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Status Updates posted by vanderlyle

  1. Late review, but hopefully it's satisfyin'!

    It's been a while, sir, how's it going?

  2. I like sweet (read:GIRLY) coffees like french vanilla. I also like green tea lattes ~

    Caffeine pills make me nervous and crazy. Have you tried them before?


  3. I keep dreaming about school because I wish my winter break was over. LOLWUT.

  4. That Gurren Lagann mecha is looking really cool, brah.

    You do all your art in Paint? That's hardcore.

  5. Heey, how's it haaaangin'?

    lol, it took me a while to notice the add, sorry...

  6. Cool stuff, I'm looking forward to seeing it completed. Almost a humanized Tahu Mistika, yeah?

  7. Haha, right? Sheldon is hilarious, but he also stresses me out sometimes too.

    I just randomly remembered it... and how I haven't been able to watch it lately since I don't have cable.

  8. Haha, great new interests blurb!

    House = utter win.

    Ever watched 'The Big Bang Theory'?

  9. You've got a really nice, bold, graphic, comic line style that I'm really digging. That guy is really kickin'!


    Haha, awesome stuff, man.

  10. I want to post in your old art topics but that would be reviving and that is bad! D:

    Marvel Zombies is so awesome - that's really cool how you made a bionicle version! I really like it! Zombie Kopaka is looking so rad.

    But I have to say that Lewa Mata is my favorite. That's a really good choice of colour - leaving the foreground white and all that. I seriously miss th

  11. YO MAN.

    Is it Saturday and lunch time in Singapore?

  12. Yeah, one of my courses is character design. Learn how to effectively... uh... design a character. Lotsa drawing, ahahaha.

  13. I'm a 10ish minute walk from the school and I use my laptop. It's pretty rockin'.

    SERIOUSLY, tonight I'll write it! I'm cramming my poses sheet for character design... D:

  14. School is kicking my butt, HOWEVER, I have a 2 hour lunch tomorrow and will comment ;D

  15. Friend of a friend tried seeing how long he could game without sleeping. Got sent a picture of his basement - it was digusting with coke bottles and garbage everywhere! His parents found him unconscious one day and he had to go to the hospital to get his stomach pumped b/c of caffeine poisoning.

    And I really don't know what any of that GCE and Express stuff means, but it sounds heavy.

  16. Looking up until you're sixteen? Biggest exam on that say? Some kind of entrance exam/SAT thing...?

    Finished reading Outro Iii but commenty will have come later - gotta eat and head back to the lab. D:

    It was good and I'll elaborate when I come back! ;D

  17. It's a horrible thing being used to not having a good birthday. YEAH, I CAN RELATE.

    Star Wars, eh? Sounds sick.

  18. Oh lawdy, i missed your bday. D:

    Happy belated! Didja have fun? Didja get cool stuffs? ;3

  19. You're display name makes me giggle - it's so rad. :D

    Waah, I miss Oz. That trip to GBR sounds siiick.

  20. OH. MY. good.

    You revived my poem. I thought that things had been long since buried and I'd never have to see it ever again and you reviiiiived it now it's a zombie coming to get me akhfjb dvfkj! D:

    Actually it's okay, I just laugh at myself and get really embarrassed when I remember it. The topic has also kinda bugged out and I can't see your comment and I'm actu

  21. West siiiide, alriiight. I lived on the west too, in Pasir Panjang.

    West is win, lol.

  22. Like, 10 years ago? I remember it very well though, ahaha! Can vividly recall certain streets and intersections and markets - crazy stuff!

    Yeah, Avenue Q was just over here in Toronto until the first week of September I believe, so it may take a while for them to get over to where you are.

    I wonder if they'll actually be allowed there though...? D:

  23. Yeah, the play itself is quite explicit ("You Can Be As Loud As The --- You Want" immediately comes to mind), but it's incredibly funny and if you've already listened to the soundtrack, you'd probably be okay with seeing it. So convince whomever you need to and GO SEE IT. ;D

    BTW, Singapore? I used to live there, ahaha.

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