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Unassuming Local Beorc

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Blog Entries posted by Unassuming Local Beorc

  1. Unassuming Local Beorc
    Well, I've decided to read the Lord of the Rings for the second time, so expect comments about it on occasion.
    The only other person in my family that's read it is my 19-year-old sister. Everyone else finds it too dull. =\
  2. Unassuming Local Beorc
    Woo hoo, I got it today. So far I've:
    Attacked a chihauhau with a coyote
    Summoned Leviathan and the Kraken to battle (Kraken won)
    Given a cow Mad Cow Disease
    Mind controlled Cthulhu and rode him
    Killed off everyone with Death
    Had Longcat defeat Rick Astley
    Discovered what happens when you type in "your mom"
    Battled my evil twin
    Set off several nukes, although killing myself in the process
    And I haven't even left the title screen yet.
  3. Unassuming Local Beorc
    Gandalf has about ten different great quotes all together in this chapter. Seriously.
    "So now, when its master was awake once more and sending out his dark thought from Mirkwood, the Ring abandoned Gollum. Only to be picked up by the most unlikely unperson imaginable: Bilbo from the Shire! Behind that there was something else at work, beyond any design of the Ring-maker. I can put it no plainer than by saying that Bilbo was meant to find the Ring, and not by its maker. In which case you also were meant to have it. And that may be an encouraging thought."
    Then, later on in the chapter:
    "It was Pity that stayed Bilbo's hand; Pity, and Mercy: not to strike without need. And he has been well rewarded, Frodo. Be sure that he took so little hurt from the evil, and escaped in the end, because he began his ownership of the Ring so. With Pity."
    "Many that live deserved death. And some that die deserve to live. Can you give it to them? Then do not be so eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends."
    Immediately followed by:
    "I have not much hope that Gollum can be cured before he dies, but there is a chance of it. And he is bound up with the fate of the Ring. My heart tells me that he has some part to play yet, for good or ill, before the end; and when that comes, the pity of Bilbo may rule the fate of many - yours not least."
    "And now the decision lies with you. But I will always help you. I will help you bear this burden, as long as it is yours to bear. But we must do something, soon. The Enemy is moving."
    And, of course,
    "Hobbits really are amazing creatures, as I have said before. You can learn all that there is to know about their ways in a month, and yet after a hundred years they can still surprise you."
    Gandalf's the best.
  4. Unassuming Local Beorc
    by meandering wander of wourdcourse, begin again to sleep perchance to dream the reader to view with logic gone and shadows afront, persons in voices mixmatchmeltmoving changing from persona to persona in a logic of sleeptime visions and a grandma too match. plot what plot what plot what breaks in the truest formlessness of the night aimless wander wonder yonder comes the guide to lead the reader through the nightscenes dreams, one after anauthor, cloaked in the fog of sleep and encrypted encoded hidden in speach extainsievely.'
    Like in dreams dreams visions musings no one two three things stay with me tonight the same time in arrow; punwordplay, portman toes and wordclashcollision evoke invoke revoke refolk the unsure struck sure of dreams, isicalgical chains whips like the wind blows o'er the landscape hills of the mine, mind, mined for all its worth, and
    That's why sense is overrated.
  5. Unassuming Local Beorc
    The sesquipedalian suffered from dysania on the day he would meet with the septuagenarian. His friend, known to parse syntactically related words, went with him and they moved forward at a moderate pace, spotting many conchiferous creatures along the way. They found the septuagenarian while he was practicing his tachygraphy in order to become proficient. The sesquipedalian and his friend rested at the slab of wood used for inscriptions. The septuagenarian, an escapologist from the sanitarium, showed them pictures of his progeny, but his speech was incomprehensive. The sesquipedalian, meanwhile, showed them the escutcheon he'd recently recieved, and his friend explained their sentences' interrelations. After their umpteenth incoherent conversation, the sesquipedalian, septuagenarian, and nameless friend took their pet tiglon and went over to the nearby caldera, where they unfortunately contracted pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.
    The end.
  6. Unassuming Local Beorc
    I believe the morning sun
    Always gonna shine again and
    I believe a pot of gold
    Waits at every rainbow's end
    I believe in roses kissed with dew
    Why shouldn't I believe the same in you?

    You may say I'm a fool
    Feelin' the way that I do
    You can call me Pollyanna
    Say I'm crazy as a loon
    I believe in silver linings
    And that's why I believe in you

    I believe there'll come a day
    Maybe it will be tomorrow
    When the bluebird flies away
    All we have to do is follow
    I believe a dream can still come true
    Why shouldn't I believe the same in you?

    You may say I'm a fool
    Feelin' this way that I do
    But I still believe in miracles
    I swear I've seen a few
    And the time will surely come
    When you can see my point of view
    I believe in second chances
    And that's why I believe in you
  7. Unassuming Local Beorc
    You will not use the Suporma
    You will not question the existence of the Apple of Enlightenment
    You will not steal from the Egg and Banana Stand
    You will not covet the Zombie Chick
    You will not covet your neighbor's Sword of Kings
    You will not neglect your Exit Mouse
    You will not fear the Photo Man
    You will not abuse your Rock Candy
  8. Unassuming Local Beorc
    In the evening of my life
    I shall look to the sunset
    At the moment in my life
    When the night is due
    And the question I shall ask
    Only I can answer
    Was I brave and strong and true?
    Did I fill the world with love
    My whole life through?
  9. Unassuming Local Beorc
    Well, see, there are these people.
    They've all got a lot of mental issues.
    Well, most of them die. And...I think there's a moral in there somewhere.
    *sniff* That story gets me every time...
  10. Unassuming Local Beorc
    I sit beside the fire and think
    Of all that I have seen,
    Of meadow-flowers and butterflies
    In summers there have been;
    Of yellow leaves and gossamer
    In autumns that there were,
    With morning mist and silver sun
    And wind upon my hair.
    I sit beside the fire and think
    Of how the world will be
    When winter comes without a spring
    That I shall ever see.
    For still there are so many things
    That I have never seen:
    In every wood in every spring
    There is a different green.
    I sit beside the fire and think
    Of people long ago
    And people who will see a world
    That I shall never know.
    But all the while I sit and think
    Of times there were before
    I listen for returning feet
    And voices at the door.
    This was always my favorite poem from The Lord of the Rings. =P
  11. Unassuming Local Beorc
    I see a deep darkness
    And a distant town
    Murmurs of unknown words
    Slowly wander around

    Gather up the sadness
    Of the young lost child
    Hope remains within his heart
    As he sets out

    No matter where I am
    I will still be your life
    I will bring you peace again

    A warm-hearted moment
    And a warm-hearted dream
    Simply close your eyes and rest
    And once more you'll see

    I can glimpse the smile
    Of that long lost child
    There is no reason why or how
    But it's there even now

    If I call out
    And he hears the sound
    I'm certain that someday
    He'll turn around

    Give light to the small one
    As he travels that dark road
    Give light to the small one
    Who walks his path alone
  12. Unassuming Local Beorc
    Through ice and through fire
    A wilderness of stone
    With dreams and desires
    I have come alone
    Seeking the answers
    Only you could know

    Show me the wisdom of the world
    Tell me the secrets of the heart
    And the sweet mysteries of love

    Come fill my eyes with visions
    So that I may see
    Reveal the ancient powers
    Whisper them to me
    Here I stand before you
    Ready to receive

    Show me the wisdom of the world
    Tell me the secrets of the heart
    And the sweet mysteries of love

    Does a place called paradise
    Wait beyond the azure skies
    Bright as day?
    Look into your crystal ball
    Read the future in the stars
    Does it say?

    Will I give my heart in vain
    To a lover or a friend
    Come what may?
    Who to trust and where to turn
    There's so much I've yet to learn
    Show the way
    I am down on my knees
    Begging now, kneeling please

    Show me the wisdom of the world
    Tell me the secrets of the heart
    And the sweet mysteries of love
  13. Unassuming Local Beorc
    Abridged, that is.
    But anyways, I saw it. That was one insane play. Some of my favorite parts would have to be:
    "Then Shakespeare invaded Poland."
    "I had a weird dream last night. We were in our first performance, and we were doing pretty well, but then we realized we hadn't read most of the plays we were performing...and the audience knew more about them then we did...so we were just making it up as we went along..."
    "Die, you incestuous, murderous, cross-dressing beast!"
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