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Bara no Mitsukai

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Everything posted by Bara no Mitsukai

  1. hehe..STEALER OF IDEAS!!!!

    lol, not really :P

  2. Cryoshell: Sientology for non-celebrities :P

    I have plans for my own music with a story intertwined, but at the same time I have alternate ideas for telling the story, such as books and even movies...talk about a pipe dream >.> this dream is more like a skinny straw...

  3. ...music, buit it shouldn't be stated so obviously, as it detracts from the beauty....mind you, with music like that there's not much to ruin in the first place...

    (my message was too long XD)

  4. The ammount of Make-up itself was prety ok...but the application is what really ****** her up.I swear, I don't know if it was her voice, those eyes, or trying to be a pretty little rocker, but all I could think while looking at her was "Omg, this ***** is ripping off Ayumi Hamasaki >.<.>

    Hmm, that's the strangest thing, really -.- I'm all for tying stories into your

  5. all these people going on about her hottnes...for the longest time all I coudl think was "Are we seeing the same person?"

    Well, they're young (most of them) and too naive to do anything other than spout pure uselessness from their mouths...or keyboards...

  6. oh....that explains it.

    Why do people become fascinated only by cool dudes? O.o

  7. premiership is overrated...mediocority is the new premier

  8. *munch munch*...tastes like Duckbum

  9. HEY! no giving anything to me until you buy me dinner first....why do I get the feeling I interpretted that wrong? O.o

  10. muahahah! i'm NOT just another unusually pretty face :P and don't you forget it!!!!

  11. I am very complimented ^.^ The same goes to you. Anyone who has EW as initials has to be interesting.

  12. HI ^.^ thanks for adding me as a friend :P

    I have to agree with Nuvia...nice name.

  13. I keep trying to leave comments on your MoCs but they dissapear...the comments, not the Mocs...

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