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Brutaka stole my ship!

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Status Updates posted by Brutaka stole my ship!

  1. if you wanna be like the dude, act like the dude. I'm a fan of LFG, & I figured that since I to my knowledge didn't see anyone else do it, I figured I'd do it. I was actually going to change my username to something Richard related, but now that you're here, that saves me the trouble.

  2. I searched this whole site for a Richard on here, & the REAL Richard actually came to me. Wow. 0kay, I'll get rid of my sig, the image, & my quotes of him, so long as you use them yourself. At least put up his D/ick Roll quote somewhere. I never heard him talk about the government. Say you like to eat babies or something so long as - continued on next comment

  3. Would you?

    Well, aside from being able to see in the dark, read people's minds on-demand so long as I'm looking at them, & being intangible, I feel no different.

  4. I'm so in. *grabs scuba-diving gear*

  5. "Warning: Exposure may cause unstable mutations or death."



  6. Disembowelment? Isn't that were they explode on the toilet seat?

  7. Glad to hear you're doing great Paige! I'll probably go on vacation to Panama soon so that might just skrall. Skrall - Rock

  8. Um, That Avohkii you have, is it Brutaka Gold, or just slightly brighter than Old Gold?

  9. Slow, but rather awesome at the moment! How're you doin'?

  10. Involuntary dismemberment? Ohhh.

  11. Are you serious? Kiina is... She looks like a monkey.

  12. So let me get this straight: You're not a dude, & you're not a chick. I can't call you brother, & I can't ask you out on a date.


    Tha's a damu shame.

  13. You are a strange one you are! 100 years is pretty cool, but I'm sure as a toilet that you do not relate in any way to that song... Old 29-er.

  14. "impartiality" Are you sure you didn't mean intangibility?

  15. Wh, wh, wh, wh, wh, wh, wait a minute! Didn't Hydraxon.............................................................................................................................................

  16. I might be reaching here, but I doubt Tuyet could be resurected again. Nocturn is another possibility of mine, but he's not a Warlord, he's a Barraki. So that rules them out.

  17. The only Warlords I can think of that could get a hold of that stone are Karzahni, The Shadowed One, Nektann, & possibly Artakha if he decides to turn evil. No way Roodaka could ever pull that off.

  18. That is, unless you're Gozer.

  19. I'll listen to it. Hey, you sound male, you act male, so I figured, you must be male.

  20. I'm keeping ACFII's legacy alive by putting up these songs.

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