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Tylerax Toa of Awesome

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Status Updates posted by Tylerax Toa of Awesome

  1. Ok I'll add you as a friend. I really like Gresh too!

  2. you know that comedy Those Crazy Sets? I added a new chapter!

  3. New chapter for Those Crazy Sets!

  4. Don't worry, they're on Majhost since it's working again.

  5. Axe? Were u back on recently? Please come back, people like u here it doesn't matter if u don't like Bionicle sets, it's about the people and the friends u made. Sure we're online friends, but it still counts.

  6. haven't talked to you in a while. what's up? :)

  7. New chapter up for Those Crazy Sets!

  8. Ha, never thought of it that way before. But Zaustin took a few days to build because of football.

  9. Two Toa of Awesome makes us both awesome! But you are the craziest dude ever!XDjk

  10. Yeah u can PM me about it.

  11. New chapter up for Those Crazy Sets!

  12. Thank you very much! :) I'm gonna beat em up course.

    But since you are caught up on that, go ahead and watch that abridged series, ok? :P

  13. Mata Nui Robot took really long to build.

  14. Have you seen my Barraki Nui MOC?

  15. not much. my wii still doesn't have wifi :( football has been killing my free time lately too. what's up with you?

  16. yea, it's like gosh, can u stop making parents ticked off at kids about their games lol. they should make enough money on the memberships. I would just like online to be free for xbox. I really don't want anything else cause it's a GAME CONSOLE. I have a freakin computer for facebook and netflix for crying out loud lol

  17. Merry Christmas to you too man! Does the Skopio count as an insane gift?

  18. Happy Easter everybody! :D

  19. New chapter for Those Crazy Sets is up!

  20. Darn it! Round 1 is already over and I only had 1 vote :(

  21. Who knew that you were a girl? But now that we know you're a girl (sorry if I sound demanding) could you change the gender to girl on your profile? Might help prevent confusion...unless you are fooling all of us.

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