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Status Updates posted by TheJake

  1. I can't wait for the episode! :D

  2. Bleach was pretty good this week. I don't like Wonderweiss very much, though. This Naruto is probably the best one EVER. I can't wait for the next chapter! Team 7 vs injured Sasuke should be interesting... I'm betting we'll see a lot of flashbacks, though.

  3. Speaking of xxxHolic, do you know when the next chapter is coming out?

  4. I just finished Psyren! It was so awesome. :)

  5. I'm over halfway done with Psyren, now! I'm on chapter 72 when Nemesis Q says that her life is in immediate danger and request Ageha's and Amamiya's help...

  6. I never payed attention to the anime, but now I want to check it out! :)

    P.S. Remember when I said I was going to get a TRC personal pic? Well, I gave up. I couldn't find any that I liked. >.>

  7. It looks like we might learn what the crimson pearl actually does next chapter! :D

  8. Thanks! I haven't even checked OM lately... -_- I'm off to read it! :D

  9. I think that Madara will come and teleport Sasuke away. That's the only way Sasuke won't lose (that I can think of)...

  10. The new chater was very good. :) Sasuke vs Kakashi looks like it will be very interesting. Kakashi will probably win, though...

  11. Have you ever played Dirge of Cerberus? If you have, is it worth getting?

    P.S. I'm at Gongaga Village, now! :)

  12. What Materia did you have equipped by the the end of the game?

  13. You have a point there. :P

  14. I didn't even think about that... :P

  15. Why doesn't Yamamoto ever do anything? He's probably just as strong as Aizen... I totally agree with you about Naruto. :)

  16. A new chapter's out! Hopefully we'll see Himawari, soon. It looks like we'll finally see the crimson pearl on the next chapter...

  17. Once again, I was pleased with both chapters! Hopefully another Naruto vs Sasuke fight is coming soon... Bleach was really surprising. Too bad about Momo, though (she's one of my favorite characters...).

  18. The existence of FWR has always confused me...

  19. Yeah, but it fits the OAD's plot...

  20. Nice find! I really liked the screen shots and the trailer. Hopefully that's the song for the movie... Anyway, it's looking good!

  21. I just want to know what the crimson pearl does... Knowing who that girl is would be good, too.

  22. On another note, there's a new xxxHolic chapter! Maybe next time, we'll finally see Himawari again! :)

    P.S. I guess I should have done what you said in the first place. I'll try to find another pic later...

  23. For once, I'm satisfied with both chapters! Bleach was really amazing this week. We can guess that Aizen isn't finished, though... Sakura vs Sai in Naruto will probably be good (unless it's interrupted). Hopefully, Sasuke gets to Konoha soon.

  24. Even though I just changed my personal pic (again...), I'm trying to find a TRC one. It is my favorite manga after all, and I've only had one personal pic for it. Every time I type in "Sakura", I keep finding pictures of Sakura from Naruto, though. -_-

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