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Matsuoka Nui

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Everything posted by Matsuoka Nui

  1. I think it's suppose to end in December....I think...

  2. I know...I'm crying about it...because this is one of the first few manga...other than xxxHolic that I've read... :( :( :( :( They better make a happy ending for this! And I hope that Sakura and Syaoran kiss!

  3. Did you hear that Tsubasa RC is about to end? DX :( Chapter 232 will be the conclusion of the story... :(

  4. Yeah I saw it...that glass container shattering is EPIC WIN!!! :) XD! But I don't understand...if FWR says that he's the same as Syaoran, could this mean that FWR, Watanuki, and Syaoran are the same beings?

  5. lol! I understand now... :)

  6. ? I don't get it...you think that the time loop is still happening??? Now I'm confused....

  7. But I think they did it! The Time Loop is broken! :) :) Now at last...we can move on...hopefully....

  8. Sure...sounds good! :)

  9. Is it alright if I could see them later? Sounds like you had a great time! :)

  10. yep! I like to change it now and then...:)

  11. So...I heard you were at the BrickFair, eh? (from what the news said) Did you get any pictures? :)

  12. I saw it too..I hope FWR dies...he's planning to destroy all of the Sakuras and Syaorans from various worlds...but I think they have a plan..."To Change The Future"

  13. I like "Nobody Knows" better than "19sai".

  14. Yes, it's the opening theme for xxxHolic Kei. :) That song is great! The other opening song is called 19 (or 19sai)

  15. It's alright...but it's not as great as YnT...ever listened to "Nobody Knows" by Suga Shikao? It's from xxxHolic.

  16. There is....it's called "Feather of Love"

  17. I like the duet version better! The solo (Sakura) one is alright but I like when both of them are together!

  18. In some cases...after all there's a few references from CCS that appear in TRC...(example, CCS Sakura's Star Staff.)

  19. Ah...I use that too. ;)

  20. No problem...:) Hopefully the next chapter of TRC will be out soon! Do you use onemanga or mangafox?

  21. All we need is to have Sakura and Syaoran go for a lovely kiss... lol!

  22. I was just happy when Sakura finally confesses her love to Syaoran...

  23. Yep! I love it A LOT! Despite the confusing "time paradox"...^^

  24. Ah...it's very interesting. I like how you expanded Certavus, Sahmad, and the other characters. I didn't expect Sahmad to appear but that's great! Good job with the Skrall as well!

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