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Everything posted by ~Mat~

  1. Uagh, I hate them. >_<
  2. Recently purchased this album, no regrets. :3
  3. And then I promptly sneeze. @_@
  4. Ray Lewis, The 49ers D. Basically those are going to be after ya Lew.
  5. The Fanbase for the NFL is slowly starting to hate this man, and rightly so. :3
  6. Fall is on the way. : o
  7. The biggest football fool in all of Louisiana. Seriously though, 4th & Inches and you don't go for it?!
  8. And ALL who inhabit it! Today is the day I begin to match, and hopefully beat my record for most pictures taken at the local balloon festival over the course of 3 days. That mark from last year is 1610 photographs, let the fun begin. =D
  9. I was going to write about something random, but then I sneezed. :B
  10. Nothin' like a healthy dose of Team Fortress 2 at midnight to soothe the soul. c:
  11. And yet less content than I usually put in a single one. 8D
  12. Yup, its on yours Takuma. Remember that hole to lava layer I found a while back? We went caving there.
  13. Cholie and I found this while caving a bit earlier. This is by far the largest natural lava cavern I've ever seen in Minecraft. Sizzling Beauty.
  14. ~Mat~


    Why must you be so difficult?! ;-;
  15. Bluh, a minimum of 3 pages, no fun. ;-;
  16. Hey now, the Default isnt a bad pack.
  17. Are looooooong for me. ~_~
  18. I dont get why people are so in love with Amy Pond, its something about her that just flat out annoys me to no end. Now Rory, I wish he didn't have to go. ;-;
  19. I will leave Cholie to post screenshots of it though. I need sleep before class in the morning.
  20. One TF2 SFM video led me to something I haven't seen in years. "Why Should I Worry?" From Oliver and Company. One of my all time favorite animated movies. And now I find myself watching all sorts of clips from movies that were awesome, the list is steadily growing and I fear I will be here into the wee hours of September 13th. So far, after starting with Oliver and Company, I've gone through: 1. Lion King 1/2 2. Aristocats 3. 101 Dalmatians 4. Balto 5. Lilo & Stitch 6. Lion King 7. Hercules 8. A Goofy Movie 9. Mulan 10. Pocahontas And that is where I currently stand. Internet, WHY MUST YOU DO THIS TO ME?! ;_;
  21. Try saying that five times fast. lol
  22. Congrats to Orino Ryuujin on winning BZPc 11. And thanks to all who joined in on the stream, night all.
  23. Unit, Force, ibrow, come on guys.
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