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Blog Entries posted by Shadonix

  1. Shadonix
    To just curl up in bed with my dog at 10:45 PM listening to music really quietly so as not to wake my dad... It doesn't get much better than this.
    Good dog.
    Best friend.

  2. Shadonix
    I promise there is absolutely nothing like the feeling of waking up at 5:30 in the morning after 6 hours of restless sleep with an aching back.
    Time to face my high school. sigh...
  3. Shadonix
    So today I saw Limitless with two of my friends. It was actually a really good movie, despite me thinking it would be horrible. Hmm.
  4. Shadonix
    After biking down to the library at 2:45, staying until 5:45, and returning home a few minutes ago, I came to a sad, bitter conclusion. Spring is a backstabber. O spring, why hast thou lied to me? Thy tender promises of warmth and fair weather and all for what? A fortnight of biting cold and wicked winds whipping away at the frigid water. I shall trust thee nevermore!
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