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Status Updates posted by guitarrage07

  1. Thanks! Your taste in music is really cool too!

  2. It has to, or it's not "guitarrage".

  3. Yeah, bands tend to get worse as they get older. As for the Galactic Cowboys, anything from "Space in Your Face" was good.

  4. I checked them out. They're alright. It is definetly a different style. My favorite is the Galactic Cowboys.

  5. Never woulda thought of that screenname...

  6. Let's see... Lacuna Coil, Nightwish, Opeth, King's X, Alice in Chains, Live, and a little bit of Atreyu.

  7. I know it's been said a million times before, but your name is... wow.

  8. Great personal statement. That's what I always say...

  9. I'd rather not say -just because I'm not comfotable with that kind of thing.

  10. Yes, iRocco, I would care about the "interests" box!

  11. Thanks for adding me as a friend. I intend to be one! I noticed that you had just joined today. Welcome to BZPower.com!

  12. Real nice guy... Likes to open up conversation.

  13. Hey, man I just wanted to say thanks for your consideration on my sig. I appreciate it!

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