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Blog Entries posted by Eeko

  1. Eeko
    Day 40
    So my sister and a friend came to visit, which was lots of fun.
    I got to show them around, and impress them with the laser.
    Also, my Chem professor managed to tie in the Bohr model of the atom to Lord of the Rings.
    The gist of it was, that just like you don't question how the ring works and just accept that it does, Bohr didn't know why his model of the atom worked.
    I thought some of you might get a kick out of that.
  2. Eeko
    Day 89
    Man, I've gotta stop watching things on the internet that make me sad.
    In semi-related news, I've been feeling very nostalgic as of late. And not the, "bioniclze r betr then heero factry", kinda way.
    More of the, "I'll never be able to view the world as I did in some ambiguous 'before' time".
    And that makes me sad.
  3. Eeko
    Day 71
    Ugh, that freakin' laser is a pain in the neck!
    We seem to have sprung a leak in the main cavity of the laser, so that'll take about a week to fix up.
    In other news, man I'm so excited for ponies.
    'S gonna be awesome.
  4. Eeko
    Well, the official Zelda Timeline has been released in the Hyrule Historia.
    Not a whole lot is known as far as official explanations, due to it being a preliminary translation, but here's what we know, and my thoughts on it.
    Please, feel free to post your opinions about the timeline, I want to get a few fresh viewpoints on it.
  5. Eeko
    Day 20
    Dang, 20 days already.
    Well, Tuesdays are still my least favorite day. Early morning Phys Ed and late night Humanities just don't make for a good day.
    Not to mention I went through seven years of Scantrons for the Physics Dept. Man those are heavy.
    My Chem lab was pretty good today though, we did some actual chemistry finally.
    I seem to remain my halls resident Physics expert, since we had another study group for the homework that's due tomorrow.
    I'm gonna polish off this paper, and head to bed.
    G'night y'all!
  6. Eeko
    Day 28
    Well, Physics test went pretty well. I'm pretty sure I got an A.
    I got my Calc test back today as well, I got a 95 on that.
    I'm still geeking out over The Hobbit though.
    I can't wait 'till December.
  7. Eeko
    Why do I only see that the first two games are on sale for 5 bucks after my parents (I don't have a credit/debit card) go to bed!
    I'll be gone from 6:00 till midday, and I don't know if I can make it back in time!
    Does anyone wanna be awesome and spring 5 or 10 dollers to buy Eeko one or two AC games?
  8. Eeko
    My God.
    He's like the holy spawn of Jimi Hendrix and The Beatles.
    Mr. Fantasy may be my new favorite song ever.
    EDIT: And throw some Jethro Tull in there for good measure.
  9. Eeko
    Day 83
    Man, it snowed today, and then completely melted within a few hours. I was really sad.
    Plus, Chem lab just wasn't working out today. We think the solution we were using was contaminated.
  10. Eeko
    Well, I'm finally back from tour.
    I had a great time, and am very tired.
    As far as Steam goes, I picked up the following.
    Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
    Bioshock 2
    Quantum Conundrum
    And then the lovely JMJ gifted me Bastion. (Chols did as well, but JMJ beat him to the punch).
    Lord knows when I'll actually play any of these.
    So for now, I'll be avoiding the blogs because of potential DKR spoilers.
    See you later!
  11. Eeko
    So I was at Macaroni Grill for my sister's birthday, and they gave us crayons with which to draw.
    So I said to myself:
    "You know Eeko? I'm gonna actually draw something! I never do!"
    Here's a minute by minute breakdown of what happened.
    1st min: Automatic default to Triforce.
    2nd min: Get bored and try to freehand a Fibonacci Spiral.
    3rd min: Get to about n=9 on the spiral, start jotting down as much of the Fibonacci sequence as I can on the tablecloth, get about thirty numbers down.
    4th min: Short Tic-Tac-Toe break.
    5th min: And now I'm just freehand graphing current in an RC circuit.
    This is why I can't have nice things.
  12. Eeko
    Day 24
    Have I mentioned I hate weekends? They just serve as a constant reminder of my lack of social skills.
    There's almost always events going on Saturday nights, which I show up to and then proceed to do nothing at. I have no idea how to approach people, or even hold a decent conversation.
    It gets a little depressing sometimes.
  13. Eeko
    Anyone have any recommendations for a good shortish anime? Something 20-40 episodes long, and viewable legally?
    Preferably something with a Death Notish type vibe. Crime anime is fun.
  14. Eeko
    Day 67
    Ugh, college dorms are not very forgiving towards headaches.
    Anyways, I'm going to Florida in a week!
    The "Quadrennial Physics Congress" is taking place down there, and most of our Physics department is flying down next Monday.
    It's gonna be awesome.
  15. Eeko
    Day 34
    As far as Tuesdays go, this wasn't so bad.
    I got caught up in some work, and spent a lot of today helping other people on Physics. Which I actually find enjoyable. I like helping people, especially with science/math.
    (plus I get to help cute girls. )
    I finally got my own key to the laser lab, so now I don't have to wait on someone else to let me in! Yay!
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