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Viva la Rorschach

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Status Updates posted by Viva la Rorschach

  1. Thanks. I am fond of your pic as well.

    Kind of.

  2. What gave you the impression that I tried to fix it?

  3. Happy Birthday in your face.

  4. *glub glurble glub blorp*

    That's me speaking Hath in the hopes to communicate with your avatar.

  5. Did you see the new Watchmen trailer?

  6. YES IT IS

    but not for long because next it's MATT SMITH

  7. Dude..... have fun.

    I love you man.

    Which is weird because for all I know you could be a serial murderer. lol

  8. Hey.

    Who Watches the Watchmen?


    work on it

    screw the jazz robot

  10. o hai i see im ur fren nao

  11. Right.

    Because I'm speaking Hath.

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