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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by Eeko

  1. Eeko
    Day 16
    Classes were pretty easy/boring today, although I do have to write a one page summary of why I became a Physics major.
    I hate writing assignments like that.
    Anyways, the real fun came later in the day. Me and two other people started a Minecraft faction for are hall on the school's server. It was tons of fun, except when an Enderman spawned in our hall.
    Then, I learned how to play Magic: The Gathering, and played that for about two hours. Then I realised it was 1:30, and maybe we should get to bed.
  2. Eeko
    Day 62
    Ugh, after spending over an hour and a half on one Physics problem, I think I'm gonna call it a night.
    Oh, and I beat Darksiders today. I'm looking forward to the playing the second one.
  3. Eeko
    Day 19
    Today was my first official day of working in the laser lab. It was just me and a senior, and we were working on the plumbing.
    We had to fit a heat exchanger, which is basically just a heavy metal cube, into a mess of hoses and pumps.
    We managed to disconnect most of the hoses and screw the exchanger into the box, and then set to the task of reconnecting the hoses.
    And these are no normal hoses.
    They're designed to withstand extreme water pressure, so they're about 8mm thick PVC, with metal wiring all throughout it. Which has the added side effect of being nearly impossible to bend, much less turn the sharp corners we needed.
    Fortunately, yours truly came up with the solution.
    We used a hair dryer to heat up the hoses, and made them flexible for just long enough to attach them.
    Mission Accomplished.
  4. Eeko
    Day 46
    Ugh, I have three four midterms coming that I feel woefully unprepared for.
    I've got Fitness and Calc on Tuesday, Chem on Friday, and Civilization the following Tuesday.
    Also, I bought "Panic" by Caravan Palace.
    I think I like their first album better, but it's a little soon to tell.
    Goodnight all, I hope you had a great weekend!
  5. Eeko
    Day 8
    Well, it's that time again.
    Thursday's are my light days, so all I had class-wise was an 8 o'clock Phys Ed. class.
    I spent a good portion of the afternoon updating the wall with all the Physics Student's pictures and names on it.
    We had our Physics Pizza Party. Not a lot happened, it was really more of a meet-an-greet.
    That's about all the non-study related activities for the day.
    See ya tomorrow!
  6. Eeko
    So my sister's birthday is coming up soon, and her being a Whovian (she's the one who got me into the show), I wanted to get her a Doctor Who related gift.
    So my question to you all is:
    Are there any good Weeping Angel figurines out there?
    All the ones I've seen so far ar kinda so-so.
    Also I turn 18 in 3 days.
    What is this madness.
  7. Eeko
    So, I've been listening to Caravan Palace recently. Absolutely love 'em.
    Anyways, I realised that Caravan Palace was the only Electro-swing I have, and that just will not do.
    Which brings me to the point of this entry:
    What are some good Electro-swing artists?
    I know very little about this genre, other than it being awesome.
  8. Eeko
    Day 70
    Oh Daylight Savings, I love you so.
    I finally was able to install some new games, namely AC: Brotherhood, Bioshock 1 & 2, and Crysis.
    So I'll probably play those when I have some time.
    wut i leave for florida in three days
    i'm not ready for that at all
  9. Eeko
    Day 61
    So, over the past few days, I've been making a Tetris clone in Python.
    I finally got it working today, and I noticed the serious lack of line blocks.
    As it turns out, I actually missed a line, and had no line blocks in the game.
    The irony was not lost on me.
  10. Eeko
    Day 5
    Had to get up nice and early to make the 8:00 Physics class. Which goes straight into Calc. Ugh.
    Started my work as Departmental Assistant. Which was pretty cool. It's mostly just runningn errands though.
    Spent a while filling out tax forms so I could actually get paid for the aforementioned job
    Finished up the academic day with Chemistry.
    That's about it for today, no homework was assigned.
    See y'all tomorrow! With (groan) PhysEd...
  11. Eeko
    Day 44
    So, after making fantastic progress in the laser lab, we went down to the chem department to grab some deionized water.
    And I found this beauty:

    Yep. Just a chunk of Uranium, sitting right there.
    So yeah, I hung out with some people, which is why this is such a late entry. Fun times.
  12. Eeko
    Day 41
    These 8:00 classes are not for me.
    Homeschooling does not prepare you for getting up early.
    I hung out with some guys on my hall most of the day, in an effort to avoid doing homework.
    That's about all I did today, other than class stuff.
  13. Eeko
    Choose your own horror edition!!
    First up we have Fluttershy!!
    Next up, is Pinkie Pie!!!
    Thirdly, is everyones favorite... Discord!
    And in the fourth corner, is Applejack!!!
    Lastly, we have a bonus Surprise non-pony character!!!
    Here's to nightmares.
  14. Eeko
    Day 60
    Hey guys, check out this video of a laser lab!
    I apologize for the vertical camera. I'm new at this.
    I finally played some more Darksiders.
    I gotta say, what the game lacks in story/atmosphere, it gains in spectacular boss fights.
    I don't know if I've had this much fun boss fighting since Metroid Fusion.
  15. Eeko
    So, I've officially decided that div and curl fields are the coolest things ever.
    I love math visualizations, and this is hands down the coolest one I've ever done.
    I seriously can't get over how much fun it is.
    Oh god did I just say it was fun?
    I blame you, Wind.
  16. Eeko
    It looks like I'm getting a Wii for Christmas. My mom is really bad at keeping secrets.
    Skyward Sword, here I come!
  17. Eeko
    Day 4
    Today was pretty cool.
    We had chapel at the beautiful church on campus, and the men's Glee club led the hymns.
    Talked more and met more people.
    We had a short RA meeting. Our RAs are pretty cool, they're really helpful, and fairly leniant.
    I tried to get my MacBook on the wifi again. It'll connect at the IT Center but it doesn't like my halls router.
    Lastly, we went to the Orientation Board's "Off Broadway", where the various OB groups present skits. They were really good, along with one of the best renditions of "A New York Minute".
    Well, classes start tomorrow, so I'm off to bed.
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