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Status Updates posted by Echoes

  1. Well...we rented it from the library and we only had a few weeks. And well she ran out of time before she finished so I never got to read it

  2. You should read them in order. It makes a lot more sense.

  3. sorry but I kinda found out how when my friend showed me how about a week ago. PS you HAVE to read 'A Day in the Life of Teradax. it can be a bit confusing if you don't read the character intro

  4. I hate using Google... Thanks any way.

  5. By the way. How do you get to the comedy section of bzp. I just can't seem to find it.

  6. you should read 'Day in the Life of Teridax'. It is so FUNNY.

  7. I'm a big Bionicle fan but to each his own I guess.

  8. Any way. Are you a bionicle fan?

  9. No not yet. My sister is reading it first.

  10. I'm on Power of Three 4 :Eclipse. What book are you on?

  11. I almost forgot.Tell your brother"cool picture".

  12. yes I did I couldn't think of any thing else plus that and I am a big fan of Warriors

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