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Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by SPIRIT

  1. Says she who is but 7 months younger than me. :P

  2. Screenshot from LoMN + CSI font in photoshop.

  3. So have I been talking to Ta or Ga all this time?

  4. So... didn't that electrocute you?

  5. Sorry, but you actually need to write out your e-mail address-- the link in your profile only lets me send you a message, not an attachment.

  6. Sorry, I don't believe I have.

  7. Sounds like you need to take a trip to Wikipedia. ;)

  8. Spear me? You cannot spear me, no more than you can spear the sea, or the wind, or the void!

  9. SPIRIT Incorporated bears no responsibility for injuries that may have been sustained while browsing our webpages.

  10. Stay in school.

  11. Steer clear, Big Tuna. Head for open waters.

  12. Still called them spirits when they were alive, though. ;)

  13. Stop beating me to the punch when it comes to giving proto! >:(

  14. Sure thing. Oh, and would you mind raking that patch of sand by my left face stripes a bit more? It's totally blocking my chi.

  15. Technically yes; my sister has one she never uses.

  16. Ten posts allows you to use the PM system.

  17. Thanks for dying mid-conversation! :(

  18. That clan is reserved for people who have the misfortune of having lines that were originally written with an abnormal word order, not random stuff that I add.

  19. That it has. As for me, things are great... minus all the homework I have at the moment.

  20. That's unpossible.

  21. The Director's not going to be too happy about this!

  22. The hate is swelling in you now. Take your Jedi weapon. Use it. I am unarmed. Strike me down with it. Give in to your anger. With each passing moment you make yourself more my servant.

  23. The running gags were tired and needed a rest.

  24. The same thing that happened to the rest of the staff.

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