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Everything posted by Em-Oh-Cee-Ehr

  1. AYE to all votes on Prohibition. AYE to all new members; I have no reason to turn my back on promising new Authors. -Em
  2. Knowing what it takes to become a CIRCLE member in the first place, getting a promotion is certainly unobjectable by me. Seriously, Aye for them all. -Em
  3. 180a: Aye; quite a brilliant story. 229: Aye. 230: Aye; Mata Nui, saving worlds and selling swords. Nice. =P 231: Aye; sounds fair. 232: Aye. 233: Aye, I guess, but I'm a little on the fence.... 234: Aye; any chance I can have one? XD -Em
  4. 165a: Aye. If he's back, he should have "Probation" removed. 223: Sounds much like the Bahrang; I loved them! =D Aye. 224: Aye; those high-up guys need names, too. 225: Revenge is bittersweet; Aye. 226: Physics monsters?! I can't say Aye fast enough. 227: Aye. 228: Aye. -Em
  5. Though I do not know Legend as well as the others, I know Kohila for sure. The first three I know would participate if they could; meaning somehting may have just come up. I cannot speak for Legend, unfortunately. So, there, my two cents have been deposited. -Em
  6. Though I missed the due date (Sorry, I've been busy) I have no one to nominate anyways. -Em
  7. I can help, but not very much right away. But as soon as summer hits... Hehe... yeah, I can update a lot more. So, please don't count me out but don't necessarily expect things right away. -Em
  8. 190a: "In-vin-cable." Aye. 195a: Aye. 218: Ah... we come up the darndest masks! A cool idea, Aye. 219: Hate to be the Insanity stuck in place. Aye. 220: Aye. 221: Aye. 222: I find it a very cool idea. It's one of those masks that you don't think would be real useful, until you begin to think about it. Definitely Aye! -Em
  9. Again, sorry for not voting. Yahoo is neglectful of BZP, apparently... 211: Aye. 212: I'm sorry, I can't get the picture of psychic frogs out of my head. XD I like it! Aye. 213: Aye. 214: Parasites! They sound like Parasites or Tallon Crabs. Aye. 215: Uh... I'm assuming that's a no-no. 216: Aye. 217: Aye. -Em
  10. So sorry! Yahoo is horrible, so here goes... 164a: Aye. 184a: Sounds really cool, and with obvious reprocutions to its great power. Aye. 204: Aye. 205: Slavery. Oh, goodie. Adds a good amount of realism and humanity to the universe. Aye. 206: Curious death is curious. Aye. 207: Aye. 208: Aye. 209: GODZILLA!! Sorry, couldn't resist. Aye. 210: Matoran can have wepaons, too. Makes you wonder why these aren't true canon... Aye. (Despite my voting 'Aye' on all, I did read the articles.) -Em
  11. Article 196- Ooh, Aye. Article 197- Noun or Adjective? I'll assume Noun because of the wording. Aye. Article 198- THAT is an adjective, I'm sure. Aye. Article 199- Aye; very noble. Article 200 (We're already there?!)- Aye. Article 201- Aye. Article 202- Aye. Article 203- I don't even know how to play chess, let alone Uuk-Koi. XD Aye.
  12. Article 184- Very interesting; Aye. Article 185- This appears to be an upgrad eof my Mask of Information, worn by Toa Xioc Tahara. I'm sorry, I actually don't remember the name of it... I still say Aye, but I'm just pointing it out. Article 186- Aye Article 187- Very Ninja-like. Aye Article 188- Hmm... Yeah, Aye Article 189- Aye Article 190- Sounds like Balta's blades (Sonic Blades, I think...?) Aye Article 191- Aye Article 192- Funny thing is, guess what I'm talking about in Molec. Biology? Aye =P Article 193- Aye Article 194- Hmm... who could possibly wear it? Aye Article 195- Chains of mercury would not be perfectly healthy, but it's an Aye. =P I know I answered 'Aye' to a lot of them, but, yes, I did think about my answers.
  13. Sorry it took me so long. Article 177- I have to say Nay on this one, as, personally, I can see no reason to make this happen. (Keep in mind please, that my island is lost to the world, so... that's why). I can understand how it is difficult for Ballom, for example, because if I rember correctly the islandis a major trading hub. Article 178- Aye! Definitely Aye: I'm easily interested when giant,d estructive things are involved. >=D Article 179- Aye Article 180- 0_0 Quite the history. In fact, the Article itself is a work of literacy on its own! Oh, yes, an Aye Article 181- More deep descriptions. Aye Article 182- Aye Article 183- Aye
  14. 169: If the mask only funstions with the Dome of Xen, then Aye. Otherwise (As in it can function in any dome) Nay. 170: Aye 171: Aye. 172: Ooh... Interesting... AYE! 173: Aye. 174: It sounds like Psi-Ops. Aye. 175: Aye. 176: Aye. -Em
  15. 112a: Aye. 147a: Vuata Maca? Sounds familiar... meh, Aye; We need some background filled in. 164: Aye; Hating having to punish other members, but... It has to be done, Y'know? 165: Aye; Above. 166: Hey! Good news! Aye. 167: Depressing... but VERY interesting! Aye; I like it. 168: ...Lizard people? Insane, but I like it. Aye! -Em
  16. 8b: Aye, No Comment. 123a: Aye. Again, no comment. 153: Aye. If there can be a great mask of Gravity, Magnetism, yada yada, there can be one of Sonics, too. 154: Aye See the reasoning above. 155: Aye. It seems to be a very specialized mask, and it just sounds cool. 156: ... I have to say Nay, as it a rather strange and nearly unusable mask. Sorreh. 157: Aye. No comment. 158: Aye. I think this Kanohi sounds relaly cool, honestly. Also very interesting for a Toa to use, what with the random severity of the bolt. 159: Aye. No comment other than 'Useful'. 160: Aye. Sounds like not-cold cryogenics to me. Sounds interesting.... 161: Aye. Useful if we need to use them. 162: Aye. I miss the Kaita Formes already.... :,( -Em
  17. 5d: Aye; much more in-depth and final. But what do the different colors mean? ??? 100: Aye. 140: Aye; sounds interesting, but if at all possible, can we have some more information on these Kravah? 144: Good to see the CIRCLE expanding. 145: See '144' 146: Hrm... I think I'll say Aye. 147: Aye; it's good to know that Lessy isn't so lonely after all. 148: Aye; I could make a comparison to real life, but I'm lazy. 149: Hrm... I'd have to say Aye, disagreeing with --V--. I find it a very interesting prospect, like if there were to be a species created that didn't need a Kanohi to wear. Then it would be proven useful. 150: Again, Aye. I find it interesting that it can be smelted with protodermis to form powered objects besides Masks. 151: Aye; Everyone loves destructable phone-like objects! 152: Aye! Finally someone invents high-tech earmuffs that allow De-Matoran to be... a living, sociallizing Matoran. I like it. -Em
  18. Well... I'd say give him more time, but we've done that for nearly three months- the tnirety of the summer... I would vote for Probation, as he could be moving or... something. I'm osrry, not to clear-headed right now for backup reasoning, but Probation is my vote. -Em
  19. Article 135: Aye, more background, more fun stuff to mess with. Article 136: Aye, but I must ask: what are Ota-Matoran again? Article 137: Aye, more geography... Article 138: Aye, more fillers. And I've just noticed; The CIRCLE really is filling a lot of non-important, but important-enough stuff, huh? Article 139: Aye, adding more species furthers the intrigue of the CIRCLE universe. Article 140: ...Aye? Yeah, Aye. But wouldn't it be difficult to battle beings two dimensions away? Article 141: Aye; Although I'm minorly iffy on the fact of a Perfect Warrior possibly coming into existance, I'll go with Aye because it's just so darn interesting. Article 142: Aye. Well, that was a quick bio. Article 143: Aye, more background.... -Em
  20. Article 119a: Aye; Bionicle could use some Laptops. May I recommend HP? Article 127: Aye, as I have no problem to having the Makuta, well... put in their place, so-to-speak. Article 128: Aye, as I again have no problem to having the Makuta named and Storyline Added Article 129: Aye. Ooh... very Asgard-y. ... What? No one watches Stargate? Article 130: Aye. And, per Ausar's reasoning, could it be said that the reprocussions were that the barrier between this dimension and others becoming thinner. Article 131: Aye; You all seem to like the idea of Legendary Kanohi, don't you? Article 132: Aye; Ballom, I applaud you for making a change to the Legendary Kanohi idea, adding a sister mask and all. Article 133: Aye, more vocab means more backgrund, which I like. Article 134: Aye; The Stones sound like eggs, don't they? -Em
  21. Oh. ... I guess that would make sence. Sure! Do I need to state where in the Makuta Alphabet my Makuta belong? -Em
  22. 42. Solizar, Makuta of Crosies; Was killed in the hostile takeover of the island by the Brotherhood. Yes, he was a rebel. 62. There is no Makuta of Xioc Nui; Xioc Nui was originally Detark Nui before the Great Lift. 77. Solax, Makuta of Detark Nui; has not been spotted on Xioc Nui, which was Detark Nui before Lifting. -Em
  23. I will change my vote on Article 119 to Nay, seeing Ausar's point. Telepathy is much better than a GPS Cell Phone. -Em
  24. I'd say it would take a concentrated thirty to sixty seconds of direct physical contact by a Toa of Energy, with the lower estimate inducing grogginess and the higher estimate leading to short-lived slumber. However, it should be noted that the effects would not be as long lasting by any means as a prospective Toa of Sleep's abilities. As far as my actual ballot goes I'm "Undecided" on Article 120 because I'm pondering the differences and similarities involved between "Molecular Disruption" and "Disintegration". ~ Åusår*** Kemet Nui Epic ~ Review ~ Inhabitants *** Moecular Disruption doesn't nessecarily have to mean dispersing molecules, only that the Toa would disrupt the natural state of the molecules, thus affecting the object by casing it to lose it's density, and drift apart, or to crush molecules together so as to shrink the object, to name a few powers.. It can go many ways, unlike with disintigration, which only disperses molecules. TT Does this mean that these Toa could also change the state of matter it is in? Solid... Liquid... Gas? Just asking. 8) -Em
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