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Alternate Velika

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Status Updates posted by Alternate Velika

  1. Hey...your already a PM!!! Go easy on me though. :P

  2. I though that was 90210, but it isn't...

    I still like you other name though. And I suppose those humbers mean something right?

  3. I thought you already were a Premier Member? Oh and go online in YM!

  4. Artahka is already ancient...and now he's even a Prime!!! What's up?

  5. NOOOOOOOO!!!! You should come back. I'm watching you...

  6. I could buzz you if I could, but this isn't Yahoo Messenger :P

  7. Tomorrow would be the day I WILL BE BACK, and i won't just feel like it.

  8. Not end...at the start. And besides, I do feel as if I'm back already. Oh, and why are you treating me like a UFO? =p

  9. Oh, yes...I'm watching you all right. =D

  10. The name is freakin' awesome. Oh and I counted the exact date on when i could change my name. March 6...i think :P

  11. Oh belated Happy B-day, signed in just

    to greet ya.

  12. Do you know anyone by the name of Rhett and Link there in South Carolina?

  13. At the end of March I would...;)

  14. Everyone don't worry...I'll be changing back to Velika in 90 days...lets hope that's permanent

  15. A NAME CHANGE! *gasp*

  16. I seem to be missing my Moc rookie username...

  17. I am very sorry about you're comics...and well I am killing my comic topic, for I am trying to make a new one.

  18. What I mean is...in your sig, your Lurker. I'm the Dark Hunter Charger.

  19. Oh...sory there Toa Dovydas. :)

    Oh and Brawl, I'M CHARGER.

  20. How can I request a sprite animation when I don't have a BS01 account?

  21. He said that? Woah, dude...the guy below me is quite right.

  22. Dude...answer the people would you?

  23. Is you're YM working?

  24. Yeha, when I commented on that cool personal pic.

  25. Cool! Adding as friend...now.

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