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Posts posted by (Daedalus)

  1. IC: Einefus Ingrayv (Vingt - Inn)


    Well, how 'bout that? First I'm a sir (twice), now I'm a mister. I guess the dirt and grime is only revolting to some people.


    "Wey nah, ah'm ready tuh leave enny time," I say. "Ol' Irene--das mah Exo, da Rosteimer--is pahked jus' outsi'." I pause a moment, thinking of the Mangaia area. "Ah should prolly le' yuh know, howe'uh, dat i's been a while sence ah been ou' deyah. May tek me a bi' tuh fin' wha' yuh lookin' fuh. Oh, an' we cuhtainly mus' be cayful. Da law don' tek kinely tuh innividuls snoopin' 'roun' da gov'men' ayeah." For the first time in my recent interactions with other living things, I let one corner of my mouth raise ever so slightly, in the closest thing I ever get to a smile. "Ah hope yuh be eble tuh han'le a li'l sneakin'."

  2. So now that Ingrayv is nearly ready to lead Oblitus into the Mangaia catacombs... how exactly do they get there? I assume it's going to take a little more than a quick post of Ingrayv saying "I lead Oblitus into the catacombs."

  3. IC: Einefus Ingrayv (Vingt - Inn)


    Good sir? That's twice in one day. Either everyone's gotten politer (which I highly doubt in this day and age) or everyone's developed a similar brand of off-kilter humor. I'm inclined to believe the latter, but whatever. It doesn't matter to me.


    "Einefus Ingrayv, dough I preffer simply Ingrayv," I say.

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  4. IC: Einefus Ingrayv (Vingt - Inn)


    I grind the fragmenting bits of my cigarette into the bar, garnering a burning glare from the bartender. I maintain dull eye contact with him until he shakes his head and turns away. I look back at Oblitus, who had just finished saying something to the patron on his other side.


    "Danger ain' no prollum. Ah'll len' a han' whey necessry, no hesitation, an' ah got a decen' han' tuh len', ain' no mattuh da danger."

  5. Finished T is for Trespass. This one is quite a bit darker than most of the other books. The conflict between Kinsey and the antagonist is much more psychological and it is present throughout much of the book. It's alos different from the others in that Kinsey knows who committed the crime pretty early on, she just needs to prove it by figuring out how and why.


    Now I'm on U is for Undertow. I remember next to nothing about this one, so it should be interesting to see again how it plays out.

  6. IC: Einefus Ingrayv (Vingt - Inn)


    I nod slowly and step around him, laboriously perching on the stool he indicated. I rub a spot of bright red amidst the grime on my left index finger with my left thumb.


    "Ah am. Ah can ge' yuh inside, dough once in deyah mah knowledge is limited." I take a drag from my stub of a cigarette. "Da' sayed, I inten' on accompanioning yuh all da way t'rough tuh da haht o' da mattuh."

  7. IC: Einefus Ingrayv (Vingt - Inn)


    My guess was correct. I slowly walk over and stand a short distance from him. He'd been talking to the patron next to him, but for the moment, his attention was on me.


    I pick a piece of loose tobacco off my tongue. "Vert sen' me."

  8. IC: Einefus Ingrayv (Vingt - Streets-to-inn)


    I grunt out something unintelligible in response and start toward the inn, dumping the stuff Vert had pushed into my hands. I don't need that stuff.


    I push the door open and step in, lazily scanning the room. I don't know exactly who I'm looking for; all I know is that it's a De-Matoran named Oblitus. There's only one De-Matoran in the inn, and he's sitting at the bar. As I roll my half-smoked cigarette between my fingers, my eyes settle on him.


    I don't look away from him, but I raise my voice to address all the patrons. "I be lookin' fuh one goin' bah da name Oblitus. Dat name belong tuh anyone hyuh?"

  9. GM

    Vert took several moments to process Einefus' words, his accent could be difficult to decipher.


    Though this might have been just an in-character observation, I recognize that Ingrayv's accent might not be easy to understand. I'm trying to spell things as he would say while at the same time getting across the weird way he pronounces some words, but what I hear in my head is sometimes hard to translate to written (or in this case, typed) text. So, if anyone's characters ever interact with Ingrayv and you haven't the foggiest idea what he's saying, feel free to let me know, either here or via PM.


    That said, he talks that way for a reason, so I'd just as soon have you ask him to clarify IC. He may not always be obliging, but it doesn't hurt to ask.

  10. IC: Einefus Ingrayv (Vingt - Vert's Pricey Goods!)


    Externally, I still don't react, but now I'm really interested. An unknown entity seeking a heart from a "god" buried somewhere in the Mangaia catacombs? I'm usually not interested in such things, but this...


    Well, it's not like I'm doing anything else.


    "Das cuhtenly innerestin'," I say. "Ah ain' know nothin' 'bout no 'gods,' but i's been a wahl sence ah had some'in innerestin' tuh fill mah time." I shrug. "Why nah'? I accept. Free o' chahge, as alway."

  11. IC: Einefus Ingrayv (Vingt - Vert's Pricey Goods!)


    I continue the blank stare for a few seconds after he mentions the Mangaia catacombs. My interest has been piqued, but I don't show it. I have to do things right.


    I shoot a glance at the fancy cigarettes and cigars he's laid out. I lean sideways in my chair and deliberately remove one of my cigarettes: ugly, unfiltered messes. I bring it up to my lips. "Yuh know I preffer Ingrayv, Vert." I light the cigarette and take a long draw. I exhale through my nose.


    "Now. Mangaia catacombs. Ah been in da' ayeah before. I s'pose yuh wan' me tuh take dis fren' o' yuhs down deyah, hm? An' who be dis fren' o' yuhs?"

  12. IC: Einefus Ingrayv (Vingt - Ingrayv's Dwelling)


    I keep my placid expression in place as I continue to stare at the errand boy. The remainder of my cigarette has been ground down and sprinkled on my porch.


    "Secret," I say flatly. I roll my head to my left until The Rosteimer is in view. I suppress a smile. I knew something would be coming. Just the day before I probably would have turned this down; I wasn't in the mood then. Today, however...


    "Well..." I make an effort to rise from my chair, the wood creaking dangerously as I do so. "Ah s'pose ah can go o'er theyah." I clump down the steps and pause in front of the errand boy, making of show of hoisting up my belt and adjusting my holster. I jab a thumb toward The Rosteimer. "Ah'm gon' bring ol' Irene 'round to yah boss's place. He wan's me, I figure ah'm gon' need her. Whyn't you run back to Mister Vert an' tell 'im ah'm coming, huh?"


    I stroll toward The Rosteimer and pull out another cigarette. "An' remine 'im ah ain' take payment for mah wuhk."


    Without waiting to see if he listened, I grab the pack leaning up against my porch, put it on my back, and climb into The Rosteimer. I climb in and start her up. She coughs, sputters, then grunts to life.


    I pick up her anthem as I guide her lumbering gait through Vingt. I take my time, in part because that's just what I do, and also because I want to give the messenger time to get back to Vert.


    When I finally reach Vert's Pricey Goods, I don't  bother to seek out a hangar. I plop Irene right next to the front door, shut her down, and ease out. I push my way inside Vert's shop.


    Strolling to the counter looking bored out of my mind, I light another cigarette and say, "Ah hear tell yuh might have a job fuh me."

  13. IC: Einefus Ingrayv (Vingt - Ingrayv's Dwelling)


    Sir? Since when have I been a sir?


    I briefly consider the question as I stare upward, humming "Goodnight, Irene" around the remaining half-inch of unfiltered cigarette. I hit the last few notes, half-forming the "...in my dreams" through my closed mouth.


    I sigh and look down lazily, slowly settling my eyes on the apprehensive errand boy. I say nothing for a moment. When I'm ready to speak, I reach up and pull the stub out of my mouth, crushing it and rolling it between my thumb and forefinger. The smoldering tip warms my fingertips.


    "Vert sen' ya, hm?" I pause a moment. "Wat he wan'?"

  14. IC: Einefus Ingrayv (Vingt - Ingrayv's Dwelling)


    "Irene, goodnight..."


    I lean back in my wooden rocker outside my home, flicking an eye over to The Rosteimer. Still there. Still ugly. Still mine.


    "Irene, goodnight..."


    The words fall flatly from my lips. No tune. No melody.


    "Goodnight, Irene..."




    "Goodnight, Irene..."


    Like me.


    "I'll see you in my dreeeeaaaams."


    I croak out the last word and then stop abruptly. I lift a cigarette to my lips, snap my fingers to create a flame, and light it. I inhale. Tastes bad, feels bad. But it's a part of me. Always has been, always will be.


    I exhale--maybe "sigh" is a better word--and let my eyes drift casually, unconcernedly across the street. Most of the nearby homes are better kept than mine, but I don't mind. Appearance means nothing to me. Most people mean nothing to me. Especially on the job.


    Job. Haven't had one in the past week. But I've got a feeling. Something's coming my way. I just have to wait for it.


    "Sometimes I live in the country..."

    • Upvote 2
  15. Name: Einefus Ingrayv


    Species: Ta-Matoran


    Gender: Male


    Powers/Gear: He carries his Edd on his right wrist, giving him a modicum of control over fire; his most frequent use of his power is to light his cigarettes. A dagger is sheathed on his right ankle. A greypowder pistol rests on his right hip in cross draw position. He wears a belt that is mostly filled with extra ammunition and greypowder, though he also has packs of cigarettes stuffed here an there. He has a portable radio strapped to his chest. He wears a powerless Noble Miru.


    Appearance: Though he might have once been brilliantly red, his current appearance is far from brilliant and almost equally as far from red. He appears to be covered in a thick layer of dirt and grime, with only spots of red poking out here and there. In fact, for any who might remember the days of infected Kanohi, his body wouldn't appear to be much different. He is thick and barrel chested, and his eyes and heartlight glow with a dull, blue light.


    Personality: Ingrayv (as he prefers to be called) has been accused of being excessively deadpan. He acts and moves slowly, though whether it is through, deliberation, boredom, or pure laziness is hard to say. He speaks slowly and casually, often abbreviating words and occasionally drifting into what can best be described as his own dialect. He is impossible to insult but easy to bore, and he treats everything with a nonchalance that is hard to perceive as genuine. He is curiously afraid of the dark, though it is seen more in his abilities and skills than in his hesitance to be in the dark.


    Bio: Ingrayv originally came from Seize's northern coastal region, where he picked up most of his skills. He learned how to sneak, cajole, smoke, defend himself, and, most importantly, how to operate an Exosuit. Though he spent a brief stint with a medium armor crew, he found he preferred the mobility and independence of the Exosuits.


    He eventually grew bored with Seize and he traveled to the other cities, finally semi-settling in Vingt. He started taking on work for some of the shadier businessmen--Vert among them--though he always refused payment. His excellent results--he knows much of the island very well due to his travels--for no money at all made him briefly popular, but his personality and mannerisms were off-putting to many. Now, he takes a steady stream of jobs when and if he feels like it. He has a modest house (though many refer to it as a shack) where he spends much of his time lounging about or fixing his Exosuit.


    Armor: The Rosteimer



    Armor Name: The Rosteimer


    Category: Exosuit


    Armor Appearance: The Rosteimer reflects its pilot. It appears to be perpetually on the verge of falling apart, and it is covered in dirt and grime. The right arm droops slightly lower than the left, giving the Exosuit a crooked appearance.


    Loadout: The left arm ends in sharp pincers that can rotate. The right arm, which droops slightly lower than the left, ends in a drill that can be activated by Ingrayv. It can also be violently jettisoned as a form of ranged weaponry, with a cord keeping it attached to the arm. This is usually used as a last-ditch attack, however, as the drill is prone to getting stuck in pretty much anything and it is difficult to reattach; the motor inside the arm is slow and inconsistent. A large pack rests on the Exosuit's back, which contains an assortment of tools that can be used to mend minor damage. The suit's feet have also been modified to contain a series of spikes that can be retracted and protracted at Ingrayv's command.


    Kanohi: Volitak



    I think that's everything. This guy can (hopefully) be Oblitus' guide (if he hasn't been picked already in the time it took me to make this profile).

  16. Vert examined the battery, kind of a mundane object for the task Oblitus had been assigned. "Very well. I'll get into contact with someone that can get you inside. As for actually exploring the catacombs, I don't know how much I can help you there. They go very deep and have been off limits for a very long time. The structures are likely in disrepair. Anyone I contract might not agree to travel further than the entrance."


    He finished his drink, standing and walking to a bookcase filled with books on history and mythology. "Are you familiar with the legends surrounding Mangaia?"


    So... could this someone (of the afore-bolded text), perhaps, be a PC?

  17. Hi. I'm an adult male and I proudly admit to going "SQUEE!" at the sight of these.


    Okay, not really, but as a massive Mass Effect fan, I thought these were great. I knew what everything was supposed to be without needing to see the names, which, from the few custom minifigures I've seen, is not an easy thing to do. I particularly like the Engineer, the Centurion, and the Nemesis. The Engineers Omni-tool is simple but leaves no doubt what it is supposed to be, and the turret looks just like the turrets in-game, just, you know, minifigurish. The Centurion has the proper bulk. I love the Nemesis' single red eye; that figure in particular invokes the fear when that laser sight pops up and I know I only have a few seconds before my shields get shot to tarnation. The rest are great, too.


    The only minifigure that I'm kind of "eh" on is the Guardian. The figure itself is great, but the shield... I don't know. It's not bad, but the big handle sticking off the side is a bit, I don't know... conspicuous? Not sure what word to use there. And the vent thing at the bottom... maybe I just don't remember the shield well enough, but it looks out of place. (In case I wasn't clear, I really like all of the figures, but you wanted criticism, and that was the best I could come up with.) The decal is nice, though.


    I don't have much to say about the Atlas; you already mentioned the problems I saw with it. The gun is simple but good, and I really like the cockpit. The claw/hand/thingy almost looks too small, but I'm not sure how that could be fixed. My MOCing knowledge is quite small.


    The last figure (the one from Mars) is great. The flat, blank expression combined with the horrifying "modifications" make it look quite a bit similar to the soldier in the game (as so handily shown with the screenshot). The only thing, I think, that could make it better is if the coloring matched a little better, but that could have something to do with the light in the picture.


    So in case I haven't said it enough: these are awesome. Two thumbs up from me (whatever that's worth).

    • Upvote 1
  18. Finished L is for Lawless, and then found out I hadn't actually left off there. Apparently I'd just skipped it (can't remember why). So, I picked up where I actually left off, which was P is for Peril. I finished that along with Q is for Quarry and R is for Ricochet, and I'm currently reading S is for Silence, which is when Grafton started incorporating third-person chapters. When I first read it, I didn't really like the addition, but now I appreciate the way they flesh out the story in ways that's hard to do with a solely first-person narrator.

  19. Would it be possible for one player to gift lives to another? Maybe even have some kind of exchange rate or something, like if person A wanted to give one life to person B, person A would actually have to give up two lives. Or could some give an Infinity Gem they found to someone else to give to the Host for the lives? Again, I'm just shooting ideas out here (though I guess they're more like questions, but whatever).

    • Upvote 1
  20. IC: Faora


    "Ever? You were loved before. You're loved now."


    The smile faded and was replaced by sadness. Though she remained hopeful, she found that she was resigning herself to the very distinct possibility that she had lost him. Lost his love.


    It made her want to cry.


    "Zealot, I... I don't know how to fix this, to repair what I've done." She shook her head. "If what I've done can be repaired." She looked into his eyes, trying to see past the anger and the hurt. "I don't know how to convince you that I'm telling the truth. All I can say is that I never meant to play with your emotions." A single tear slid down her face. "I hope you can see that."

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