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Posts posted by Nav3taX

  1. yes they are offscreen. cause I wana keep the anticipation going, ill release another comic this weekend, I need some time to work on this one.and Didonchu - sorry, im trying to use more characters XP

  2. Bioniefight 4?Bro. I must say, I'm losing intrest a tad.. you may wanna keep inside jokes to a minumum, and things that some people wouldent get, if your gonna refence something, reference something that alot of people have seen! Like starwars or the Matrix, you know something popular, I didn't really get the last one because I've never played/seen/heardof Bionifight 4.But I did like the "maybe I can liven things up" in the last pannel.although again - I must stress. my short attention span when it comes to comics and how much I love - short-sweet-andtothepoint comics!but improving! :Dat least there is no random japanese spekin peeples who make no senses to me

  3. I'd take a hug from Pinkie Pie over a birthday present ANY day.I am curious though. What ARE those semi-circles on the walls?

    I think they're lights. Like, the kind of wall lights that you see in the theator. I think. Knowing Nav, they might be chocolate rain despensers.
    *slaps Dragon*YOU FOOL! THATS AN IMPORTANT PLOT DEVICE!And they're lights bro haven't you seen lights like these before? Lucitalia_stresa_wall.jpgOnly mine are alittle differerererrerrereerererererererererererererent.And you pegasususususususususususususususususuususus are making it snow like CRAZY!
  4. i'm going to say this as nicely as possible. i think your skills are good and it a really nice picture but for the love of all things sacred can we leave bioncles out of the pony thing. They have not done anything to deserve that especially kopaka.but seriously that is a really good picture you made. did you use microsoft paint or some similar program. i must say the only thing i would suggest maybe doing his armor a more white/silver color and not grey/black. and maybe for your future ones try to maybe add some more mechanical appearance to it. other than that it's really good

    thankyou for not killing me.Yeah, I would of done white. but. the white hurted my eyes *my screen has a ###### load of Gamma* so I chose something alittle Duller.I would of polished the armour, But I had to finish and goto bed. ;-;I used Photoshop and my Tablet

    Shadow Reaper, let me tell you this:You're obviously a biased pony hater, so you really have no business coming here just to post your hateful and negative comment against someone who just wanted to show their artwork. Nobody forced you to come here, so stop your raging against the bronies of BZPower.As for the artwork itself, it looks as though its standing almost, due to the leaned position. Everything else is fine apart from that one little thing.

    Thankyou for the compliment - and please. keep anti-anti brony comments to a personal flame war between you and shadowreaper through PM's.

    This isn't the place for another pony debate, guys; this is a topic to comment on artwork.If you don't like ponies, that's fine, but you should still be polite if you're going to talk about that. And JiMing, supporting ponies isn't a legitimate excuse to post your own rude comments.

    Thanks ZIkoI shall post the next one soon
  5. FINALLY SOMEONE POSTSGEEZI thought you guys where dead, I posted 3 comics with no comment what so ever! >: (and yes. Im in Year 9 now.DUN DUN DUHHHand I just got a hair cut.I dont like short hair. it looks agressive to me.I like my curly afro. ;-;

  6. yeah it was beast XDI use pony sprites from Desktop Ponies cause im lazy X3and What you mean bad attention young'n?

    Desktop Ponies? And the attention you are gaining is not bad. I think your color scheme is original and vibrant. We are not trying to hurt your feelings. We're sorry. Aren't we, JiMing?
    Ya'll better be or ima get out my cane and beat ya's*im sorry this is what most veteran comic makers sound like to me*
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