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Blog Entries posted by Kylus

  1. Kylus
    oh and also disney world in 60 days :3
  2. Kylus
    I'm planning to begin progress on a new self MOC. I'm definitely using orange- but should I use dark blue or light blue? I was planning on doing light blue, seeing as it looks good in Veq's drawing, but I thought that dark blue has already been proven to look good on a MOC (see my old self MOC). Thoughts?
  3. Kylus
    Brickeens' birthday is tomorrow, Thursday, in my time. Don't forget to wish him happy birthday!
    So... Brickeens. He wins. Awesome dude, great MOCer, and just an all-around nice guy. I'll take this time to give him a giant bundle of thanks for everything- making contest thumbnails for me, making cool MOCs, all that jazz.
  4. Kylus
    I would seriously love to see them play at Madison Square Garden next month, but the tickets appear to be quite expensive. $85 for the second level on the other side of the arena, multiply that for 3 people, and it's not cheap.
    But seriously, it looks amazing.


  5. Kylus
    Their songs go so well with their videos... I think they're the most unique band I like when it comes to videos, and awesome guitar intros with the widly-didly treatment. I recommend watching A-Punk and then Cousins...
    Oh and here's Zurg-

    I went to my Wal-Mart FOUR TIMES just for this set, and finally got lucky and got the only one sitting there.
  6. Kylus
    So I got a blizzard last night. I think we got something like... over a foot. I went sledding with a few friends at the local golf course. Tubes can go pretty fast. O.O
    Oh, and tell me what you think of this WIP:
    linkypoo #1
    linkypoo #2
  7. Kylus
    I just went to TRU. They had ALL of the Stars! I got Tahu and Gresh. I'm going to post a review soon. Review has been posted.

  8. Kylus
    I was so excited when I saw this. I was hoping LEGO would take advantage of the largest mall on Long Island, the one that happens to be a 10 minute-ish drive from my house, if it isn't rush hour. I'll probably go and sign up for the VIP thing and whatever, maybe see if thy have good deals on last year's sets. I'll report!
  9. Kylus
    So, I saw this set in my latest LEGO catalogue:

    So, it's just your basic battle pack, right? Well, I wanted to look a little more closely.

    Right when I saw this piece, it brought to mind my favorite geosphere on the face of the planet, SpaceShip Earth in EPCOT at the Walt Disney World Resort in Florida.

    SSE's outer shell is composed of aluminum-composite triangles. Here's a close-up of the tiles:

    So, if I had the time, patience, and money, I would create a sphere composed of an inner hub with several long bars expanding outward. At the end of each "branch", i would add three triangles positioned so they form a larger triangle that protrudes just like on the real SSE.
    The only problem: I lack the aforementioned time, patience, and money to invest in plastic to build a model of a geosphere.

  10. Kylus
    Wal-Mart sucks, so badly. I dragged my mom there last night after we went to Costco because they're right next to each other. I make my way over to the LEGO section because I heard that Wal*Marts are putting out 2010 sets early after their 2009 stock was wiped out from Christmas. Everything seems to be going okay, right?
    It turns out there was no LEGO section. Everything was so discombobulated, as if a tornado blew through there. You had to look up several aisles of other toys in hopes that you can find the set you want. I was looking for the Wal*Mart exclusive Toy Story Zurg set (purple). I couldn't find it, but I found the Army Men set and the on with RC, Woody, and Buzz.
    Even worse were the lines. Each one was more than 10 people deep, probably. I got on the self-check out line, until my mom and I decided to forget it. I have no idea why everyone decided to go out shopping for random stuff after Christmas. I really don't know why Wal*Mart didn't have more registers open.
    The only reason I'm blogging this is to warn you to never go to Wal*Mart unless completely necessary. It's so horrible, dirty and everything. I'm never going there for LEGO Bricks again, only for the Zurg set.
  11. Kylus
    Oh, you guise are going to love this MOC I'm finishing up. It'll be GLORIOUS: teal and lime, and a little bit of black to balance it all out. I'm not posting WIP pictures yet, though. Don't want to spoil the awesomeness. B)
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