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Blog Entries posted by -Absorba-

  1. -Absorba-
    Okay, besides my buisness, my life here is pretty screwed up. My mom actually signed me up to summer school and extracuricular activities for the summer. To make matters worse, the summer school is EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK. Yeah, even on weekends. Oh wait, summer is kinda a large weekend. The most positive thing that's happened so far is one of the extra classes she made me do is "Comics 101", but it turns out it only explains the stupid history of comic writers, and it never really mentions much about the actual comic strip they make. That's so sad.
  2. -Absorba-
    Oh god, if I had known that this many people would want my help, I would've put a limit on only 3 dogs. I'm in charge of 2 chihuauas, 3 pomeranians, and a shitzu. This is gonna be fun. :wakeup2: . Anyways, I'm pretty sure it'll be all worth it once I get my money. But if I want it, I better take care of all these guys.
  3. -Absorba-
    I'd like to rate my favorite game characters of the year so far.
    8. Luigi (Mario Series) - The cowardly brother of the video game king has to get some credit some time or later.
    7. Kirby (Kirby Super Star Series) - This puffball is actually is more powerful than it looks. That is, once it eats someone and takes its powers.
    6. Professor Layton (Professor Layton and the Curious Village) - So what, a hero can't be a detective? Stay in school, kids!
    5. Ganon (Legend of Zelda series) - Another mean dude and the antagonist in Zelda. Fight him, you'll be in something epic.
    4. Samus (Metroid Prime series) - This girl can really pick up the pace in any mission, from self-destructing bases to alien invasions.
    3. Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog series) - The fast-as-sound blue hedgehog's been on a strange road lately, but he's still a great video game icon.
    2. Link (Legend of Zelda series) - Whether he's a child or adult, left or right-handed, he's one awesome adventurer.
    1. Mario (Mario series) - The well-rounded "king of video games", the one who possesses the familiar red M cap.
    Feel free to critisize.
  4. -Absorba-
    Okay, so you didn't expect this. I just was kind of bored. I'm not going to all of them at once, though.
    These are not all from Nintendo. I just am saying they are a good reason to like Nintendo. These are not in order of coolness. These are in rondom. I'll post the groups later.
    Red are new.
    1-20: The Best Heroes (in order)
    21-30: The Best Villans (in order)
    31-35: Wonderful Worlds
    41-53: Awesome Weapons and Power-ups
    61-65: Innovative Controllers
    66-68: Wierdos
    69-78: Grand Finales
    79-85: Mustaches
    86-92: Ninjas
    94-97: Multiplayer Experiences
    104-109: Buried Hatchets
    110-117: The Best Robot Masters
    118-143: The Classic (and downright hilarious) Quotes
    1. Mario
    2. Link
    3. Samus
    4. Mega Man
    5. Luigi
    6. Sonic the Hedgehog
    7. Simon Belmont
    8. Donkey Kong
    9. Pikachu
    10. Proffesor Layton
    11. Phoenix Wright
    12. Little Mac
    13. Viewtiful Joe
    14. Leon S. Kennedy
    15. Travis Touchdown
    16. Earthworm Jim
    17. Bill Rizer
    18. Fox McCloud
    19. Kirby
    20. Captian Falcon
    21. Ganondorf
    22. Bowser
    23. Kefka Palazzo
    24. Dr. Wily
    25. Fawful
    26. Ridley
    27. Dr. Robotnik (Eggman)
    28. Donkey Kong as a villan
    29. Albert Wesker
    30. Dracula
    31. The Mushroom Kingdom
    32. Hyrule
    33. Planet Zebes
    34. Your town in Animal Crossing
    35. Metro City of Final Fight
    36. Samus' Zero Suit
    37. The first Metroid escape minute
    38. The second Metroid escape minute
    39. The third and last Metroid escape minute
    40. Robotic Operating Buddy (R.O.B.)
    41. The Spread gun of Contra series
    42. Link's Master Sword
    43. The Bionic Arm of Bionic Commando
    44. The Mega Mushroom
    45. The Metal Blade in Mega Man 2
    46. The Raccoon Suit in Super Mario Bros. 3
    47. Options in the Gradius Series
    48. The Vampire Killer in Super Castlevania IV
    49. The Smash Ball in Super Smash Bros. Brawl
    50. The Goldun Gun in Goldeneye 007
    51. The Chainsaw in Madworld
    52. Samus' Ice Beam
    53. Mario's Ground Pound (or just Mario's butt.)
    54. The T-shaped tetris block
    55. The L-shaped tetris block
    56. The Straight tetris block
    57. The twisty-shaped tetris block
    58. The other L-shaped tetris block
    59. The square tetris block
    60. The other twisty-shaped tetris block
    61. The NES controller
    62. The Super NES controller
    63. The Nintendo 64 controller
    64. The Gamecube Controller
    65. The Wiimote
    66. Birdo
    67. Tingle
    68. Wario
    69. The end of Astro Boy: Omega Factor
    70. The end of Final Fantasy VI
    71. The end of Proffesor Layton and the Curious Village
    72. The different endings of Chrono Tirgger
    73. The end of Prince of Persia: Sands of Time
    74. The end of The Wind Waker
    75. The end of Twilight Princess
    76. The end of Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days
    77. The end of Klonoa
    78. The end of No More Heroes
    79. Mario's 'stache
    80. Luigi's 'stache
    81. Wario's 'stache
    82. Dr. Wily's 'stache
    83. Mike Haggar's mustache
    84. Eggman's mustache
    85. Henry Hatsworth mustache
    86. Cyborg Ninja
    87. Shadow the Ninja
    88. Ryu
    89. Michelangelo
    90. Raphael
    91. Donatello
    92. Leonardo
    93. Ebisumaru (or just Dr. Yang)
    94. Super Smash Bros. series
    95. Mario Kart
    96. Goldeneye 007
    97. Wii Sports
    98. The transition from Super Mario World to Super Mario 64
    99. The transition from Zelda: A Link to the Past to Ocarina of Time
    100. That Opera Scene in Final Fantasy VI
    101. The Pink on Little Mac
    102. The power Kirby possesses despite his "uncool" color
    103. The Konami Code
    104. The Sega Genesis
    105. Commodore 64
    106. The Neogeo
    107. The Arcade
    108. The Sega Master System
    109. Thhe Turbografx16
    110. Bubble Man
    111. Air Man
    112. Wood Man
    113. Crash Man
    114. Metal Man
    115. Quick Man
    116. Flash Man
    117. Heat Man
    118. "Do a Barrel Roll!" Peppy Hare, Star Fox 64
    119. "The Winner is You" Pro Wrestling
    120. "I am Error." Error, Zelda Adventure of Link
    121. "Fight, MegaMan! For Everlasting Peace!" Mega Man
    122. "Uh-oh! The truck have started to move." Snake, Metal Gear
    123. "I fell asleep!" Random Guard, Metal Gear
    124. "Join the Nintendo Fun Club today!" Doc Louis, Punch Out!!
    125. "What a horrible night to have a curse." Castlevania II
    126. "Thank you Mario! But our princess is in another castle!" Toad, Super Mario Bros.
    127. "Congraduation this story is happy end." Ghosts'n Goblins
    128. "Good morning Crono!" Crono's Mom, Chrono Trigger
    129. "It's a secret to everybody." Moblin, The Legend of Zelda
    130. "A slime draws near!" Dragon Warrior
    131. "It's dangerous to go alone! Take this." Old Man, The Legend of Zelda
    132. "I have fury!" Fawful, Mario and Luigi series
    133. "I will wait out for you here. That's what princesses have done. From what I understand, it's a family tradition." Zelda, Zelda Spirit Tracks
    134. "Dodongo Dislikes smoke." Old Man, The Legend of Zelda
    135. "Are you a bad enough dude to rescue the president?" Bad Dudes
    136. "Finish Him!" Mortal Konbat series
    137. "Take a key for coming in!"Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts
    138. "Welcome to Warp Zone!" Super Mario Bros.
    139. "It's time for revenge." Bill Rizer, Contra III
    140. "Let's attack aggressively!" Lance Bean, also from Contra III
    141. "Just a girl. Get out of here!" Ryu Hayabusa, Ninja Gaiden
    142. "You and your friends are dead. Game over." Friday the 13th
    143. "You Spoony Bard!" Tellah, Final Fantasy IV
    tune in for more!
  5. -Absorba-
    Last night, two policemen came to our neighborhood, and they asked me and my grandma if we had any video cameras for security outside our house. They were looking for a recording of a white van around. It used to be there during the afternoon, then it left with a kidnapped kid in it. That was awkward at the time, but today, there are tons of firefighters outside our door because there was a bee infestation on our street. These days are becoming horrid for me.
  6. -Absorba-
    Okay, to those who used to be Absorbed Studios fans, you probably knew I was planning on a movie. Sadly, I had cancelled it. But, I can make you still experience my movie by these scripts. Here are my stories for my former movie.
    Part 1-1
    Peace has entered Comic Land. Absorba and his friends enjoy a peaceful life attempting to manage chaos in the studio. During the time, they learn new things. Absorba learns to shoot paintballs, Leka learns how to use advanced fighting, Flammee fix a new universal teleporter, and the PGS' manage to keep Ahkmou sane.
    But thousands of eons of light years away, a planet called Gonutraxon is destroyed by evil empires. Dark mists crumble the world to the pure core in destruction. Suddenly, a rocket blasts at light speed toward the Comic Land. Descending like a meteorite, it shoots toward the happy land, causing new chaos...

  7. -Absorba-
    I tried to post pictures of my cat and dog (they aren't enemies, they've known each other since they were 6 months old) for a while. Unfortunetely, they wouldn't stay still for a minute. Even when they were sleeping, they woke up and ran away before I could take the picture. However, I finally got pics of them, which are viewable from the bottom-right. Score. I couldn't shrink them, so you're going to have to click the black bar on the top of the pic to see the whole thing.
  8. -Absorba-
    Well, you see, me and my sister have been really upset for that Sherlock's gone. *sobs* Anyways, my dad came up with something that can cheer us up. A dog care buisness! Sure, we live in an apartment, and he don't know if the owner allows us to have dogs in the apartment, but we have thought about making a dog care buisness to take care of dogs while thier owners are on vacation or something. Sound good?
  9. -Absorba-
    Okay, see, I was reading all these books on how a multiverse is like the world that has only one fact that has changed. If Bzpower was a universe that had smaller multiverses, this is what I'd put:
    -Multiverse 1: Normal Bzpower
    -Multiverse 2: A Bzpower where there are no emoticons and people end up doing entire monolouges to tell how they feel in posts.
    -Multiverse 3: A Bzpower where Hapori Dume's April fool's joke continued and people followed Hapori Dume.
    -Multiverse 4: A Bzpower where they allowed sigs to have unlimited size and animation, causing a major site crash and making Bzpower not exist anymore.
    -Multiverse 5: A Bzpower where Dark709 never came into being and comics were dominated by Gavla and Lavaside Rahi.
    -Multiverse 6: A Bzpower where there are no Bionicles involved whatsoever and it eventually became a chatting site similar to MSN.
    -Multiverse 7: A Bzpower where it only allowed the Lo-fi mode, and people began to lose intrest in the site.
    -Multiverse 8: A Bzpower where there wasn't a Proto Bar system and nobody cared on what they posted, whether it was irrelivent or innapropriate.
    -Mutliverse 9: A Bzpower where there were no fads, also causing a boredom of Bzpower.
    -Multiverse 10: A Bzpower where it was overpowered by BS01 and Bionicle Wiki and eventually became part of it.
    -Multiverse 11: A Bzpower where membership was only given to teenagers, causing a strong lack of members.
    You like? Thank god I'm not in Bzpower 2.
  10. -Absorba-
    Well, this summer so far is really sucking. If summer classes were'nt enough, my sister made a friend there, and last night, they did something really stupid. In the courtyard, her friend shot a toy rocket in the air, so high even I could see it (I live on the 5th floor of my apartment). It also flew to the other side of the building, and there is a pool as a part of the facility, and guess what happens? It goes boom. I don't know how it caught on fire, but then we all had to evacuate the building, right when I was making my next comic for Greyscale. Then, I think my sister involved me in it, because I was grounded for some reason. This is the last time I can go on the computer until the 22nd, so if you're wondering why I'm absent, you'll know why.
    Peace out!
  11. -Absorba-
    Okay, my sister's now really the subject of this month, and now, she's been really going green. My grandma that's taking care of us while my parents are in Canada for a buisness trip thinks it's great, but in the past few days, Vicky's been taking going green really seriously. She unplugged every electronic object that we weren't using, like the toaster, TV, treadmill, you name it. Yesterday, when I was sending an e-mail to my dad, I took a bathroom break, and my sister completely shut the computer off. Then she's like, "I'm just helping the planet!". That was pretty much enough to convince my grandma to take her side. Then, she made us do this kind of thing on Nickelodeon called the Powerdown, which made us turn off our lights for one minute at 9:00 PM. I didn't want to do it because nobody I knew wanted to do it. Then, I don't know how she did it, but she cut off the power. I'm not sure she thought that plan the whole way through, because we couldn't turn the lights back on after that. My dog actually ran into a wall because he couldn't see. Wish the next days after that aren't sister-driven again.
  12. -Absorba-
    There are several facts about comic stuff:
    1. Good comics need at least 2 characters.
    2. Good comics always have a character based on the author.
    3. Good comics have a large square surrounding the frames.
    4. Good comics have thier own special effects.
    5. Good comics have a character that has/had a pet.
    6. Good comics have bad guys.
    7. Good comics earn at least one type of award.
    8. Bad comics are sure to have like "Somebody's comics" as thier title.
    9. Bad comics have an author that hates Dark, Galva, and LR's comics.
    10. Bad comics have only two shades.
    11. Bad comics have a character based on any DC universe guys.
    12. Bad comics have no baddies.
    13. Bad Comics need don't have any fire.
    14. Bad comics have multiple sprites.
  13. -Absorba-
    This is a really big cry for help out here.
    All right, I don't want to get all personal here, especially since this is Bzpower, but I need help to actually deal with this "big" problem here.
    See, recently, only one night ago, I had trouble sleeping at night. My mom really got angry and just got right to conclusions, and she said that it was because I played on the computer so much. So basically, she's wanting to get rid of the computer because she thinks it's very, very, very bad. I KNOW I didn't sleep well, and I also know for sure that it wasn't because of the computer. I tried to explain that to her, but she just won't really pay attention. She says I play too much computer, but I only turn it on for less than 45 minutes a day, and my dad added parental controls a long time ago.
    She is not letting me go on the computer anymore just because of ONE TIME, ONE NIGHT AGO. She's basically :wakeup2: all the time to my opinions, so I can't do very much about this.
    Can anyone help me on this?
  14. -Absorba-
    Well, another eventful day. I went on a field trip to San Gabriel for this ecology project or something. All I knew was, I barely enjoyed it. The area was pretty much woodland with a river going through it, so there were alot of wasps, bees, flies, you name it. All we could do there was pretty much listen to these really boring lectures about ecology, ecosystems, habitats, biotic factors, abiotic factors.... . *falls on laptop and wakes up from shock* Wait, wha? Oh, well the thing was boring, then we went to Mt. Baldy and took a 7 mile hike that took about 5 hours, and it was really uphill, and when I went down, it was so steep, a guy named Jesse almost fell off the trail into the cliffside. When we came back, it was 2:20, 30 minutes before we were going home. I bored myself for the next half-hour, and then came back. All in all, it was a pretty boring day.
  15. -Absorba-
    Well, this is the first day of my premier membership. You might as well just take this not so well. Anyways, there's nothing i can talk about really, except my schoolday. All I had to do to today at school was take a history test that I really didn't study for. Still, I was glad I was pulled out of P.E for an eye test. Woohoo. Anyways, tomorrow's my sister, Victoria's, birthday. So I had to come with her to Toys R Us for some crayola thing with airbrushes. I also planned to reject a package sent to me by accident, but the post office was closed, and now I'm here.
  16. -Absorba-
    Yay, freedom! Yeah, I know, my grounding was ended early, but that's because I finally convinced my mom I wasn't even involved in the incedent at all. She gave me back my laptop, and now, I'm free! Anyways, during the grounding, I got $15 for taking care of a chihuaua I got earlier. It's worth it anyways, even through all the stuff I had to do. Two days ago, one of the dogs almost bit me. Thank god it had all it's shots. But whew, it smelt horrible here. Now this is over, I can work on comics again.
  17. -Absorba-
    Let's admit it. We all love Mario a little bit. We believe almost everyone knows who he is. But this game is not exactly a big leap from previous games like Galaxy and Sunshine. Before you complain, let me explain. The storyline is overused, and Peach is kidnapped...again, it isn't really a difficult game to accomplish, and multi-player experiences are sort of boring.
    Now, let me tell you the positives. Graphics are amazing, the worlds are beautiful, and you can actually PLAY AS A TOAD. The powerups also rock, like Propellor Mushrooms, and it is a nice game to have if you like to journey through vast enviroments. Also, it is very enjoyable and convienient to play.
    Overall, I'd give this game a positive score, not just because this is the second platformer for Mario in 18 years, but it sure is a good one.
    The Good: Graphics, powerups, and worlds are great.
    The Bad: Can someone get Peach a bodyguard?
  18. -Absorba-
    This is one of those games that should be bound to be a big game, especially this is Sonic's birthday celebration. Sadly, this birthday was a bust, because it does bring everything it said, but it comes with flaws that could cost it. BIG TIME.
    First off, glitches are extremely common, and the controls are sort of funky. Plus, lighting is also poor, and that can lead you to fall off the road into a pit of nothingness (for example, Flame Core). But the big problem is LOADING SCREENS. If you want to know how much this is irritating, let me give you an example. When you are asked to do a challenge in town, you talk to the guy, loading screen. You say yes, loading screen. You do the challenge, then a loading screen. The guy thanks you, loading screen. You are paid, and one shiny penny for what happens next. Coupled with the fact they are incredibly long, this game is pretty bad.
    The good things you could say, though is that the music is diverse, and the characters are all so unique.
    Score: 4/10
    The Good: Soundtrack, the beautiful graphics, and... uh...
    The Bad:... The storyline is awkward, and LOADING SCREENS SUCK.
    The Purely Awesome Character: Ya gotta love Silver the Hedgehog.
  19. -Absorba-
    Super Mario Galaxy
    SCORE: 9/10
    The Good: Incredible graphics, Hard to get bored of, several bonus quests to keep you busy.
    The Bad: Eventually, you wish there was more, some parts have glitches.
    The Nice to Hear: Nintendo has announced Super Mario Galaxy 2.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Another positive Mario game came from Nintendo a while ago, and this game has to be the best in a while. It's very fun to play, and the story is decent, but it feels quite similar to the other storylines of past games. However, different gravity changes, followed by difficult stages, followed by music and design, this is definetely worth $49. 
    Characters are fun to talk with in the game, but they don't really have much to say overall. The victories of this game are fun to watch, despite thier corny quotes (I love Mario for that.) The Observatory is full of fun stuff, and you see how much of the game you've finished just by looking what is turned on by a star. Plus, a second player can jump into the action to really make the game a bit more enjoyable.
    Unfortunetely, there are faults to this game, just like every other game. Glitches sometimes set in in certain parts of the game, and normally, some parts are too simple to be hard, and some are difficult if you don't read the handbook that comes with the game case, or they're just plain tricky.
    Anyways, even with these cons, do I still recommend this game? #$%! yeah! Keep an eye out for more reviews soon!
  20. -Absorba-
    The so called "brawl to end them all" is one heck of a good game. This is probably the only game series that allow you to see if Mario owns Luigi, Peach beats the Ice Climbers, or if Sonic can punch Link in his unmanly face. I don't care what rosters you pick later, but this game is AWESOME, and one of the most greatest multiplayer experiences in the Wii.
    This game holds almost every Nintendo characters up to date, also with a few exceptions as Sonic (MY FAVE!) and Solid Snake. You can also be creative and make up your own stages to fight in, and make a really...uh...how do I put this...random. Yeah, a random fight. I mean really random. The Adventure Mode also leaps forward, as it actually is an adventure, not like Melee.
    Sadly, the only fault of this game is that arranging the game to be so random is cheap, and some guys would abuse that power to be really stupid. So if you get this game, make sure if you want to have a multiplayer experience, get the type of people who actually are smart and want to be fair. Other than that, brawl on!!!
    Score: 9/10
    The Good: Incredible multiplayer experience, great character roster, and fun options to keep you occupied for hours.
    The Bad: Not much changes since Melee, options can be abused to reduce fun factors.
    The Annoying: R.O.B. is just plain annoying in recovering.
  21. -Absorba-
    Okay, I will now make game reviews of new games I get.
    The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Okay, we all know Nintendo games are fine. But Zelda games are one of it's best icons, and it's one of my favorite game series, and this game itself has to be it's greatest project yet. 
    Okay, the pros of this game are obvious when you start playing the game. First, you'd see excellent graphics, nice soundtracks, then you'd reilize it's gaming controls are excellent! Eventually, the story improves, diversity of characters are nice, and the items are awesome and revolutionary. Oh, and there are a bunch of sidequests too keep you entertained when you've finished the main storyline, including finding gold bugs, then to ripping souls out of ghosts.
    Now that the pros are done, next is the cons. Okay, first off, expressions are really cheesy. Yeah, that's all I'm saying. Plus, cameras are kinda tacked on. Eventually, the puzzles would get harder and harder, until it gets so hard you'll need a walkthrough from IGN to finish it. So, yeah, cheating. Plus, you transform into a wolf in parts of the game, and that combat is very horrid, and if you're fighting an enemy on an edge of an abyss, and you miss, well, you'd fall.
    The Good: Realistic graphics, Nice story, Brings nostalgia from The Ocarina of Time.
    The Bad: Cameras take time to alter manually, Sound effects go from nostalgic to present-day.
    The Sad: Why do most game critics give the score 8 out of 10?!
  22. -Absorba-
    Thank you life. And other people contributing to it. Here's a list of all the contribution:
    1. The Koth being a PGS in -greyscale-
    2. Vamprah being a PGS in -greyscale-
    3. Archon co-authoring in -greyscale-
    4. Leskows for being a PGS in Absorbed Comics.
    5. Freezo for applying to be a PGS in Absorbed Comics.
    Thank you everyone.
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