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Matsuoka Nui

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Status Updates posted by Matsuoka Nui

  1. It's hard to say, we'll just have to find out... but I hope they make another set of episodes for Tsubasa. It would be nice if they did the Clow Finale Arc w/ epilogue.

  2. Hey, it's better later than never. Maybe xxxHolic will be finished by then.

  3. Yeah, but I don't know when it'll come out...hopefully soon...maybe they can reuse Kurogane and Fay like how they did w/ Sakura and Syaoran from TRC and CCS.

  4. Maybe it's that spider lady in human form? (Prior to her mutation, perhaps?) As if she had not ability to use webs or anything like that, just human?

  5. hmm...that or she's obsessed with this crimson pearl...?

  6. I hope it's that same lady with the internet addiction...I wouldn't be surprised if it was...

  7. This song that I'm listening to; Spica by Maaya Sakamoto, is interesting. Have you listen to that?

  8. Thanks. :) I read a few chapters of that arc and it might be her's. Who knows? Maybe she has a different wish or something.

  9. Okay then. But I'm going to be really busy this week with my semester exams. :( I'll try to research that episode when I have time.

  10. Who knows, that episode could have been a filler....:(

  11. I somehow remember this episode....when W and Y went to "that apartment" (if that's the one) where this young lady was too addicted to her computer. Yukko used a baseball bat...lol to smash it.

  12. At the end of that chapter, I seemed to recognize that apartment from one of the episodes in the first xxxHolic Season....but from what episode?

  13. From the looks of that picture, I think it shows that same moment when the C!Sakura and C!Syaoran turned back their time...? Or just when they're about to...?

  14. I just read it too. I think Watanuki saw Sakura and Syaoran in that water basin. (when they were older.)

  15. 196 won't be released until the 18th. *Sigh* that's when I have to do my semester exams.....:( :(

  16. The anime of Tokyo Revelations and Shunraiki are great! In fact, they're closely related to the manga so if you don't have time to read the Acid Tokyo Arc or Nihon Arc, you can watch those instead.

  17. If you get these snowdays, (at least in Ohio) then your summer vacation will shrink. Here in OH, if there's 5 calamity days (weather, electricity, etc.) then the summer vacation is lessened to that school district

  18. I hope there's a new xxxHolic chapter soon....

    But what would be really nice if Tsubasa TR and Shunraiki was dubbed. I hope they do that soon!

  19. My school is TOO stubborn to close, I swear, my district is just like that Syaoran Clone. The school cares about education no matter hard harsh the weather is. There could be a mile deep of snow and we'll still be forced to go! >:(

  20. Grrr. I had school today. But at least it was an easy day, kinda. :) At least I got to see all of my friends again!

  21. I don't know if I have a snow day yet. Thanks again. :D

  22. Thanks :), but I hate school on my b-day. :( (there's a story behind that) I'm praying for a "snow day" tomorrow so I can finish some sketches that I'm working on for DA.

  23. Well...very soon....2010!! Can't wait!! :) :) =) =) They better have Syaoran and the others arrive soon....maybe they can chase that spider away....XD XD XD

  24. OMG! Did you see xxxHolic Chapter 195?!? Watanuki and that weird spider lady kissed! O_O (very disturbing....)

  25. *There's no place like home...??* Oh, I must have been dreaming.... =P I'm back!!! :)

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