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Everything posted by AlphaOmega770

  1. your confused il send you a messege to explain how i got those items

  2. now i got the old timers badge to

  3. unclose my my lego network topic it was made because the origenol was getting full!

  4. i will just wait til i can email you

  5. tell me khanhphan password so i can rank it up with my account

  6. biokid traded but the trade is still on for any 1

  7. il trade my rank 3 account with a lego mag badge and a s.p.a badge i almost have a lego creation badge if you have a account with the kanoka badge and the beta testers badge and il trade you my account and i have 2 mindcontrol mechines 4 nebuler crystals lots of brick and 2 parts of the p.o.s. badge 1 ruby and a sapphire and a cryogenic sleep unit and lots more... and i dont care what rank you are

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