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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by SPIRIT

    I've thought long and hard about what I want my life to be about. There are so many philosophies out there, but I've found they're all pretty limiting in one way or another. But I think I've found the one that suits me the best.
    From now on, I'm going to be a humanitarian!
    I've already tried being a vegetarian, but I think this diet will be easier to maintain. Just don't tell the cops. They're already pretty upset after my egalitarian diet. Which is a shame, because eagles are just so darn tasty.
    Today, while collecting the mail, I noticed something odd. Among the various bills for my parents, there was a colourful magazine that said LEGO on it. Now, ordinarily, this would be a cause for joy, but in this case, it was one for confusion. I had already gotten my May issue and two catelogs had just come yesterday, so could this possibly mean that I had, by some miracle, gotten the July issue before everyone else? Upon closer inspection, I saw that it was merely the May issue again. Now, the ironic part to this tale is that for some reason unknown, I never received my March issue, so now I have 2 Mays, but no Marches. Oh well.
    Also, for anyone who still cares, there's a new chapter of Wildfire that's just waiting for reviews.
    omg i have so much i should be doing right now why am i making a blog about this okay spirit dont panic breathe in breathe out thats it oh dear how did things go so wrong everything was cool yesterday and now its all fallen apart i wonder if i could hire a secretary or personal assistant to help me deal with all this because this is just crazy i consider myself a person of roughly average intelligence and ability and i cant imagine how dumb people manage but i guess there arent many dumb people in my situation so it all balances out i wish i had a time machine so that i could just be six months in the future when my life is all figured out or even a crystal ball to tell me which paths to take would be handy i dont even care about causality or missing out on my true destiny or free will at this point im sure there are many outcomes that would lead to a happy ending good gravy its hard to type like this for comedic effect i guess many years of typing english class and reading have ingrained several difficult to break habit i wonder if this entry will even be legible or if it will get any reputation points its so weird that there isnt a better name for those rep points reppies repertoire im sure theres a pun to be made but my brain cant make it right now i guess i feel a little better after typing all this and things have certainly been worse but i think thats a poor excuse because i can imagine them being so much better i guess im going to repress that by playing video games speaking of which i cant believe sun and moon are almost out i am so hyped for generation seven im also hyped for civ vi and i would love to play more of that but i just cant commit the time right now and my computer is growing a little slow in its old age i think skyrim killed it man id love to do another playthrough of skyrim too on a modern desktop super gaming computer that would be so dope but obviously i wont have the time or the money for this for some time which i guess is the point of finishing my degree getting a job and starting my career i mean i figure i can build a pretty sweet gaming lounge for like five thousand bucks that should include computer chair tv wireless keyboard and wireless mouse i wonder what the range is on those things i guess it doesnt matter at this point maybe i can set up a receiver closer to my chair if theres an issue man i wish these were the problems in my life and not the bureaucratic quagmire i have to wade through right now also i should probably be studying oh crud and then theres that assignment i have due and dont even get me started on that comedy i was supposed to be writing oh well itll get done when it gets done okay this is probably enough they got the joke now i guess ill just drown my sorrows in video games and hope everything sorts itself out
    Another yuletide has come and gone and here's what I did this year. On Christmas Eve, I went out Christmas shopping and the weather decided to punish me for my procrastination with bucketing rain. Soaked to the bone, I managed to buy something for everyone. My family came from Canada to visit me in France, allowing me to see them in person for the first time in four months, which in of itself was a great present. They were pretty jet-lagged, but we managed to make it to our apartment (which was much nicer than my tiny studio apartment), where we set up a small artificial Christmas tree, Christmas lights, and put out our presents. Just as we were about to watch a movie before going to bed, the power went out, so they decided to go to sleep while I tried to entertain myself. I managed to fix the power before my laptop battery ran out, though, so I didn't die of boredom.
    Christmas morning, we opened our presents. I got:
    -Artemis Fowl and the Atlantis Complex
    -City of Secrets
    -Civilization V
    -A bunch of those Parker Bros. card games
    -A novelty t-shirt
    -Miscellaneous chocolates
    After spending a few days in our apartment with me showing my family around, we were unfortunately unable to visit my great aunt and uncle (who had taken ill), so we instead drove to a town just outside of Dijon, where we stayed in a nice, homey hotel for the night, which we had all to ourselves. Consequently, I decided to explore the place at night. To heighten the adventure, the doors were all unlocked, so it was a pretty exciting adventure. The next day, we drove to Paris to spend the week there before my family would go back to Canada and I would go back to finishing my year in France.
    So yeah... add me on Steam (name in the content block) if you want to face me in Civ 5, but give me some time to get used to it. Not being able to pile a billion units in one square kind of ruins a few of my strategies.
    Inspired by the success of Dr. Bionicle's The Academy, I decided to enter the next RPG contest with an altered version of my epic Wildfire. IMO, it sounds pretty fun and easy to understand- I just hope everyone else thinks so.
    For all those interested, the entry is here.
    I never get tired of that line...
    Anyway, the more observant of you may have noticed that something is ary with my blog today. That's right, I had a bit of free time on my hands and shifted all the content blocks "two inches to the left" . I am well aware that the space between the two sides may or may not be two inches long (not sure, being Canadian and whatnot), but I just couldn't resist throwing that line in one last time.
    Why the shift?
    Well I finally got fed up with people's comments crashing into my content blocks and becoming unreadable. Hopefully this solves the problem and I also hope that you don't mind scrolling a bit if you have an 800 x 600 resolution like me (if you do, well then you probably need the exercise anyway).
    And this concludes one of my most pointless entries.
    It has been brought to my attention that Pokémon Sun & Moon will be released in 150 days.
    Coincidentally, the last possible day of exams next semester is in 150 days, whereby I will be done with school forever.
    Either way, in 150 days, a world of dreams and adventures awaits!
    150 days...
    Everything involving paperwork and school administration will go perfectly and I won't have to worry about such things as my exam mysteriously vanishing. Luckily I went into the exam with a passing mark, so it isn't vital that they find it, but I really don't want a 55% mark.
    Ever had one of those days where so much dumb stuff happened that pretty much all you can say about it is "bleh"? Well even if you haven't, I'm too busy having a bleh day to care.
    The day began, innocently enough at 9:00 AM when I set off to do some vollunteer work for my church. I kind of live far away from it, so I knew it was going to be a difficult walk with lots of bus rides, but I was okay with that. So I walked to the first bus stop and got there just as the bus pulled out which means I had to wait about 10 minutes for the next one, but that's okay, I wasn't in a hurry. The bus got there, I got on, no big deal. I rode the bus for about 15 minutes and I eventually got to my next stop (even though I probably should have switched buses at the train station, but it really didn't matter because it was only five more minutes of walking). After walking to the stop for the second bus, I waited around there for about half an hour until the bus finally came (since that street gets less traffic, the bus company can't afford to run buses by there more frequently). Another 15 minute ride and I was dropped off about 5 minutes away from the church so I walked there and started working. Four hours of cutting branches, pulling down trees, and picking up twigs later, I'm more or less done so I go home which takes pretty much the same amount of time except I ended up at the far reaches of my city because I took a different bus than the one that came every half hour. On my trip home, however, I tried to brush off what I thought was a leaf that had fallen on my head, only to find out that it was a wasp (which didn't like being brushed off and attacked ). Finally, at 4:00 PM, I made it home and was exhausted, hot, and insanely thirsty. I chugged down a quarter of the orange juice and half the apple juice (seperately, of course) and then collapsed down in front of the TV for an hour.
    Well, at least it didn't rain.
  10. SPIRIT
    Well, I'm finally settling down from Lego Star Wars II. I'm ever so slightly over 80% done and I've found just about all the easy stuff which means I can start to get serious about BZP again. I've already gotten in a new Bionicle Captions Contest round as well as a new chapter in Wildfire. All that remains now is TotA and I'll be officially caught up. For Episode 12, you should expect quality similar to that of Episode 11 (Doc recorded this one too), but I've gotten a few more tricks up my sleeve since 11 that will hopefully make it better. After that, I've got to record Episode 16 and then work on a special surprise for the show with Doc. Either way, it's definitely worth keeping your eyes (or ears, in this case) pealed for updates.
  11. SPIRIT
    Another one bites the dust.
    Took down Battle Chatelaine Morgan on Super Rotation Battles in Omega Ruby. Swept her whole team with a Gliscor -- it was brutal! Special mention to the Vaporeon, Mega Aggron, and Dragonite that helped me get through 49 other battles to reach her.
    The code to see it is G75W-WWWW-WW38-WQJP.
    So that's Singles and Rotation taken care of. I think I'll try Doubles next. Any suggestions?
  12. SPIRIT
    Interview with Pohatu: ~20 minutes
    Interview with Animation Team: ~15 minutes
    Interview with Umarak: ~20 minutes
    Interview with Ekimu/Makuta/Onua/Narmoto: ~20 minutes
    Interview with Lewa: ~1 hour
    This casting director is a genius.
  13. SPIRIT
    Took a few weeks, but everything people have asked me to re-post that I had archived has been re-posted.
    Apologies to @fishers64 because I did not think to save Mata Nui's Performance Review and to @meglatorian because not only did I not save The Three Bohroketeers, but I completely forgot I wrote it! If anyone happens to have those topics backed up, I'm sure both they and I would be very grateful to get to read them again.
    Also to note, there are still a few stories in my own private archive. They're largely earlier work or stuff that didn't get an overwhelming critical reception, but I could be persuaded to re-post them if anyone really wants to read them.
    Anyway, now that that's out of the way, maybe now I can focus on making new stuff.
    Stay tuned.
  14. SPIRIT
    Bishop Alan Grant: Episcopaleontologist
    "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, bones to mineralized remains."
    "He died and rose again in 20 million days."
    "I can't reach that excavation plot, I can only move diagonally!"
    And yes, , there will be feathers.
  15. SPIRIT
    This past week has been pretty easy for me. I've had to do a few major cleaning projects (over 2 hours long ), but at least I get payed extra. Other than that and laze about all day, I've also been looking for a job, but I haven't had much success. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get a lot of BZP-related stuff because of server errors (especially yesterday's) but I did manage to do a new chapter of Wildfire so my conscience is at peace.
  16. SPIRIT
    Back when Journey to One came out two years ago, I said to myself, "hey, remember all those movie spoofs you wrote back in the day? Weren't those fun? You should totally write one for this Netflix thing because it's going to be around forever."
    Then they announced the cancellation.
    "Hey, it's still cool, it'll be nice to do one last thing with Bionicle before saying goodbye forever."
    Yes, well, little did I realize that it would end up taking two years! Granted, I was finishing a master's degree, moving countries, and starting a career, so there were a few more things taking my attention than when I was a teenager going to school for 6 hours a day, but this was still pretty difficult. My standards as to what constitutes a joke have certainly risen since I wrote my first movie spoof back when I was 14, but also the dialogue in Journey to One was harder to intersperse with jokes and I've just become a lot more susceptible to writer's block in my old age.
    However I did finish it.
    There were many times I wanted to give up. It certainly didn't help that this didn't have nearly the readership the previous instalments in the series had, but I kept telling myself that I didn't get into writing for the praise. I did it because I had something to say.
    Even though it was hard work, I'm glad I did it. A final homage to a franchise I loved so well. And now my legacy as someone who finishes everything he started on this site remains intact. (Please ignore all memories you may have of my many unfinished projects.)
    If you'd like to check it out for yourself, I encourage you to give it a read.
  17. SPIRIT
    I know a lot of people use the blogs rather than the forums to showcase their stuff, but that's crazier than crazy.
    Blogs are for shameless self-promotion and complaining about random things that no one else has context for!
    So I'm not going to post my video here, but I will link it for you to discuss.
  18. SPIRIT
    Hey, I just entered The Legend Continues contest. The prizes sounded pretty good, and I felt that the Skull Slicer kind of got a raw deal only showing up in 2 web animations and getting like a sentence of lore. He was this arena champion who inexplicably had 4 arms. So many questions...
    Also, I've been off and on writing another movie spoof. I'll finish it someday...
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