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Status Updates posted by IceToa

  1. Thanks for sending my news. ^_^

  2. I know. Did you not get my joke in this comment =P





  3. Oh like this

    Bri ckeensi sph ail =P

  4. Just watch it on the tube, it's great. Lucky, you get to go outside, it's so miserable here.


  5. Chords are quiet easy onece you get the hang of them. Oh I told your brother and now I'm telling you; watch Clarkson island, it's is madly funny.

  6. Yesterday you sounded like Clarkson, when you said G'night. *shrugs*

  7. You're back! Anyway forgot to tell you what instruments I play yesterday. Get ready!Keyboard, a bit of piano, drums, Tenor Horn (like a small tuba) and Trumpet. So yeah I'm a very musical guy.

  8. You sounded like Clarkson 'and on that bombshell its time to end. Goodnight!' *lol*

  9. What does asdf mean?

  10. You have no interest. I've got one for you, Pork Chops om nom nom

  11. No need to apologise. :) I've got to go now but I'll check it out tommorow, see you then.

  12. Did you enjoy Clarkson island?

  13. So what did you think. Oh and do you play any musical instruments?

  14. Yeah, anyway I'm sort of gathering clips of F1 2009 (not the game) an when the the season finishes I'm going to make a 3 to 5 min 09 summery. The music I'm using is Uprising by Muse I suggest you listen to it, it seems to fit F1 perfectly.

  15. Same, I love the thrill of going fast it makes me crazy, adrenalin I think it’s called. But then again something as simple as going on a rollercoaster or playing the drums fast and loud makes me go crazy. =P

  16. It was one of those werid back pains there one second gone the next. Suprisingly the kart wasn't at all damaged except the tyre. I'd fail at F1 =p

  17. I type too quick that's my problem. Anyways its ages since I last went karting, last summer in Spain I think, that's when I had my second crash which is a long story so I'll make it short. I was going round the track, didn't notice a piece of something, ran over it. Few rounds later the tyre sort of disappeared and I was like lolwut and then spun hit the wall and hurt my back. I

  18. Gosh my spelling does suck!

  19. Did you gt my PM?

  20. Minus the use of one swear word it's actually pretty funny. So go watch it!

  21. It wasn't a competion exactly, it was just one of those holiday resorts and stuff (but at the end of the session all the kids had a race, thats when I cane 3rd). Its quiet hard to learn (when you're 13) but you get the hand of it. I can never forget the first time when my sister crashed into the back of me and I spun into a wall, no damage done though.

  22. Gosh I have to wait till I'm at least 17 or 18 (can't remember). I've driven a go kart several times, crahed twice and came 3rd onece. Not exactly Michael Shumacher standereds but its a start. =P

  23. Cool, do you like take a test or something. I might be able drive if was put in a car (I know all the gears and what not) but I'm a tad to young and I'd probably panic and crash or something =P Also I'd like to drive a motorbike instead, but with all the rain in this country it won't be very safe. XD

  24. Yeah thanks, just out of interest can you drive?

  25. Hello, did you get my PM? I don't think I sent it in the end XP

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