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Blog Entries posted by SPIRIT

    I've just finished recording what I'm sure is going to be the hardest episode of Treespeak on the Air ever to edit. Mainly it was due to the fact that we went quite a bit off topic, but that's to be expected (most shows end up like that anyway ). The real problem was that I was experimenting a new way of making the show easier to listen to and, although it worked, it sent the file size skyrocketing through the roof and right out of the solar system (we had a few complaints from the denizens of Alpha Centauri, as a matter of fact ). At the end of it, the files that made up the episode were over a gigabyte big (that's 1 000 000 000 bytes). After several failed attempts with my usual compressing software, I Googled a new one, downloaded it, and it worked like a dream; now it's only 14 MB. And so when I tried to delete the monstrous uncompressed file, it was so big that my computer's recycling bin couldn't hold it (I've never had that happen before). Other than that, it went pretty smoothly and now that the show has an XML feed, I think we're really going to get going now.
    I finally have all the lines.
    Anyway, I've got The Mudkip Man and Shadow Rahkshi hard at work on the sprites so hopefully they'll finish in time. If you think you could help, though, it would be much appreciated. I've got 9 days to finish this movie, so fingers crossed.
    Today was the day I was going to make another effort at getting a summer job (yes, I know it's a bit late, but I've been pretty unlucky so far). Now I had a mix up with my mom about the times and left an hour later than I should have and thought that the place would close an hour later as well. Even then, I thought I was early so I got a hair cut and that ending up taking another hour. When I finally got there (no thanks to a late bus), it was closing time so I had to go home empty handed. As I rode the bus on the way back, I saw a familiar sight: bucketing rain. And to make the whole situation even more ironic, I was wearing a white shirt (I never learn, do I?). Luckily the rain stopped after I had walked a third of the way so it wasn't too bad, but I'm still a little suspicious about it raining every time I've taken the bus since the end of school...
    Another yuletide has come and gone and here's what I did this year. On Christmas Eve, I went out Christmas shopping and the weather decided to punish me for my procrastination with bucketing rain. Soaked to the bone, I managed to buy something for everyone. My family came from Canada to visit me in France, allowing me to see them in person for the first time in four months, which in of itself was a great present. They were pretty jet-lagged, but we managed to make it to our apartment (which was much nicer than my tiny studio apartment), where we set up a small artificial Christmas tree, Christmas lights, and put out our presents. Just as we were about to watch a movie before going to bed, the power went out, so they decided to go to sleep while I tried to entertain myself. I managed to fix the power before my laptop battery ran out, though, so I didn't die of boredom.
    Christmas morning, we opened our presents. I got:
    -Artemis Fowl and the Atlantis Complex
    -City of Secrets
    -Civilization V
    -A bunch of those Parker Bros. card games
    -A novelty t-shirt
    -Miscellaneous chocolates
    After spending a few days in our apartment with me showing my family around, we were unfortunately unable to visit my great aunt and uncle (who had taken ill), so we instead drove to a town just outside of Dijon, where we stayed in a nice, homey hotel for the night, which we had all to ourselves. Consequently, I decided to explore the place at night. To heighten the adventure, the doors were all unlocked, so it was a pretty exciting adventure. The next day, we drove to Paris to spend the week there before my family would go back to Canada and I would go back to finishing my year in France.
    So yeah... add me on Steam (name in the content block) if you want to face me in Civ 5, but give me some time to get used to it. Not being able to pile a billion units in one square kind of ruins a few of my strategies.
    Don't pull the fire alarm at 2:00 AM, for starters. :angry:
    So for those of you who don't know, I started university this fall and am now living on residence. So far, it's been a lot of fun meeting new people and getting accustomed to the campus. What hasn't been fun was last night where someone thought that it would be funny to pull the fire alarm when everyone was asleep. We all got up, got some sweaters on, and headed outside into the cold for twenty minutes while firefighters arrived.
    Seriously, if you really want to be funny, go make a PSA or something.
    Alas, another year has gone by and we have more or less survived our hazardous journey.
    "A journey to where?" you ask.
    "Not where," I chide you. "When."
    "What madness is this?" you cry.
    Get out your Vahi, kids. It's time to travel one hour into the future for Daylight Savings Time! (Goodbye, my extra sleep. ) Sadly, the board's automatic DST update doesn't work for me so I had to change it manually. Make sure you check this too.
    Also, turns out that in my Burn Stuff PSA, March 31st (i.e. the day "Burn Stuff" was created) was during EDT, not EST. Oops.
    This is for listeners of TotA, readers of Wildfire, and viewers of my PSAs. I am sorry to say this, but I'm going to have to put all three of those on hold for the Artwork III contest (which is actually a really short PSA). Once I have that voiced and animated, I'll put out the next chapter of Wildfire, then edit Episode 12 of TotA, get Episode 16 recorded and editted, then another chapter of Wildfire, then I'll start working on the next PSA and hopefully things will get back to normal. *smiles weakly*
    Now that I'm free from school, I have so much free time on my hands, it's not even funny. To entertain myself, I've decided to re-watch some of the movies I have. Today, I watch Fellowship of the Ring and I'm glad to say that I actually understood what was going on this time. Although the Gandalf vs. Saruman scenes could have used a little more pyrotechnics, I have a much better appreciation for the movie. In the days to come I'll be watching the rest of the series and a few other random movies, other than that, I'll either be sleeping or being on BZP. Ahh... life is good.
    Everything involving paperwork and school administration will go perfectly and I won't have to worry about such things as my exam mysteriously vanishing. Luckily I went into the exam with a passing mark, so it isn't vital that they find it, but I really don't want a 55% mark.
  10. SPIRIT
    Pohatu: Well, it appears that Lesovikk may have killed the ruler of the Matoran underworld.
    Kopaka: If you ask me... this is one heck of a crime. B)
  11. SPIRIT
    I finally got around to posting my first official topic as part of my job as a Fact Team member and I have to say that even I'm impressed with how it turned out. It took soooooo long to do and now that it's done, it is a thing of beauty: a list of ever single known member (minus the Piraka) and a brief summary of their history and powers. Anyway, now that this is over, I can get around to finish the next chapter of my epic which is two weeks late.
  12. SPIRIT
    Unfortunately, this is the sort of idea I could never get away with, but maybe in posting it, someone slightly cleverer than me will be able to devise a way to profit from it.
    Now, let me start off by saying that I don't get the appeal of professional sports. I just cannot bring myself to care who wins or who loses or follow a tournament at all in any sport. They're just people who are being paid an insane amount of money to play a game against another group of such people. Granted, they're really good at what they do, but I still am not entertained by you.
    I don't want to knock professional sports, to each his or her own, but they're just not for me.
    Where am I going with this?
    In today's day and age, we can make images of things and people look very realistic. In a few years, you won't be able to tell the difference.
    Why not remove the scandal-causing, money-wasting players and replace them with fictional constructions? All sports games could become well-animated movies and could become much more exciting with a crack team of writers to amp things up so that it comes down to the last second or the underdog comes from behind with a heroic victory. The entire multi-billion dollar sports industry could divide its money among just a few people who'd become insanely rich, now that you've removed the players from the equation.
    Yes, it's against the spirit of the game and many people would be really unhappy about it, but the thing is, how do we know this hasn't already happened?
  13. SPIRIT
    That's right, folks, I've been hit with the classic sitcom conundrum of wanting to be two places at the same time. If anyone had a Time Turner or fast car they'd be willing to lend me, that'd be great.
  14. SPIRIT
    Yes, I know I'm a little behind on things at the moment, but now that I've finished the bulk of my Reference Keeper duties, I'm hoping to start working my projects again. However, I say this tentatively, as I go into Independent Study Unit season at school: giant projects in eight courses, great.
    So, the three things I'm planning right now are (in order of priority):

    A giant blog entry detailing my trip to the Dominican Republic over the March Break. A new chapter for Wildfire (after nearly four months ). A new PSA (I've been planning this since before AC#12B- I'm REALLY behind on this one). Well, just thought you'd like to know what I've been procrastinating on recently.
  15. SPIRIT
    Some of you may have seen my BIONICLE: The Legend Reborn countdown and others might remember the one I made in anticipation of the release of Deathly Hallows. Well, now that I've got a template in place, I decided to make some for the new Harry Potter movie coming out July 17.


    Also, some credit would be nice.
    P.S. In terms of file size, the first one is 18.8 KB and the second one is 20.0 KB.
    EDIT: They've pushed the release date forward two days, so the banners have been updated accordingly.
  16. SPIRIT
    Today I went to my local Chapters and purchased three new BIONICLE Books: Power Play, Legacy of Evil, and the Official Guide to BIONICLE.
    Power Play was quite interesting indeed- a nice look at the Inika, their powers, and their personalities. Basically it goes along the lines of Ignition #3, but that's okay because it goes into much more detail and the scene with Vezon at the end is MUCH creepier.
    The Official Guide to BIONICLE was surprisingly more useful than I thought it would be. It has many colour pictures that are now rare and hard to find. There is also some interesting information on the Toa Nuva that isn't too jumbled up by Wiki entries and the likes.
    Legacy of Evil was a fascinating read. I don't know how much about it I'm allowed to say, but it certainly explained A LOT about the way things are and filled several gaping holes in the storyline.
    Well that's about it- I don't want to spoil too much because you should all go out and buy the books yourselves (especially if you want BIONICLE Legends #7 to come out ).
    Oh my, what short paragraphs I have here...
  17. SPIRIT
    So Sisen and I thought we'd make our own versions of Katy Perry's I Kissed A Girl, only a Harry Potter version. Let us know which one you like best.
    (Sisen's version).
    My version is sung by a Dementor right after he's kissed Barty Crouch junior at the end of the fourth book, sucking out his soul.
    This was always the way Fudge planned
    It's his intention
    Crouch was so pale and not tanned
    Lost his discretion
    It is what, I'm used to
    Just wanna taste his soul
    I'm ravenous for him
    Caught my attention
    I kissed a Crouch and he's soulless
    The taste of him losing his mind
    I kissed a Crouch 'cause Fudge told me
    I hope Dumbledore don't mind it
    It felt so wrong
    It felt so right
    Don't mean that he's dead tonight
    I kissed a Crouch and he's soulless
    He's soulless
    Well, I just only know your name
    It's not a good one,
    You are my alimental game
    Dementor nature,
    It's just what,
    We guys do
    Just how they should behave
    My head looks really gross
    Cinch to obey
    Wizards they are so magical
    Soft souls, and joy, so kissable
    Hard to resist so touchable
    Too good to deny it
    Ain't no big deal, if innocent
  18. SPIRIT
    Just for kicks the other day, I decided to check out the Spanish and French audio on my TLR DVD just to hear how the characters sounded and to see how well I could follow (since I also speak French and Spanish). To give myself a hand, I turned on the subtitles only to find that some genius had decided to translate the subtitles and the actual audio separately! So while the same message comes across, the wording between the subtitles and the non-English dialogue is different!
    Now, before we start bashing LEGO and the people they work with, this is not the first time I've seen this on a DVD. In several DVDs I've rented/purchased/seen in school, if you put on non-English subtitles and audio, they don't always match up.
    I really have to wonder the logic behind this. They pay a guy to translate the script into French and Spanish so that they can hire new voice actors to dub the movie. Then they pay another guy to translate what the subtitles say rather than transcribe what the first guy actually wrote. Call me crazy, but this sounds like a ridiculous waste of time and money. I mean, how hard is it to put stuff into a movie THAT YOU'VE ALREADY WRITTEN?! Like is there some point down the line where they realize "oh wait, we totally already got a guy to translate the script." "Well, should we just fire the guy translating the subtitles?" "Nah, he's almost done anyway."
    I encourage any of you who own DVDs with this option to go check them out and see if things don't line up just right. It may sadden you to discover how prevalent this actually is...
  19. SPIRIT
    Hi, friends. Do you or someone you know have the mini CD that came with Nuhvok-Kal? Would you like to help your favourite Reference Keeper with the BIONICLE Reference Center's Pronunciation Guide?
    If you said "yes" to both of these then SPIRIT needs your help and would really appreciate you PMing him for more information.
    If you said "yes" to the first one and "no" to the second then you are a cruel and heartless human being.
    EDIT: I don't know what's on the Rahkshi CDs, but if they have the narrator guy say "Pakari" and "Onua" or even "Onu-Koro" they'll do just as well.
  20. SPIRIT
    Things are going great with the newest PSA (despite the fact that Dr. Bionicle and -Chicken Little- still owe me their lines ) and if this keeps up, you should expect a release before the end of summer. Thanks to the Rayg 2.5 kit, the animation is going to be much better in this one (even if it is only people walking on and off screen), however, as the kit is not yet complete in certain areas, I've had to resort to using 2.0 or simply just improvising in some parts. The whole thing is probably going to be very big when it's done, both in file size and in length (it's a five page long script and it's so far shaping up to be around 8 minutes long, but quite possibly longer) so I'm looking into how to add a preloader.
    Well, that's all for now. Hope the board comes back online soon.
    EDIT: -Chicken Little- just sent in his lines yesterday. Only one more cast member to go. *glares*
  21. SPIRIT
    The worst part of whatever sickness I had seems to have passed, but now I've progressed to a stage where I sound quite a *cough* bit like *cough cough* General Grievous *cough* (if you *cough* catch my drift). It's driving me and my family insane- I can down a whole bottle of water in 30 seconds and still be thirsty! I'm not quite sure what sickness I had, but it's certainly done a number to my immune system. The good part is that sleeping and eating are working properly again and they're much more important than breathing is.
    In other news, it's actually snowing now (♫I'm dreaming of a white Halloween...♫), which is odd because my part of the country barely even has snow at Christmas any more. When I used to live further north, though, there was usually a metre of snow by November! Well, it's a good thing that the heavy snow didn't start until night- I reeeeeeeally didn't want to walk home in a blizzard wearing October-appropriate clothes.
  22. SPIRIT
    Words that mean nothing to SPIRIT, for he does not dream... and his power makes all things possible!
    Yes, Black Six has rearranged who works in which forum and so I have been moved out of Short Stories, the Voting Booth, and Comics and I have been moved into Software and Movies & Books. Not only that, but I have been made head Forum Leader of Sets and Software, which means that in those forums, I am unstoppable!
    For those who are having trouble keeping track, here are the forums SPIRIT works in right now:

    Sets Storyline & Theories Software Movies & Books BIONICLE Sector 01 The tanks march soon and all shall tremble in my wake. Pack an umbrella.
  23. SPIRIT
    Aw man, my topic got closed due to someone reviving it? When I'm admin, that'll be the first thing to go.
    Not so long as I'm around.
    Well, in that case, you're banned.
    Hmmm... Nice try, but only an admin can do that.
    Well, he could be the future admin.
    Yeah. So you have to do what I tell you.
    Not yet I don't. And with an attitude like that, I'm afraid you're shaping up to be a pretty pathetic admin indeed.
    Hmph. Not the way I see it.
    *Everything becomes bright and colourful.*
    I'm gonna be a great admin
    So dumb spammers beware!
    I've never seen a poster here
    With quite so little flair.
    I'm gonna reign all the forums
    Like no admin before
    I'm brushing up on banning noobs
    My post count, it will SOAR!
    To let you rule would really be a sin
    Oh I just can't wait to be admin!
    You've got a long way to go, young SPIRIT, if you think --
    No one say close this
    Now when I said that--
    No one say delete that
    What I meant was--
    No one say hide that
    What you don't realize--
    No one say see here
    Now SEE HERE!
    Free to revive topics all day
    Well that's definately out--
    Free to ban 'em all my way
    I think it's time that you and I arranged a PM to PM
    Admins don't need advice from BS01 staff and their phlegm
    If this is where the administration's headed
    Count me out!
    Out of service, out of Bionicle
    I wouldn't hang about!
    This staffer's asking for a punch to the chin...
    Oh I just can't wait to be admin!
    Ev'rybody post all day
    Ev'rybody post all night
    No matter where you post I'm
    In the Member Spotlight
    NOT YET!
    Let every member go for broke and spam
    Let the news hit you with a wham
    SPIRIT's rule will never be a sham!
    Oh I just can't wait to be admin!
    Oh I just can't wait to be admin!
    Oh I just can't waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait...
    To be admin!
    *Elephant falls on -Bionicleman-*
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