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-Toa Lhikevikk-

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by -Toa Lhikevikk-

  1. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    I really am!
    I mean, we should all be thankful for nothing. Imagine a world with no nothing! How would you like to live in a universe in which there was no nothing at all? Every point in space would have something in it! That'd be horrible! (And awfully cluttered.)
    This year, take a moment to be thankful for nothing. Nothing is truly wonderful.
  2. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    Hey, Angel Bob? Who's the one with a dangerous sig NOW?
    (Yes, I know you replaced your Weeping Angel banners with Makuta Hunt banners long time ago. And yes, I know most people won't understand the joke. But for those who do... oh boy. XD)
  3. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    So long, hazrd, and thanks for all the fish! 8D
    Anyway, card collections all went bye-bye because they starting killing people's compies.
    Now what do I use for a banner? ;_;
  4. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    You know the Google ads, right? That banner up there? ^^^ (You won't see it now, they don't appear in the blogs.)
    I saw one advertising a Twilight quiz.

    Even though I know nothing, noooooooooooooooooothing* about Twilight, it doesn't look very popular here.
    Beware the anti-Twilight mob that shall arise.
    *yay for Hogan's Heroes references
  5. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    1. I use Google Chrome now. Google Chrome is cool.
    2. This also means HEY SUMIKI I CAN READ YOUR FONT NOW
    3. Loved this year's Doctor Who series. Moffat has this strange talent for taking what should be a painfully obvious plot twist and setting it up so that you never expect it.
    4. Am taking an AP English course online which means that my BZP time may be a bit limited now. Shouldn't affect it too much, though.
    5. Am now of fan of Firefly, Order of the Stick, Darths & Droids, BBC's Sherlock and... I think there was more to this list but forgot what.
    6. BZP's downtime has not cured my sanity issues. They're only worse now. MWAHAHAHAHAHA
    7. I made a deals of sorts with Angel Bob -- I write a story for him, and in return, I write a story for him. Somehow that deal feels a bit one-sided. He IS my stinger tail henchman, though.
    8. these new emoticons are wut
  6. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    I'm wondering if I should change my name. Don't worry, I'll still be Lhikevikk!
    Three options:
    1. Suggest a name
    2. Vote for one from the list below
    3. Yell at me for even thinking about changing my name
    If you choose 1, there is one condition: it must contain Lhikevikk.
    If you choose 2, here is the list:
    Lhikevikk? Who's he?
    Lhikevikk Astley [this one comes with a total sig, blog, avatar, and profile makeover]
    lhikevikk iz a nub lol
    Lhikevikk: Lord of the Aethion stupid length restrictions
    Lhikevikk: Toxic Waste Bunny see above
    Lhikevikk the Red Stapler
    If you choose 3, just yell.
  7. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    Considering I change my name in a week, would a fellow POBZPC be willing to change their name to either Thomson or Thompson, and I'll change my name to whichever you didn't choose?
    We'd have nigh-identical banners and avs, too.
  8. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    After lunch today, I suddenly had a great idea: The Lhikevikk Cactus Factory. It would sell artificial cacti for only $499.99 an ounce. It would be a small brick building, utterly featureless save for a small glass door. Inside would be a dark space, lit only by the light through the door, containing nothing but a small hatch on the floor. Customers would open the hatch and climb down a swimming pool-type ladder into a brightly lit underground chamber.
    This is the exciting part. The chamber would be huge, about the size of your average Wal-Mart. But it would have no furniture whatsoever. The walls, floor and ceiling would all be white, the whitest white you could ever imagine. The walls would be covered in panels (white of course), which could be removed by requesting the assistance of the employees.
    The employees would all wear black suits, the blackest black you could ever imagine. They would also wear white ties with bright pink polka dots. They would wear bridgeless sunglasses and would look exactly alike. As in, practically the same guy. They would walk up and down an invisible grid, horizontally and vertically but never diagonally. They would constantly walk at the exact same speed, too.
    Should a customer speak to an employee, he would be completely unresponsive unless the customer is asking for a certain type of cactus. The employee would then walk speechlessly (they never, ever talk) over to a specific panel and remove it. Behind the panel would be a pipe about as long as the employee's arm. At the end of the pipe would be an artificial cactus illuminated by dim red lights. The employee would then hold the cactus until the customer leaves, following them until then (but staying on the invisible grid).
    The store would have no background music. Instead, the loudspeakers would play the sound of a fly's buzzing to soothe the customers, who would be allowed to enter at any time, but could only leave between 2:00 AM and 5:00 AM.
    The cashier would be a chihuahua, who would lick the customer's credit cards and transmit the data to the store's supercomputer using the EEG cap it would wear. Customers are discouraged from using cash or cheques, probably because the chihuahua would not be trained to handle such payments and would usually rip them to shreds. Since the employees never talk, this warning would be transmitted subliminally through the loudspeakers as they play the fly's buzzing.
    Most customers would then go to the Sumiki Psychiatric Clinic due to the clinic's business partnership with the factory. This could be related to the owners of the factory being escapees from the clinic.
    (So Sumiki, you were right about Pizza Hut being bad for my health; my mental health if not my physical health.)
  9. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    Vote for one from of this list:
    eaten by Lhikevikk
    killed by Lhikevikk
    shot by Lhikevikk
    kidnapped by Lhikevikk
    replaced by Lhikevikk
    hacked by Lhikevikk - 3
    controlled by Lhikevikk - 1
    mastered by Lhikevik - 1
    destroyed by Lhikevikk - 1
  10. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    For card banner owners: Rejoice because we have completed our mission!
    For card banner haters: Rejoice as well because you won't be seeing them anymore!
  11. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    Dissing is not allowed on BZP.
    Cussing is not allowed on BZP.
    Discussing, however, is the very reason this site exists!
    (also I just noticed that these two colors have each other's hexadecimal codes backwards)
  12. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    With all eleven Doctors!

    Well, it was intended as an avatar originally, anyways. The new system only accepts images uploaded directly from a computer, and the only way to make a randomized avatar is to host it off-site so we can't use it on BZPower. RAGE.
    I'll just stick it my sig or something.
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