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Everything posted by :Preston-Stormer-2.0:

  1. I HAVE ALL SIX LEGENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!^_^

  2. KAMEN RIDER FAN!!!!!!!!!!! Hello, umm can you add me?

  3. No, Human Alliance Skids and Mudflap with Leo, Makayla, and the other dude...

  4. Ahh, ok..how's it going?

  5. Tell me,why did you change one of your names to Tsukasa Kadoya?

  6. Hey you had a name change! ^_^...anyways hi

  7. Well, awnser my question...

  8. Well, nothing much I went to Six-Fags, it was cool, I went on The Dark Knight...

  9. Ok, can I help with the comedy?

  10. You know Darkside780, Inferno780, and Transbio14...right?

  11. Welcome and HAPPY-BIRTHDAY!

  12. What? Dude seriously if you want me to understand what your saying just speak english that's all you half to do...-.-

  13. Dude! I like your vids ands MOCS and you online series please add me I like Shados...

  14. Hey are you UT from UTube?

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