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Sgt. Makar

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Everything posted by Sgt. Makar

  1. The next withering soul chapter is posted. I hope you can take time to read it. I'll review your epic when I get the time.

  2. I understand what your trying to do, but this article basically gives any C.I.R.C.L.E. member to break Canon in any way they please, because the entire universe would be alternate. I suggest that your rephrase the article to simply change the Toa count in this time period.
  3. Sgt. Makar


    Haha. I can feel myself maturing as well. I guess that's the curse of growing up. I'm in spanish myself, only because it's the only language my school offers.
  4. It's mostly used for emergencys. And it's more reliable than a trained rahi.
  5. I see the comparison to the Komau, however I have a hard time seeing what a Matatu has to do with this discussion? Telekinesis cannot reshape an object, it can merely move it. Also, I am not opposed to altering free will here, it's not like all mask powers need to be of noble intention, it's just that I know that inanimate objects do not retain shape due to will, they have no will, they're not sapient, rather it's simply chemistry and physics that dictates those types of things. You have to think of an inanimate's will in an abstract way. An inanimate objects will is what made to be like, so similar to it's purpose. You could say that a rock's purpose is to stay in a certain shape. Or a piece of wood's purpose is to be a certain length. You have to think of it in a philosophical way. Yes it has the power to alter free will, but there's only one of them and it is always heavily protected. It could also be considered purpose altering, but purpose is a synonym of will.
  6. The prologue of my epic, Withering Soul, explains why he's making it. =)
  7. Good Point Koji. Then 203 - Aye. Yes, but it's Makuta technology
  8. 196 - Aye, doesn't seem to be a problem. 197 - Aye 198 - Aye 199 - Aye, doesn't seem to be a problem. 200 - Aye, interesting idea. 201 - Aye. 202 - Aye, interesting. 203 - Undecided, it doesn't really effect anything, but is there a reason for this game to be played, besides for sport? Aye. This is true.
  9. 184 - I change my vote to Nay, because of others reasoning and that it seems to much like the mask of possibilities. 185 - Aye! This actually sounds really cool. A Toa that would wear this mask would be good for recon missions. =) 186 - Aye, this is really important to my series. 187 - Aye. The mask only creates powerless copies, it cannot clone life. 188 - Aye, it seems unnecessary, but doesn't really effect anything or seem too powerful. 189 - Aye, another cool mask idea. Could be very useful. 190 - Nay, it seems to be too much of a luxury as a mask. A Kanohi Hau could practically do the same thing. 191 - Nay, it seems too powerful. 192 - Aye, it doesn't seem too powerful. 193 - Aye, interesting. I would be rather annoyed if that happened while I was fighting someone xD. 194 - Aye, sounds alright. With it's restrictions, it's not too powerful. 195 - Nay, seems to be too powerful. Well it could make the bodies, but they'd need something to make them move. I suppose a Toa wearing a mask of Telekinesis could accomplish this. The only reason they're similar is because they can force the creature or object to do whatever they want, hence the name Will Bending. I hope that makes sense.
  10. 177 - I change my vote to Nay. I didn't understand it at first, but now I do. I believe that this is basically a "comfort-zone" so that the C.I.R.C.L.E. universe can not have to worry about the Canon story past the year stated in the article. The whole point of us being together is to create a universe within the Canon story and making an alternate universe for the C.I.R.C.L.E. that cuts out most of the canon story is not a good idea. I suggest that if you are worried about the number of Toa, then move your story to a different time or create your own alternate universe 178 - Aye. 179 - Aye. 180 - Aye, sounds important to an epic's plotline. 181 - Aye. 182 - Aye, interesting species. 183 - Aye, sounds like the matoran version of the ones above. Eh, well that's a mistake on my part. I was just assuming that they knew each other. Well, they basically want control of the universe, so I will say that they just wanted to attack a third party that was controlling the universe.
  11. 169: It seems too powerful, God powers in a mask? It also seems really unnecessary. Being bound to a certain dome seems strange too. Nay. 170: Aye, interesting. 171: Aye. 172: Strange, but very cool! Aye! 173: Aye. 174: Nice, aye. 175: Aye. 176: Aye.
  12. Article 112- AYE Article 147- AYE, We changed the name to Vuata Maca because "Levikk" was originally planned to be the Turaga that trained them but Legend of Lesovikk had another Turaga already training them, so Vuata Maca works better. Article 164- AYE Article 165- AYE Article 166- AYE Article 167- AYE Article 168- AYE
  13. I agree with the others that Zee has explained himself, So I think probation is necessary.
  14. For Zahaku, and the others who are undecided/against Nix surviving, I must tell you that Nix surviving is NOT a good thing for Lesovikk or anyone else. Nix and Lesovikks reunion is not one of old friends. Nix absolutely hates Lesovikk for leading his team into a fatal disaster, especially that of Niklia (who he loved). It is Nix's urge for revenge that makes him the main antagonist of my trilogy, The Zelix Nui Trilogy. I'm not trying to persuade anyone to change their vote, I just wanted everyone to know.
  15. Revised 8th article: Aye, Its like Kirbi in mask form =]. Revised 123rd Article: Aye Article 153: Aye Article 154: Aye Article 155: Aye Article 156: Aye Article 157: Aye Article 158: Aye, That's a very random power and it's really awesome! Article 159: Aye, that's a very useful power Article 160: Aye Article 161: Aye Article 162: Aye Article 163: Option "A"
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