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Status Updates posted by _Keerakh_

  1. I prefer the old ones, for the very good reason I only have a PS1, which has been confiscated.


    do I have to read your interests EVERY time I want to comment?

  2. When you say you like crash bandicoot, are you talking about the old games or the newer ones?

  3. ok...errrr......AAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. ahh...this is most regretable...

  5. lost in the deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep

    daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaark woods?

  6. my only comment so far. pointless and stupid, but, hey, its a comment.

  7. "I insist they are not!"

    may, or may not be a load of garbage.

  8. Does that work? I'm not sure...

  9. I insist they are not!

  10. my grandma died today.

  11. Dont trust mybannermaker.com.....They are worse than dark hunters!

  12. *looks at spirah's sig*

    tut tut tut

  13. I think you ought to know that I'm feeling very depressed.

  14. I have just worked out that if I stick my left finger in my right ear, I can electrocute myself.Terminally.

    you need only give the word.

  15. I don't know, i've never been there

  16. go on, you know you want to

  17. in your signature, change the dragon code's number to the one below(4 to 3 ETC)

  18. ah yes, the taunts to the punctuationally incoherent

    P.S. What is ROFL?

    P.P.S I know! Its reconstituted potato, cooked and shaped into a grid shape! Oh, wait. That's waffles.

  19. personal photo? what personal photo? I haven't got a personal photo!

  20. hooray! hooray! the forums are back online again!!!!!

  21. your rating is now 4!

  22. are you a true krika fan?

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