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Status Updates posted by Hulavuta

  1. Meh, I've been busy with a lot of other stuff. Joined other communities. Got addicted to Call of Duty and StarCraft II

  2. lulz i kno u rite ololol

  3. Hey L it's me your boss.

  4. No, I don't know. Just take it up with the YT admins or ask someone else

  5. Stop with the batman quotes

  6. How do I add an Avatar? The Help Center didn't help much.

  7. You are bionicle dude from y-tube

  8. I already have ten posts and why did you say that?

  9. Sorry haven't got back to you in a while. Yeah, I am on #######, I have about 130 subscribers

  10. I have a question: When will I be able to post without a Moderator previewing it?

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