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Scotus: Deadly Fury

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Blog Entries posted by Scotus: Deadly Fury

  1. Scotus: Deadly Fury
    Today when we went to BJ's, this old guy came up to me, my bro and my mom and he was like, "Are you guys twins?". I was just thinking ".....What the heck?!"
  2. Scotus: Deadly Fury
    A really long time ago, like in June/July, we went to our pool and I brought Zesk in with me. A few seconds later some old creeper lady came up to me and said, "What is that?" and I said,
    "A Bionicle."
    "Ohh, those are out already? I didnt know that..."
    "Yeah, they've been out for 9 years."
    "Are those the things that transform?"
    "No, those are Transformers "
    "Oh.. Sorry to bother you."
  3. Scotus: Deadly Fury
    Narnia Voyage of the Dawn Treader looks like an epic win. It comes out at Christmas...I barely remember the book though =/ But probably cuz im reading "The Last Battle" Epic
  4. Scotus: Deadly Fury
    When I was at the pool today waiting in line at the slide I heard some little girl say to me "You have a bug on your back!" And the next thing I knew some old lady smacked my back O-o
  5. Scotus: Deadly Fury
    Why are the staffs being weird lately? B6 thinks Megatron hacked his account, Smeagol said he was fighting Decepticons with B6 and SPIRIT cried when I said "B6 thinks Megatron is real O-o"
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