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Tylerax Toa of Awesome

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Status Updates posted by Tylerax Toa of Awesome

  1. Hey long time no see! How you doing? :)

  2. Oh yeah I think almost everyone on here has past that.

  3. Wanna check out my Rock Steed recolor?

  4. By the way, did you think the rap battle part of chapter six was any good?

  5. My new chapter is up. By the way I fought the law and the law won.

  6. True, war is nothing like that. But when you think about it, it's just for fun and not serious. The campaign mode urges no war. Multiplayer is all about the fun. Zombies is just killing stuff that just needs to die lol

    But Assassin's Creed..man the story is awesome, but I haven't even beat Brotherhood yet. So fun too!

  7. That's cool. I have a PS2. Bully is really fun on that.

  8. New chapter up! By the way, do you think the storyline gets a little repetitive? It's ok if it is because I want to know if it should be improved.

  9. Baseball's always good. What position did you play?

  10. I just read some of your stuff. So you came up with Toy Story Bionicle too?

    P.S. I did not copy off you at all. I just read this right now.

  11. The name of my topic is not Toy Story Bionicle. It's a comedy called Those Crazy Sets.

  12. I just uploaded my Krika MOC in my new topic

  13. Did you see the movie that came out in 2007? Well if not, I'll tell you who Ghost Rider is. When night comes, Johnny Blaze becomes the Ghost Rider due to a curse. His head turns into a flaming skull.

  14. Well I give up. What were you saying I was happy about?

  15. Ok I'll post in that topic if it's not dead, and the Void picture sounds good. I really wanna know how to make a Takadox with light up eyes! :)

  16. Oh, I made us friends. Is that ok?

  17. Hey Hukster! Since I had free time, I made all the next part of it. Hope you like it!

  18. Not much. I'm so bored. No one besides BioniBoy123 has given me their friend code for Brawl.

  19. Hey remember that MOC of Mata Nui I was talking about? I got it done! Check it out on my profile! Hope you like it!

  20. Hey! I took Toa of Awesome first. Oh well I can't blame you because isn't that name so, oh I don't know..AWESOME! We cool right?

  21. Wanna read my new chapter I just made?

  22. Wanna see my MOC of Mata Nui? If you want to, check it out on my profile.

  23. Dude, it's ok. That's perfectly fine. Laptops mess up sometimes, that's just a part of life. So I forgive you man, it's not that big of a deal. But if you wanna give me a late gift (lol) would you be kind enough to maybe read my comedy and post in it? I don't care if you do but go ahead if you want to.

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