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Status Updates posted by Sakaru

  1. Okay. All I have is a case of artist block starting to develop...

  2. I hope to get them on the computer after I get my current drawing finished. Yep I'm moving. It's like a maze to get where I'm sitting right now. My family has collected a lot of unneeded things in the 14 or so years we've lived in this house. And there are so many boxes in the house right now it's crazy. O.O

  3. Yes, it is. Is LOST good?

  4. I forgot to write episode. *facepalm*

  5. A not so Premier premiere (but still new) of N.C.I.S is on tonight! =P

  6. N.C.I.S is on tonight!

  7. D= So wassup now?

  8. Yeah. B) But untill then I have to be carefull not to lean too far to where ever th missing wheel is or else th chair starts too tip over... O_O

  9. It looks like the wheel can be replaced, so I might be able to buy a new wheel.

  10. That's waht I usually do, but right now I can't because my faimly is in the process of moving... And the laptop that works with the scanner is packed away somewhere... But I'm going to try to get the scanner to work with this computer.

  11. Yeah, it would be... If I knew where the ducktape was... :|

  12. Yeah... Maybe I need some ducktape.

  13. I would melt the plastic back together... Oh wait, it would catch on fire NEVERMIND!

  14. I dont know... If I had a blowtorch maybe I could fix it. =P

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