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Blog Entries posted by SPIRIT

    So yeah, today's my half birthday. I can hardly believe it's been six months already since then and yet, so much has happened in that time.
    I'd also like to take this time to mention three groups of people I don't like:
    1) Music snobs. Who do you think you are?! What gives you the right?!
    2) People who sign into IM programs with their status set to as "Away". Who do you think you are?! What gives you the right?!
    3) People who make short online videos with intros that are like twenty seconds long. Who do you think you are?! What gives you the right?!
    Production for the next PSA is officially underway.
    The plot has been more or less decided (it's top secret, though), so now all I have to do is write the script. For what I have in mind, there should be at least room for a few more voice actors, even if they only get one or two lines. However, once a voice actor or actress in one of my PSAs, always a voice actor or actress in one of my PSAs (no, it's nothing like Narnia, it's just that you'll have a better chance of being in another future PSA, that's all). Anyway, I've got a pretty tight schedule, so don't expect anything very soon- I'll do what I can when I can.
    Q: Will there be another song in the next PSA?
    A: No.
    Q: What?!?! Why?!?!
    A: Because there will be two, and I have already written them.
    Q: Can I be in the next PSA?
    A: When I finish the script, there will be open casting hosted in this blog for any roles I need to fill. More details when that actually happens.
    Q: What does PSA stand for?
    It's hard to believe that it was just over two years ago that I decided to become a full-time bearded man. There's a surprisingly deep subculture surrounding the grooming of one's facial hair, I've learned.
    Before committing, I made the conscious decision to look at what other men were doing and pick and choose what I wanted for my own face. One of the things I learned from this is that different men have different bald spot patterns on their face. So a beard like Jafar's might just grow like that naturally rather than being the product of careful shaving.
    Another thing is moustaches. Some people have a large canvass of hair follicles for moustache growth (see also Tom Selleck), whereas others do not. It seems to me unless you can grow a Selleck-esque moustache, you're probably better to go with at least a goatee if not the full beard. The ol' pencil moustache just ain't cutting it these days (especially if you wear those giant glasses from the 1970s -- I think that gets you immediately arrested).
    And don't think you can cheat the system by going with no moustache. That's right, Amish people. A moustache on its own looks good, a moustache and beard looks good, but a beard without a moustache looks awful. Obviously no Amish people are reading this, but if you see any Amish people, let them know I think their practice of going moustache-less is very silly. (As well as their reasoning for it, but you can look that up on your own time).
    Now what else...
    A good beard is well-trimmed around the edges. Make sure you shave off those stray cheek hairs and your neck. Probably follow the jaw-line for that. That's a good rule of thumb. I notice a lot of guys don't do that, and once you go past a certain length, it just doesn't look good. A jaw-line beard really adds definition to your face.
    And then there's women with moustaches. Hate to break it to you ladies, but if men have to groom our facial hair, you definitely have to groom yours. Yadda, yadda, beauty on the inside, but it takes like two seconds and makes the world of difference.
    Personally, I do the full beard to the jawline, and I think my ideal length is somewhere around 3/8 inch, but it is fun to grow it out every now and then to feel a little regal.
    How about you guys? What's your facial hair situation?
    And now for a brief review of recent stock trends with our financial expert SPIRIT.
    Shares in ORLY dropped 0.27 points, AFK dropped 0.34 points, BRB dropped 0.05 points, GTG remained neutral, IMHO dropped 0.670 points, and BFF remained neutral.
    Truly this is not a good day for stocks humorously bearing the names of common Internet abbreviations.
    So long story, but I ordered a GameBoy Color game off Amazon and it just arrived today.
    So I popped it in and turned it on and goodness gracious me.
    I used to play on this? For multiple hours at a time? WITH NO BACK LIGHT?! How do I have any eyesight at all???? This screen is so absurdly tiny. A 2.32 inch display? Are you joking me?
    I got my GameBoy Color almost 17 years ago. I can't wait to see what gaming is like in 2034.
    It's been nearly a month since I've last updated my blog so I think it's high time I bring you back up to speed. Since I last posted here, I've seen Over the Hedge, Cars, and Casino Royale; all great movies that I recommend seeing. I've also been hard at work getting sounds and music off of the BIONICLE DVDs and I just finished recording everything I need from LoMN (almost 2/3 of the way there!). My report card came a few days ago, not the best one I've ever gotten, but still pretty good just the same. It's been snowing recently, but it really hasn't been collecting in large enough amounts to be of any use. From what I've heard on the news, it seems like everyone's getting snow except me; I hope I won't have another green Christmas this year.
    And now you're up to speed.
    And plastic pellets...
    These were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect little Toa.
    But Professor Artakha accidentally added an extra ingredient to the concotion -- Energized Protodermis
    Thus, the Toa Nuva were born!
    Using their elemental powers, Tahu, Gali, Lewa, Kopaka, Onua, and Pohatu have dedicated their lives to fighting crime and the forces of Makuta!
    I am so there!
    When I first heard about the Bionicle Graphic Novel Contest, the first thought that came to my mind was PSA#5. Hey, it worked for the Zamor one so why not this? There's a slight flaw to this in that many people still owe me stuff. I've sent them all PMs, but I can only hope that they'll be able to get me their stuff within the next three weeks.
    Also, there's the fact that there are a few in-jokes and Internet fads that are referenced in the movie. I'm not sure whether or not BIONICLE editor Jim Salicrup, publisher Terry Nantier, and the BIONICLE experts at The LEGO Group will find them all funny, but I figure there's enough other content in there that they would find funny for the movie to work.
    Understandably, I have become quite jittery as winning this contest could mean quite a bit of publicity for my movie making abilities as well so much more. So fingers crossed.
    Okay, the survey's been out for a week, so let's see what people want.
    1) Is having the BIONICLE logo as the map with each forum section being an island a good idea? If not, what would be better?
    Most people seemed to like the map, although Great Being #1 has proposed an alternative (see below).
    2) Do you agree with the island names? If not, what are some better ones you can think of?
    Once again, no one had any major qualms with these. Terakk, though, has suggested some of his own (see below).
    3) Do you agree with the elemental designations of the forums? If not, what do you suggest?
    Very few issues here, though see GB's map for his suggestions.
    The other 3 :annoyed2:) Where should blogs go?
    Voting was more split here, but the majority of you wanted it to go in people's homes.
    4) How do homes work?
    This was probably the closest vote, but most people decided that you live in a home in one of the forums.
    So now the follow up:
    1) If things stay this way will you be so totally disgusted by this project that you'll boycott it entirely or can you live with it?
    2) a- Do you like GB's suggested map better than mine (barring the fact that mine is interactive)?
    b- Do you like Terakk's island name suggestions (Pheskal, Zatovas, and Arventos) better than mine?
    I'll tally up the results in a week or so and then we can move onto phase two!
  10. SPIRIT
    Spiders and scorpions don't have skulls! They're arthropods, which means they have exoskeletons! The Skull Spiders and Skull Scorpio are phonies!
    Hey everyone! These guys are great big phonies!
  11. SPIRIT
    Alas, another year has gone by and we have more or less survived our hazardous journey.
    "A journey to where?" you ask.
    "Not where," I chide you. "When."
    "What madness is this?" you cry.
    Get out your Vahi, kids. It's time to travel one hour into the future for Daylight Savings Time! (Goodbye, my extra sleep. ) Sadly, the board's automatic DST update doesn't work for me so I had to change it manually. Make sure you check this too.
    Also, turns out that in my Burn Stuff PSA, March 31st (i.e. the day "Burn Stuff" was created) was during EDT, not EST. Oops.
  12. SPIRIT
    That's right, I have all the Inika now!
    I got Jaller, Hewkii, Nuparu, and Hahli on Saturday and they were amazing! Their light up weapons are easily 3 times better than the Piraka's eyes (and those were pretty cool to begin with), they're practically deadly with their rapidfire ability, and despite what other people think, they're masks are some of the coolest yet. I liked them so much that I even made a video review (which should show up in the Official Review Topic some time tomorrow). Today, Matoro and Kongu went off backorder and so I got and built them, but no review this time- there just wasn't a lot to say.
    Overall, I think that Nuparu is my favourite; it just doesn't get better than claws and shoulder-Zamor.
  13. SPIRIT
    So let me start my story like any old man with an anecdote that doesn't really go anywhere.
    I was trawling through my old blog entries trying to find out when I got Pokemon Diamond. I'm playing Brilliant Diamond and I wanted to see if I wrote down anything about my initial playthrough of the game. Turns out, 17 year old me did not see that as something worth recording.
    Instead I seemed to be a little full of myself. A lot of the blog entries from that time are about my own fame and power on BZP, which in the hindsight of old age looks a bit sad and pathetic. Yeah, I definitely played it up a bit for laughs, but I have to confess that there was a bit of truth behind that.
    It's hard when you're seventeen and you have all these hopes and aspirations. At school, you're just a regular person, but on the internet, hey, you just make some funny Flash videos and write some silly movie parodies and suddenly you're someone special. Of course it would go to your head, you're still a kid. What do you know about power or fame? How could you possibly use those things responsibly? I wasn't even that powerful or famous. Imagine if I were a real celebrity! Yowza...
    For the most part, I guess I was well-liked. Certainly if I go onto Bionicle Discord communities, people tell me they have fond memories of some of the things I've done. So maybe I'm overthinking it, maybe this is just the imposter syndrome that we all have to face in adulthood.
    And things could absolutely be worse. You hear all sorts of stories about people who use their power and  influence to abuse and control vulnerable people. I definitely never did anything like that. I just made some blog posts that aged poorly.
    I don't think I'm a bad person now or that I was a bad person before, I just think it's interesting how my values shifted as I got older. Right now I am 31. I run my own business where I give children speech therapy.  “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” That's my new aim in life: to help make other people feel good, not just myself. My power and influence speaks for itself, I don't have to brag about it on the internet, even as a joke.
    Thank you for reading this. I hope you managed to grow beyond the person you were at seventeen too.
  14. SPIRIT
    Words that mean nothing to SPIRIT, for he does not dream... and his power makes all things possible!
    Yes, Black Six has rearranged who works in which forum and so I have been moved out of Short Stories, the Voting Booth, and Comics and I have been moved into Software and Movies & Books. Not only that, but I have been made head Forum Leader of Sets and Software, which means that in those forums, I am unstoppable!
    For those who are having trouble keeping track, here are the forums SPIRIT works in right now:

    Sets Storyline & Theories Software Movies & Books BIONICLE Sector 01 The tanks march soon and all shall tremble in my wake. Pack an umbrella.
  15. SPIRIT
    So, for those of you who don't know, I am no longer living in Canada and I'm living in Nice, France for the year as I study French as part of an exchange with my school.
    When I have time, I'll probably update my blog with details on this trip as well as my summer, but a lot of my time has been devoted to settling in and exploring.
  16. SPIRIT
    So as I am still in France and Canada's got a federal election coming up, I got a mail-in ballot sent to my apartment. Turns out that to send it in, I put my ballot in an envelope, in an envelope, in an envelope. It's like Inception by mail!
  17. SPIRIT
    ...Itty bitty living space.
    Actually, the afore mentioned phenomenal cosmic powers refer to the brand new piece of paper that currently resides in my wallet:
    MY G2!!!
    Now for those of you living outside of Ontario, you're probably saying to yourselves "a what now?", well my friends, a G2 is the second level of the Ontario driver's license, which means that I can now drive wherever I want, whenever I want with the sole restrictions of having an alcohol level of 0 and not carrying around more than one passenger under the age of 19 who isn't related to me between the hours of midnight and 5 AM for the first six months of being in possession of the G2 license (specific much?). Anyway, now I'm free to drive wherever I please, given that my parents let me use the car. BTW, do you think it's a bad sign that I had "and then I crashed into you and I went up in flames" stuck in my head while taking the test?
    In other news, the PSA is roughly 2/3 done (Doc's lines are on their way) and there's a new chapter of Wildfire up.
  18. SPIRIT
    X-Rey and Finn
    They're best of buds who fly through space
    As Padawans, they fight for good
    They're awesome guys who kick Sith in the butt!
    X-Reeeeeeeeeeey and Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinn
    She's a desert orphan, a scrap dealer, and might know some kung-fu
    X-Reeeeeeeeeeey and Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinn
    He's delightfully sweaty, a traitor to evil, and cares how you feeeeel
    X-Reeeeeeeeeeey and Finn


    Star Wars Time
    Star Wars time
    C'mon grab your droids
    We're going to a galaxy
    Far far away
    With Rey the Jedi
    And Finn the Trooper
    The fun will never end
    Star Wars Time
  19. SPIRIT
    It was so exciting. I was napping and I fell into the wonderful crack between dreaming and knowing you're dreaming. I also developed, what I now realize in hindsight, was a totem from Inception. Granted, it's not a very good one. When I was dreaming, I was able to hear an odd cover of The All American Rejects' song Gives You Heck and then when I was awake, it would stop. It was really weird, though, because the song would keep cutting out intermittently as I drifted between consciousness and unconsciousness and I'd notice that there were parts of it missing. Unfortunately, my mind got the totem confused and thought that the song was real and that silence was part of the dream, so I lost the state and woke up.
    Ah well, it was good while it lasted. I unfortunately didn't get to make good full use of it, but I did have a nice game of Laser Tag using death lasers before it ended.
  20. SPIRIT
    You know what they say, easy come easy go.
    This morning, a certain popular video hosting website contacted me saying that my BIONICLE In Under Two Minutes video that I had posted there was eligible for consideration of getting Google ads on it so that I would make money off of it. So I registered with their money making thing and sent my video to them, not particularly hopeful that I'd make it in (due to every image being copyrighted ), but I figured it couldn't hurt to try. Turns out, I was right, and they rejected it. Oh well.
    On the bright side, I now have everything set up for my own Google ads. Now all I need is my own website and original intellectual property...
  21. SPIRIT
    Alright, here are some parts of songs floating about my brain that should be made into real songs.
    1) This one is for when you're waiting at the airport for your flight, which never seems to come.
    Can we pretend that shooting stars
    In the night sky
    Are like aeroplanes?
    'Cause I could really use a flight right now (flight right now, flight right now)
    2) Here's the start of the opening musical number to BIONICLE: The Musical.
    [The scene opens just before the start of Quest for the Toa with Takua wandering through Ta-Koro just as the village comes alive in the morning.]
    Little town it's a quiet village.
    Everyday feels like it's so slow.
    Little town full of little people, waking up to say...
    There goes the farmer with his cart like always.
    The same lava that looks like goo-a.
    Every morning just the same since the morning that we came,
    To this small volcanic town.
    Hey Takua!
    Hello there.
    Where you off to?
    The wall of history...
    I just finished the most wonderful story,
    About a Rahi and a Toa and an...
    That's nice. Agni! The get the carts! Hurry up!
    Group of Ta-Matoran:
    Look there he goes that guy is strange no question.
    He's even weirder than Krakua
    Never part of any crowd.
    Cuz his heads up on some cloud.
    No denying he's a funny guy, that Takua.
    3. A Christmas carol (which has definitely been done a million times, but unlike previous iterations, my numbers and rhymes actually make sense ).
    On my twelfth naming day, my Turaga gave to me..
    Twelve kinds of Bohrok
    Eleven Toa Mangai
    Ten First year Rahi
    Nine kinds of Vahki
    Eight types of Krana
    Seven Agori tribes
    Six Great Kanoka
    Five Toa Mahri
    Four movies
    Three Virtues
    Two Bahrag Queens
    And a Great Spirit called Mata Nui
    4. And if Ron Weasley had any class or tact, here's a song he'd probably write about his wife.
    First time we met
    You told me you were Hermione Granger
    You could be good for me
    I've had the taste for danger
    You were smart, but I'd run away
    I was a kid, that's what they say
    Heaven forbid
    I'll take my chance on you, Hermione Granger
    Da-da-da-dum da-dum da-dum da da da-da dum
    Hermione Granger
    Da-da-da-dum da-dum da-dum da da da-da dum
    Hermione Granger
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