on the poetry for now, but that’s still a great option!Announcer: You bet it is! And that’s the great thing about Insta-Apology 3000, you have so many options! For only four easy payments of 19.95, you can get 3,000 apologetic lines for use! That includes 300 cruddy poems, 500 singing apologies (where a chorus of similes delivers your apology with a hear-wrenching tune), and 800 different background colors! If you need to apologize for something, then there’s no better time to do it. Call Now!Anonymous BZPower Comedy Writer: It really works!
  19. I'm guessing that Teridax didn't have enough time to escape from the body, especially since the rock took him completely by surprise.Either that, or Makuta was hard-wired into Mata-Nui's body to where if the body was destroyed, then Makuta would die. It could be that Makuta did that because he didn't want to get kicked out of the body, or due to some by product of the process by which he inserted himself into that body.-don't touch my pocket protector

  20. I believe GregF did say if the BIONICLEstory.com goes down, he may continue posting here or BS01. Now with LEGO's policy, I am not sure how it can be done.

    And that policy is precisely why I can't blame GregF for this long period of inactivity. I do not believe we are forgotten about but when it comes right down to it GregF makes no money for his family when writes BIONICLE. Besides the fan's disappointment he loses nothing from not writing it. I understand how frustrating this is, but when it comes right down to it it's hard to keep up with a community you can't even interact with.
    I guess Greg could always cut ties with lego if he really wanted to, but then what? Although Bionicle has been canceled, I'd imagine lego still owns it...
    He is not going to quit his job any time soon. If he does extend Bionicle, he's going to be doing it on his own time soley for our benefit. The fact that he's even considering to extend the story is remarkable.-don't touch my pocket protector
  21. There's another topic about who your favorite writers on BZP are, so I thought I'd make a topic asking you what your favorite fanfics are. So what's your favorite epic? Short Story? Comedy?-don't touch my pocket protector

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