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Everything posted by Skarloth

  1. I'd need XBL too. :P, what are the weapons like? Can you give me an idea of what they're like?

  2. ... sounds very complicated. I hope it works for you, and I hope you have fun playing with it.

  3. I probably won't Moderator my copy of Reach, if I mess up, I could destroy the game, right?

  4. So hang on, you need to know coding, right? Or just a little knowledge of it?

  5. Humunuh what? Reverse Engineering?

  6. Yeah, it would be cool if we could use that as well, it looks so awesome. :)

  7. YOU THINK YOU HAVE IT BAD WITH RPGS!??!!??!?!? RAAAAAAAA!! My entry is sucking fail HARD!!!! KPIK OUT. We all mad at da polls.
  8. What? Who the heck is Ridley? Kpik out.
  9. Skarloth

    Diary Of Reach

    Aw, everywhere I go people say they're done with the game, and I don't even own it. :/ I'm starting the first Campaign mission on Heroic Co-op with a sibling, I know it's going to be fun. Kpik out.
  10. Hi AFKLI!! :D

    Very long time no see! :)

  11. I think I'll get the Heart Attack one, the others just sound silly. :P

  12. Actually, I don't know about any of them, I'll have to look 'em up on the Halo wiki. I'll comment and say when I've decided. :)

  13. Yeah, but I think I'm gonna rent it first before I buy it. I'm probably going to use Jun as a Firefight voice, for some reason I think Jun is awesome. :P

    Why are you going to use Cortana or Auntie Dottie as a Firefight voice?

  14. Hi! I never added you to my friends list before, oh well, now you're on it. :)

  15. I dunno, I hope I get it for my birthday, but sooner wouldn't be so bad. I think I may have to rent it first, my local video store is renting it now, and it's only like 6 bucks for three nights. :D

  16. Multiplayer...I wish I could play it. :(

    Well, you own the game, so maybe you should just play it.

    I'm starting it on Heroic, with a sibling, and then we'll do it on Legendary. :)

  17. No, it's a comedy, right?

  18. What are you gonna do next?

  19. my other siblings get to play Firefight versus, infinite ammo with grenade launchers (covenant and human) and two other weapons, and then after that me and the other sibling get to play Gruntocalypse, infinite ammo rockets and grav hammers, and after that, more FORGE WORLD!!! :D

  20. AWESOME! I'm so jealous, I can't stand it. :P

    Wow, 1600 just for the first level? I thought it was gonna be harder that that! My siblings and I have agreed upon the things we're gonna do: First, I get 15 minutes in Forge to see how it's like, and try out a bunch of weapons, then, my two other siblings get to play the first campaign level, the after that, me and one of

  21. Thanks, you don't know how much that means to me. :)

  22. Well, at least you got on today, sorry for your computer.

    (I don't know why I act like it's a person. :P)



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