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Posts posted by Nav3taX

  1. I previously used a mix of GIMP, MSpaint and Paint.net, now I use MSPaint and Photoshop, soon, once i get the hang of it, Ill only use photoshop :P but that may take awile and a lot of patience, I am part of a MAS, "what just happend" and I'm in the process of making materiel for my own series which might, might be a MAS, but it will most likely be big though :P

  2. Dang, I was thinking you actually called it "Do NOT bypass the filer." which is what grabbed my attention. The comics aren't really funny, and you should really get the topic name changed if you don't want it to get locked. However, as I'm sure you can do better, I will watch these to see how you improve.

    hehehehehe.. I dont think i will actuly.. It might be better than what I had before... Oh well, I can comply to the comics sucking monkey butt - probibly cause while I was doing them I was more focused on training my attack on runescape. and learning new GIMP effects. So gime a few days to give tis alittle of an overhaul and get my mind back on track. cause im just AWESOME like that. lol
  3. Well, It's my new sprite I was working on, she's a Survivor from the crash. (ill PM authors about her, as we could use her as a plot device [and remember she's not dead] {wait i just might mssge who evers next to make a comic} )well. i dont wana release too much, Crashino, ill mssge u with details. kk?

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