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Blog Entries posted by SPIRIT

    I just got back from staff training when I found one of the best emails I've ever received in my in-box from a certain Michael Petranek. Who's that, you ask? Well, wait and see. The message was entitled Bionicle Video Contest Entry and it read as follows:
    Dear [sPIRIT],
    We here at Papercutz really enjoyed your video that you sent in for submission. From the Yakov Smirnoff bit to the Family Guy style cutaways, it was very funny. Our only problem was that the video is a bit long. Could you edit it down to say, five minutes? We especially liked the bits with info from the comics. Please write me back when you get a chance. I'd love to discuss the video with you in greater detail.
    As you may or may not remember, I entered the Mantax Facts PSA into the Papercutz video contest. So this email is EXTREMELY promising, as you can probably tell. The thing is, I'm not really sure what needs to stay in this movie as I trim it down. The songs will probably be the first things to go, but is there anything I should specifically save? I'd really appreciate your input.
    There are just so many good contests this summer and so little time to do them in!
    True, I've gotten the Mantax Facts PSA [/subtle advertising] out of the way, but I've still got two more chapters of Wildfire and the rest of school to get through.
    Now, if I'm going to enter the S&T and Epics contests, I'm going to have to delay Wildfire even further. From the way Dark Mirror is going and the way The Kingdom went, I don't think I'm in any danger of Greg "stealing" my idea for the ending. Since the contests have a deadline and this does not, I'm afraid it'll have to take the back burner.
    Another problem is that I have job training the week that has both the deadlines in it, so I need to finish my entries early. I'll have some time off school, thanks to exams, but since I'm headed to university in the fall, school takes priority. Basically, if I can finish, I'll finish, if not, Wildfire gets finished- everyone wins.
    I finally have all the lines.
    Anyway, I've got The Mudkip Man and Shadow Rahkshi hard at work on the sprites so hopefully they'll finish in time. If you think you could help, though, it would be much appreciated. I've got 9 days to finish this movie, so fingers crossed.
    ... mais encore si loin...
    Well, a few weeks ago, I asked LEGO to send me the March-April issue of LEGO Magazine and today I got a large caramel envelope from Enfield, Connecticut. I opened it up and inside were the LEGO catalogue and the missing issue of LEGO Magazine. So I quickly skipped to the middle to get to the comic, only to find that I had not quite gotten what I had asked for. At the top of the front page were the words, "BIONICLE LA BATAILLE POUR LE POUVOIR".
    :annoyed2: LEGO had sent me the French version! Now, I can read French alright, but come on!
    It was kind of interesting, though, to learn the French terminology for certain BIONICLE things as well as strange translations that were made.

    The Brotherhood of Makuta is "La Confrèrie de Makuta". The Great Spirit is "Le Grand Esprit" (which is odd, since the French version of Legends of Metru Nui says "L'Esprit Divin"). The word they use for "rider" (in reference to the corrupted Matoran) translates to "jockey". Shadow Leach is "sangsue de l'ombre" (bloodsucker of shadow) A Tridax Pod is "une nacelle Tridax" A lightvine is "une vigne lumineuse". Chirox calls Vamprah his boyfriend. Skyboard is "planeur céleste". Understandably, because it's in French, some of the snappy dialogue doesn't really translate. Oddly enough, there's no Treespeak in French, who knew? However, Lewa still says "Héros Toa" without the hyphen, so I guess it was just a lack of understanding on the part of the translator, Jocelyne Vrzovski. 
    So maybe I'll ask for an English version of the magazine if I have time, but clearly someone over in Enfield needs to brush up on their Canadian geography.
    I am so there!
    When I first heard about the Bionicle Graphic Novel Contest, the first thought that came to my mind was PSA#5. Hey, it worked for the Zamor one so why not this? There's a slight flaw to this in that many people still owe me stuff. I've sent them all PMs, but I can only hope that they'll be able to get me their stuff within the next three weeks.
    Also, there's the fact that there are a few in-jokes and Internet fads that are referenced in the movie. I'm not sure whether or not BIONICLE editor Jim Salicrup, publisher Terry Nantier, and the BIONICLE experts at The LEGO Group will find them all funny, but I figure there's enough other content in there that they would find funny for the movie to work.
    Understandably, I have become quite jittery as winning this contest could mean quite a bit of publicity for my movie making abilities as well so much more. So fingers crossed.
    Being at the end of high school, I am on the verge of explosion.
    I have Independent Study Units, tests, and other large projects piling up that are all rapidly reaching their deadlines. Why, come this Tuesday, I will have had to have had [is this actual grammar??? ] handed in two pages on a How To book for Writer's Craft and my script writing project; done a test in Biology on the human sensory system; and presented in History on a piece of 19th century literature.
    Not only that, but people want me to finish off PSA#5 and Wildfire, which I'd MUCH rather do than that school work. Problem is, only the latter affects my ability to go to university. Understandably, there may be delays in my BZP stuff, but I'll try to get it done as fast as possible without going completely insane. Already I've gotten all the lines I need from Bioni-Cool Jack and a promise from Lady Kopaka that she'll get right on it. Now all I need is stuff from Rayg, Cee, and -CL- and we should be good to go.
    My house has once again been invaded by mice.
    The last time was nearly nine years ago, but it seems they've been spending all that time figuring out how to get back in. Last time, they weren't too smart, running out in front of the TV and leaving obvious signs of their presence. These ones, however, are much more clever. They've so far stayed in a storage room, living off of forgotten Easter chocolate, but my keen hearing picked up their rustling and they were discovered. My parents are getting traps tomorrow (the poisonous kind, I believe) so the problem should go away in a few days.
    Let's just hope that this time the mice don't develop another appetite for plastic (my Playmobil ball and chain mace will never be the same ), especially given that my LEGO collection is much larger now. Too bad I don't have a Muaka or something to scare them off...
    The auditions have been all listened to, votes have been tallied, and the newest cast members of PSA #5 are:
    Mantax: Bioni-Cool Jack
    Lewa: Cee-estee
    Tahnok: Swert
    Matoro: Boba Fett
    My condolences to Phyoohrii and Toaraga who were very close runners up. Thanks a bunch for auditioning guys and congratulations to all the winners!
    Also, a minor production update: I'm now officially back to where I was (from an animation standpoint) before everything got deleted and I've got both of the songs recorded. Maybe this PSA will have a February release after all.
    I've seen many theories
    Time after time
    I've some closed topics
    Been in the light of lime
    And bad mistakes
    I've made a few
    I've had my share theories dis-proven
    But I've come through
    I are the champions - my friends
    And I'll keep on fighting - till the end
    I are the champions
    I are the champions
    No time for losers
    'Cause I are the champions - of the world
    Not sure if you've seen yet, but I just won a Gold Key to Nongu Award!!!!! :winner: :winner:
    I'd like to thank the academy- *is cut off by music*
    Anyway, in the realm of PSA production, I've been having troubles with the songs. Last time you might have noticed that sometimes my voice didn't sync perfectly with the music; this was a recording error that I have been trying to solve. I've also strained my voice quite a bit in the recording (when the PSA comes out, you'll see why) so now I actually keep a bottle of honey beside the computer when I record to soothe my throat. Plus, if it's good enough for Winnie the Pooh, it's good enough for me.
  10. SPIRIT

    Since April 14th, 2006, those of you with microphones have been waiting for this moment. You have been hoping, nay, praying for a day when you too could star in another Flash PSA. Previously, I have only recruited people whose voices I had heard before, but no longer. The script has been written and now is finally the time when I hold open auditions for parts in PSA #5!!!


    Yes, I know. So without further ado, I present you with the long and complex audition process:


    Mantax: "Oh come on! That's hilarious! Man, you never laugh at anything I say."

    Lewa: "*makes sounds to hush the person he is talking to* I know what I'm doing, when have I ever been wrong before?"

    Tahnok: "Hey there. I'm a Bohrok, and I’m here to return Mata Nui to the way it was in the before time."

    Matoro: "Oh, this’ll be a huge fad, let me tell you. It’ll be in all the signatures."


    Having chosen a part for which you plan on auditioning, simply record yourself saying the given line in italics. Then, attach it to an e-mail and send it to spirit [at] bzpower.com (of course replacing the [at] with an @) with the subject as Audition.
    IMPORTANT: Your audition must be in an e-mail and it must have Audition in the subject line or you will not be considered ().

    The deadline for submissions is 23:59:59 EST Saturday, February 9th, 2008 Anno Domini, which means you have roughly two weeks to do this.


    Q: Why didn't you just write out your e-mail there?

    A: Because, kids, that's one of the many ways spam bots send you e-mails.

    Q: Can I audition for more than one part?

    A: Absolutely. In fact, I encourage it; less people to share the script with.

    Q: What if I had a part in a previous PSA, can I still audition?

    A: Go right ahead.

    Q: Are those lines from the PSA?

    A: Sort of. I've changed them a bit, though, to get a better idea of the voices.

    Q: So how do you want me to say these lines?

    A: It's up to you. Don't keep the character in mind as much as the spirit of the line itself.

    Q: Can I use more than one voice for a particular line in my audition?

    A: Absolutely; the more the merrier.

    Q: Seriously, though, what does PSA stand for?


    Legal Stuff

    Upon becoming a cast member, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WHATSOEVER may you share information from the script I will send you. Doing so will cause me to use the :angry: emoticon and trust me, you wouldn't want that.
  11. SPIRIT
    I had a bit of free time today and so I went to open up the Word document containing the rough draft for my script for PSA 5 only to let out a girly shriek of horror.
    Yes, sadly in my attempt to increase space on my computer by moving all my personal files to a thumb drive, my production folder for the PSA was somehow lost in the process. I have downloaded program after program to sift through the files that have gone beyond the recycling bin to no avail-- that folder is gone forever. This includes the lyrics and music for both songs, the half started script, and the intro animation. Now they are all lost in the dark abyss of forgotten files...
    Luckily, though, I have a pretty good memory for lyrics (especially ones that I wrote), I still have the music for the songs elsewhere, the animation is not impossible to replicate, and the script probably needed an overhaul anyway.
    So yeah, things have been set back a little, as you might imagine.
  12. SPIRIT
    Production for the next PSA is officially underway.
    The plot has been more or less decided (it's top secret, though), so now all I have to do is write the script. For what I have in mind, there should be at least room for a few more voice actors, even if they only get one or two lines. However, once a voice actor or actress in one of my PSAs, always a voice actor or actress in one of my PSAs (no, it's nothing like Narnia, it's just that you'll have a better chance of being in another future PSA, that's all). Anyway, I've got a pretty tight schedule, so don't expect anything very soon- I'll do what I can when I can.
    Q: Will there be another song in the next PSA?
    A: No.
    Q: What?!?! Why?!?!
    A: Because there will be two, and I have already written them.
    Q: Can I be in the next PSA?
    A: When I finish the script, there will be open casting hosted in this blog for any roles I need to fill. More details when that actually happens.
    Q: What does PSA stand for?
  13. SPIRIT
    It was one afternoon ago on this day that I received an unexpected instant message from none other than Black Six. "SPIRIT," he asked me in a now paraphrased way, "how would you like to be a staff member?" Without a second's hesitation I said yes as calmly as I could type it, but my heart rate just about tripled. Well, here I am now, and what a journey it has been. I'm an RK, one who worked on revolutionising BZPower's reference system, and am working in seven forums right now. In my personal life this year, I've been all across the continent for various reasons and have seen and done some pretty amazing stuff. I got my G2 driver's license, read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in about 13 hours, excelled at my job working at a day camp, and released a smash-hit PSA.
    Of course, now the pressing question is where can I go from here? Forum Leader, perhaps? Do I have the time or the experience? Time will tell.
    I recently had my 17.5th birthday; not much longer until I'm an official AFOL. For me, though, it's not a question of money or maturity for whether or not I'm going to buy more sets -- nor has it ever been -- it's going to be a matter of space. Where will I put them all when I'm off on my own?
    Oh well, enough about the confused worries of tomorrow and back to the present. I'm working on finding the right university as well as balancing my seven high school courses. It's tricky, but I'm getting there. I've also got this weird twitch in my right eye recently, which, according to Chinese tradition is good luck (that or I need more sleep ).
    And one quick skip back to the future, I've got some ideas rolling around my head for the next PSA. I've got a few cutaways planned already and a very rough plot. Estimated release time? Februaryish? I'll keep you posted.
  14. SPIRIT
    Oh, the Barraki only wish they had it as good as I do.
    Yup, that's right, Bionicle Artwork III: Bionicle Comics is now under my control (I suspect it had something to do with my PSA ). This now places me in a tie for second with ET for working in the most forums; Kex, alas, still has one more than us. I have also made a lateral movement from Software to Sets. I rather liked the Software forum, but given that nothing new in the way of BIONICLE video games, etc. has come out recently, I wasn't getting much to do there.
    Will the vast SPIRIT Empire continue its expansion over the rest of the forums? Stay tuned.
    As for my real life, I'm doing okay (as far as anyone can be going back to school ). I'm recovering from a slight cold, but otherwise things have been pretty normal (certainly less adventurous than looking after a bunch of 4-11 year olds over the summer ).
  15. SPIRIT
    ...Itty bitty living space.
    Actually, the afore mentioned phenomenal cosmic powers refer to the brand new piece of paper that currently resides in my wallet:
    MY G2!!!
    Now for those of you living outside of Ontario, you're probably saying to yourselves "a what now?", well my friends, a G2 is the second level of the Ontario driver's license, which means that I can now drive wherever I want, whenever I want with the sole restrictions of having an alcohol level of 0 and not carrying around more than one passenger under the age of 19 who isn't related to me between the hours of midnight and 5 AM for the first six months of being in possession of the G2 license (specific much?). Anyway, now I'm free to drive wherever I please, given that my parents let me use the car. BTW, do you think it's a bad sign that I had "and then I crashed into you and I went up in flames" stuck in my head while taking the test?
    In other news, the PSA is roughly 2/3 done (Doc's lines are on their way) and there's a new chapter of Wildfire up.
  16. SPIRIT
    Things are going great with the newest PSA (despite the fact that Dr. Bionicle and -Chicken Little- still owe me their lines ) and if this keeps up, you should expect a release before the end of summer. Thanks to the Rayg 2.5 kit, the animation is going to be much better in this one (even if it is only people walking on and off screen), however, as the kit is not yet complete in certain areas, I've had to resort to using 2.0 or simply just improvising in some parts. The whole thing is probably going to be very big when it's done, both in file size and in length (it's a five page long script and it's so far shaping up to be around 8 minutes long, but quite possibly longer) so I'm looking into how to add a preloader.
    Well, that's all for now. Hope the board comes back online soon.
    EDIT: -Chicken Little- just sent in his lines yesterday. Only one more cast member to go. *glares*
  17. SPIRIT
    Today, while collecting the mail, I noticed something odd. Among the various bills for my parents, there was a colourful magazine that said LEGO on it. Now, ordinarily, this would be a cause for joy, but in this case, it was one for confusion. I had already gotten my May issue and two catelogs had just come yesterday, so could this possibly mean that I had, by some miracle, gotten the July issue before everyone else? Upon closer inspection, I saw that it was merely the May issue again. Now, the ironic part to this tale is that for some reason unknown, I never received my March issue, so now I have 2 Mays, but no Marches. Oh well.
    Also, for anyone who still cares, there's a new chapter of Wildfire that's just waiting for reviews.
  18. SPIRIT
    I seem to have been pranked. No longer is my avatar a floating rock with moss growing on it, but it has been in fact changed to a two dimensional spinning image a Chiara Zanni's head; bonus points if you know who she is.
    Also, the PSA's coming along swimmingly. So far Cee's the only person who's been able to give me satisfactory lines, but I'm in no rush.
  19. SPIRIT
    As many of you may know, yesterday was my birthday as well as easter. As far as I can remember, this is the first year that they've ever landed on the same day, so this was certainly an odd birthday. For starters, it was spread out over the whole holiday so I unfortunately didn't get to enjoy it as much as I would if it were all crammed into one day.
    Friday was cake day. Didn't do much that day except visit my grandparents and eat cake.
    Saturday was present day. I got all six Barraki, new headphones (the wire being exposed in my old ones), a t-shirt that said National Sarcasm Society: Like we need your support, and a ridiculous amount of cash.
    Sunday was age increase day. 12:00 PM and I was officially 17. Also, my other grandparents and aunt came to visit and I got another cake and two pies (because my aunt's birthday was five days prior).
    Monday, today, was do nothing day. Today, all I did was make a Content Block listing all my sets because I was bored.
    Now I'm filthy rich, loaded with chocolate, and all around content with the way things went on this long weekend. I'm finally getting around to starting the giant blog entry I promised so sit tight. And as for the PSA, I've decided to wait for Rayg to do a little more 2.5 work before I get down to business myself, since I need some of the sprites he has not yet drawn.
  20. SPIRIT
    Yes, I know I'm a little behind on things at the moment, but now that I've finished the bulk of my Reference Keeper duties, I'm hoping to start working my projects again. However, I say this tentatively, as I go into Independent Study Unit season at school: giant projects in eight courses, great.
    So, the three things I'm planning right now are (in order of priority):

    A giant blog entry detailing my trip to the Dominican Republic over the March Break. A new chapter for Wildfire (after nearly four months ). A new PSA (I've been planning this since before AC#12B- I'm REALLY behind on this one). Well, just thought you'd like to know what I've been procrastinating on recently.
  21. SPIRIT
    Officially, it's not a REAL snowday, but this is the second day in a row that the school buses have been canceled and since I barely did anything yesterday (and am almost certain that I'd accomplish even less today) my parents have decided to let me stay home today. Thank you adverse weather conditions!
  22. SPIRIT
    Finally, after nearly six months, BionicleSector01 is back. I really missed all the reference materials there and found it really hard to have to research things elsewhere (like on the real Wikipedia ). Anyway, this time around, I'm an Adviser. Not quite sure what that means, but from what I understand, it was pretty much what I was doing before the site when down anyway. Aside from the fact that I'm now BS01 staff, I have now apparently added another forum to my growing empire (I feel like a Barraki at times ). Yup, the BionicleSector01 forum is now mine to control. Not that I can really do much, being only a Forum Assistant, but it's still a nice feeling. So at last count, I'm at 5 forums, tied with bonesiii and Kex for world domination.
  23. SPIRIT
    Huzzah! Once again, living in Canada has shown one of its many benefits. We get free education, clean drinking water, low crime rate, free health care (which we shall always boast about to the U.S.), and big fat snowstorms that end up closing schools. Because of that last one, I'm free to do whatever I want for the rest of the day! This is easily one of the best Valentine's Days yet.
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