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Kalama and Ta Rahkshi

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Posts posted by Kalama and Ta Rahkshi

  1. OOC: FRREEEEDDOOOMMM!!! *dances around happy to be free of the glitch*IC: Kalama ran his hand down his mask. He had a lot of work ahead of him with these two at this rate. "Oi..." He said tiredly.Pausing for a minute he analyzed the situation before him.Utter and complete awkward silence fell over the group. A Ga-Matoran went by. "Hi Kalama.""Hi Hahli.""...this looks weird.""I know right?""You going to do something about it?""Yes.""Okay. Say hi to the others for me.""Bye Hahli.""Bye Kalama." The Matoran wandered off to continue her reign of terror as 'Hahli the Plant Slayer.'Sighing the Matoran finally spoke to the three Toa again."Long story short Agarin that rather unconscious fellow over there is Macku's would-be killer. Last I saw he was in the custody of some mercenaries. i have no idea who the lass beating on him is. Tanuka, watch and learn."Finally he turned to the third Toa who had been smashing in Argentum's face."As much as I would like to accommodate that request. I hardly know you. If I knew your name and the nature of the business you wanted to discuss that might be another story. 'Too many secrets tend to drive one mad' Mother has said before. If it's of a nature I don't deem dangerous, I see no reason why you can't share it here."

  2. OOC: Patience Jl1223. I don't have the most reliable connections these days and life is rearing it's ugly head. *punches it in the face* DOWN!IC: Kalama nodded. "Exactly Agarin." He glanced past the two Toa where a third was currently smashing in the face of a familiar knucklehead. "Oy. Like that story right there. There has GOT to be an explanation for that."The Toa tapped Tanuka on the shoulder who turned."Excuse me, miss, but I think I need some help."Seeing Argentum stir she proceeded to hit him in the face again with a hammer.Tanuka just stared in shock of what she was seeing."YAHHH! This sucks! Everyone's ignoring us because we're not doing anything! This! Is! Dumb!" She proceeded to smash the Argentum's face in."He has got to be the luckiest Son of a Searag I have ever seen." Kalama said referring to Argentum. "To survive what he's going through. Maya would have a field day doing an autopsy. I'll give him Kudos for living this long. You might want to say something Tanuka, i don't think he's going to live much longer if you don't speak up."The Toa worked her mouth wordless for a moment before finding her voice."...um...help?""Great Spirits woman you're a Toa! Speak up loud and proud like you have some dignity!"Tanuka just looked back and forth between the Matoran and the Toa helpless.Kalama sighed. "Agarin could you demonstrate please?"

  3. "None." Kalama said. "Let's pick up the trail first before we think about transportation." He slowly scanned the area watching the Ga-Matoran working."That one."He pointed to an open slot."There's normally a Patrol Cutter there. Let's go see where she went off to.""And how do you know it was that one?""Situational awareness Tanuka. I've been here so many times I know which slots are supposed to be full and when.""I see six empty slots.""Yes and I intend to check them all until we find the one I'm looking for.""Then how do you know it's this one?""I don't. I'm guessing." He grinned at Tanuka. "Isn't it exciting? Take a chance! Roll the dice!" He walked right up to the Dock Master. "Hi!" He said."Commander.""I was wondering if you could tell me where that patrol was headed.""And what business of yours would that be Commander?" The Dock Master said regarding the Matoran with suspicion.Kalama blinked before a quick flick of the wrist revealed something in his hand only the Dock Master could make out."I appear to have misplaced my Marines as well as Mother's right glove. Have you perchance seen them?"The Dock Master stared at the token for a minute before she leaned causally over the record book. "Commander, do you know how improper it is for someone like yourself to be losing the Turaga's things?""That's why I'm trying to find them before anyone else does and she freaks out.""And how do you lose a whole Marine unit?""I sent them out to go look for it across the island. They were supposed to report in but never did. They're late. VERY late. I may have to write them up for insubordination.""I see." The Dock Master shifted slightly. "No I haven't seen them Commander. I suggest you hurry or I'll tell Nokama myself you're losing her things." With that she got off the record book and proceeded to ignore the Matoran and two Toa.Kalama grinned. "You do that." Turning to that Toa he said, "Let's go."Tanuka just looked puzzled at what had just happened. "What just happened?" She asked."Remember I said that the Marines would be helpful yet hindering? They're not going to openly help us but if you watch them carefully, they will certainly be a boon to us. Now we know where to go.""But she just said-""Were you listening or were you watching?""...I am very confused." Tanuka said looking very confused.Kalama chuckled. "Think about it. This is a mystery. Not everything is going to be this easy. In situations like you have to listen and watch for what ISN'T being said.""Isn't being said?""Did you watch her movements?""Her movements?""The Dock Master's movements? She was speaking to throw off people who were listening. You'll find people seldom watch you when they try to listen in. It's a tell and they know it. At least the skilled ones do. Anyone paying too close attention would have brought some attention to themselves.""What does that-""Did you notice what she was leaning on.""The record book?""Did you notice what she was pointing to?""She was pointing?""The deliberate pauses while she was speaking where she shifted her body? She was trying to show me something. In this case the location of where my Marines were headed off to."Tanuka went silent trying to picture the event in her mind. Now that Kalama had mentioned it, was tracking people really this easy? It couldn't be. Especially a Ghekula unit."No it's not that easy Tanuka." Kalama said as if reading her thoughts. "I had to use my authority to get her to do that or she would have had us carted off for trying to access restricted records. Any Marine would have been looked at funny and any Non-Marine would have been arrested. In any case they went south. So we'll head north."

  4. "And there's Agarin. HOY! OVER HERE!" Kalama waved over the Toa."...So how do we go about finding them again?""Most ports keep records of those coming and going. Especially among the Marines. We find any patrols that have left within the last few hours and head them off at their destinations. If we're lucky there might have been only one or two so it should narrow down where we go."

  5. So far one Matoran of the Chronicler's company has fallen. Tamaru is dead. Turaga Onewa has kept Hafu under guard as Hafu is vital to the community and cannot be simply vanished like Macku. Macku narrowly escaped her would be assassin thanks to the timely arrival of a messenger from Le-Koro and the intervention of Kalama and Ga-Koro Marine Corps. She's been vanished by Ghekula Raiders Black Ops unit and no one knows where they are. Kopeke seems to be doing a good job of isolating himself and so far seems to be safe for the moment. Kapura and Taipu have been missing for days and their status is currently unknown.

  6. Actually it was meant more along the lines of "Now that you mention it" I was in fear of suddenly getting overrun by people looking for a plot to follow as Tuck is idle and I was actually doing something interesting. Good ole' "Oh look, a Plotline" Syndrome.

  7. "Then grab what you need Agarin and meet us at the docks."As Kalama and Tanuka trooped along the Toa said, "You never did get the crystal looked at did you?""No but it's safe with me. Mother can always look at it another time.""I've been thinking...""About what?""The story on the Vault back in the Temple of Wisdom. The way he wrote... it's almost as if... nothing we know is really as it seems. How much do we really know? He wrote as if we were just mechanical beings... tools used in some... greater function... almost as of the Great Beings believed we had no life. But he seemed so...""...animated?""That's one word I would use. He seemed so certain that we weren't just tools. We had souls. We had life.""I would be inclined to agree. The Elda and the Iden are positive proof of that.""...""What's wrong Tanuka?""...I can't shake this feeling that maybe the Great Beings didn't have our best interests at heart somehow... if the words on the vault are true then why would they build such terrible superweapons to try and stop whatever it was they were trying to stop? Anything they've built seems made to do it's job and then some.""Folly.""What?""Makuta shows that not even the Great Spirits are infallible to the negative Virtues. As everything is in Flux, it makes life unpredictable. This is just me thinking out loud here but it goes to show that there were no Warriors among the ranks of the Great Beings. They were all scientists and gods. Nothing could touch them and they were born to create. Not to truly destroy. They didn't have an understanding that there would always be a conflict. You could say they were parents and we were children all related to one another. We're going to bicker and argue and generally give our parents a headache as we want issues resolved.""You're unusually knowledgeable about this despite not having any kids of your own Kalama."The Matoran shrugged. "Most of it comes from having to deal with Lei and Hotu. Both of them are younger than I am and I'm their unit commander so I have to deal with whatever trouble their sometimes childish behavior entails.""Does that make Kali the mother then?" Tanuka gently teased.Kalama paused to stare off in space and scratch his head. "Good question. Maybe you should ask her when we find her.""Maybe YOU should ask her.""Oh look we're here." Kalama said referring to the docks.

  8. Ewww... I think I'll wait until someone cleans that up before I go to Ta-Koro......I have benefits to being RP'd?...Why do I suddenly feel this sense of dread like a disturbance of some kind in some mystical unseen 'force' and have the strongest urge to say "I have a bad feeling about this?"

  9. Do you know anything about the Temple of Creaton? I know that it's basically a giant stone head with a door, but is there anything else in it's description?

    Once inside you have to pass through four stone doors, one after another, each opened by a particular charm. After that, you find yourself in a huge vaulted chamber, full of golden light. There is a platform in the middle, where (in MNOG2, at least) the Crystal of Creation can be found. A bridge stretched out to it.
    Correct. Walking up to the stone head will reveal a stone door with the riddle inscribed on the left wall with the slot, much like the Temple of Purity only without the pool of water entrance as the entrance is outside and on land in Po-Wahi. No worries about crowding there. This is another long narrow hallway about three people wide with four doors, the one outside and three more behind it, one door at a time all with the riddle and slot on the left hand side of the wall.After passing through four doors you will find yourself in the Temple Chamber proper. There is a walkway to the center of the chamber same width as the hallway. In the center of the chamber is the platform with the Crystal of Creation lying on it. This Temple does not have a puzzle like the Temple of Purity so the Crystal can be picked up without any issue. The chamber is large but other than the platform with the crystal on it and the walkway, it's bottomless so people crowding this chamber may find themselves falling a long way down with no way out. The chamber is indeed bathed in a golden light.
  10. OOC: Time to get the ball rolling again.IC: Bidding the two Matoran a good day Kalama walked passed Tanuka and Agarin. "Come on highspeed lets go. Karzahni waits for no Matoran! Or Toa for that matter." He said to Tanuka."But you almost got killed!""So?""S-s-s-s-s-SO?!?! You almost g-g-got K-k-kkilled and th-th-that's all you have to s-s-s-say for yourself?!?!""Yes."Tanuka just looked at him with a look that was equal parts fear, amazement, anger, and bewilderment."Why are you looking at me like that?""...Why?""Why what?""...Why do you do that to yourself?""Do what?""Why do you risk your own life for others?""Unity."Tanuka blinked not understanding.Kalama lifted his mask and rubbed his face with free hand before running it down in an exasperated motion before fixing his mask. "Oh boy... I'm going to turn into Mother at this rate... you're relieved Marine. Get back to your station."The Marine saluted before darting off to help with the mess.Kalama walked up to Tanuka still in her sunken position on her knees. Putting a hand on her shoulder he said, "I'm not going to lie to you Tanuka. Not after everything I've already put you through." He gestured at the mess. "Discord, Chaos, Madness, these are more subtle forms of Poison. You know the teachings don't you Tanuka? You are a scholar after all.""Poison is the opposite of Purity. A pure union is a strong Unity."Kalama nodded. "A pure anything is a strong something. Even a pure Poison." He grinned. "Oxymoron I know but there you are." Becoming serious he said, "Though a pure poison simply means it's all poison. It's not diluted by another matter such as water, or dirt. Our Peace for example here in this village was diluted by Danger caused by someone seeking something other than Peace." At this point Kalama was pacing in front of the Toa having her full attention. "Peace is something sought by most as it often gives the illusion of Safety. Now I say it's an illusion because anything that disturbs that Peace breaks the illusion and you are just as suddenly in Danger." Stopping for a second he looked straight at Tanuka."The true question is... are you willing to accept it's an Illusion?"Tanuka blinked in confusion."Ah, now we're getting to the crux of the matter." Kalama continued to resume his pacing. "For the most part, people continue to live in Fear of knowing it's an Illusion. As they say, 'Ignorance is Bliss.' There are those however that are willing to accept that such Safety is an Illusion. Myself, the Marines, the other Armed Forces of Mata-Nui, and of course the Toa." He paused to poke Tanuka in the chest plate. "That's right, YOU." Resuming his back and forth motion he continued. "However when you accept that the Safety you seek is an Illusion, you break the hold Fear has on you, gaining Courage."He stopped and faced the Toa."And that Tanuka, is How. It's a very important part to understanding the Why."Gesturing at the mess again he said, "This Poison you see before you is the result of someone who couldn't handle their Fear and intended to spread their Poison around in the hopes that everyone else would live in Fear of them and thus they would feel that Illusion of Safety. As Courage is the natural opponent of Fear it's one of the many reasons those like myself and the Toa seek to oppose them. By doing so we have the unintended side effect of producing the Illusion of Safety. It's Safe near us and people want to feel that which is why they may surround themselves or surround those with Courage. We with Courage can't stand to see people living in Fear as Fear is our natural enemy."He paused letting Tanuka absorb all of this before saying, "And that Tanuka, is Why. It's why I put myself in danger and risk my life for those who won't risk themselves. It's why I stand between two Fear, defending one from the other. The Makuta himself embodies many of these negative Virtues, corrupted by them. It's why he seeks the worship he does. To cloak himself in the Illusion and feel at Peace." Kalama shook his head. "It's very sad really but there you are."The multiracial Matoran watched as his Toa of Water companion processed all this."But where does Unity play a part?" She finally asked."One cannot stand against so much Fear alone. Eventually it would Corrupt one and even the bravest can succumb to Fear." He gave her a sheepish grin. "I've been guilty of falling prey to it myself. But by standing together. Even Fear itself cannot stand against so much Courage. Everything is in Flux Tanuka. Life weaves and tangles and threads much like our fishing nets. If you keep it in good order it can provide a bounty like no other. Let it fall into disarray and you'll find you might go hungry. Eventually it falls into so much disuse it must be discarded, this symbolizes Death. However you can extend the Life of your fishing net by keeping it in good condition and not let such negative Virtues cause it to become snarled in disarray."Tanuka looked at him. "How do you know all this?"Kalama grinned, "You don't survive a millennium and then some raised by a Turaga and then the dangers of the Wilderness without picking up a few bits and pieces of odds and ends here and there."Tanuka sighed. "I wish I could know.""Ah, but you can."Tanuka blinked."Some people say Heroes are Born, not Made. Others say Heroes are Made, not Born. I've always said that they're both wrong because you'll never be a Hero if you don't Do." He looked at Tanuka. "Toa are shaped by their deeds, not by the words and stories surrounding them. They're very pretty stories yes but the end result of their actions... That's what defines them. That's what makes them the beings everyone looks up to and makes Matoran aspire to be like them. I too grew up hearing stories of the Toa. Like all young Matoran I wanted to be just like them. Only I did something the others did not. I Did Tanuka. I took action. I Did things. You can see the results of my actions all around you. The formation of the Marines, the recognition I receive, the respect I'm given(for the most part), it's all a result of what I've Done and will continue to Do."He rested a hand on her shoulder."The question you now have to answer Tanuka is 'Can I Do as well?' Are you willing to accept that the Safety you're looking for is an Illusion and take the actions that will define you?"Tanuka was quiet as she thought. Kalama let her think for a minute as Kotu wandered up and the two conversed sharing information."...can I still be a scholar?" She asked as Kalama came back to her after Kotu let him go."Everyone has hobbies Tanuka. Three of mine are Rahi Hunting, Temple Crawling, and Extreme Camping.""Extreme Camping?""My Survivalist excursions where I just simply go out into the Wilderness and pit my wits against Nature and Makuta. No goal other than to simply live until I come home. A lot like my Marines are probably currently doing."Tanuka got up to stand on her own two feet. "...will you teach me?""Teach you what?""...I want to be a true Toa..."Kalama looked at her before bursting out laughing."...Yeah it's stupid..." Tanuka said looking dejected."It's not stupid at all Tanuka! Do you know how long we've been waiting for this?"The Toa looked up. "We've?""The whole of Ga-Koro! Sorry. I'm not laughing at you because I think it's stupid. I just think it's funny that we've spent nearly a hundred years trying to get you in the mindset of becoming a Toa when we needed one and here comes some stranger from somewhere and it only takes him a day to get you to change your mind! That and I suppose I'm slightly slap happy that something good came from this mess after all.""...so you will teach me?"Kalama gave the Toa a bow. "It will be a honor to help train the next Toa of Water.""...So... what do we do first?""Well you'll need to build up rapport and support for that. The best way to do that is to help people. Fortunately it seems I could use some help in tracking down my Marines. Look at that, already got your first quest. Not too shabby for your first day huh?"Tanuka nodded. "So... how do we go about doing that?""We start in the last place I left them. The docks.""But they could have gone anywhere!""Ah, see you're letting despair set in already. First rule of tracking. Know where the last place your target was last seen for sure. We know they were at the docks because that's where I ordered them to go to. We have a starting point. From there we look for clues as to which direction they were going. They don't want to be found except by me so they'll leave subtle clues they know I'll recognize but would confuse anyone else. They have a Trident Directive as well meaning the Marines will be both helpful as they know I'm looking for my Unit but hindering because they will not openly reveal anything."He looked at Agarin. "Are you wanting in on this or are you just going to stand there and look pretty?"

  11. Okay, after a long night of grinding I cracked the other five temples and beat the game. And it only took me about 2 or 3 days! ^_^Yeah you can tell they rushed everything after Onu-Koro. The studio that developed the MNOG and MNOGII had to rush the sequel as their contract expired and wasn't renewed in 2004. The Temple of Purity is the only one with a puzzle. The other five temples have four doors instead of three. They even copped out and you don't play the three way Kohlii Championship at the end of the game! <_<If anyone needs a description of their temple I'll be more than happy to spill for you. However if I get to the Temple of Prosperity first I intend to expand it after playing an epic run through Galata Tower in Sequence 4 Memory 5 of Assassin's Creed Revelations. Just the right amount of fast paced rapid movement that kept me glued to the controller... as well as the ceiling and walls in the game, there is almost no floor. Look out below Metru Nui because if I slip I'm coming through!

  12. I agree. RL often does intervene and there are new games out to play. Running through Assassins Creed Revelations myself. Wasted two days doing nothing but the Mediterranean Defense Mini-game(replacement for the Assassin Recruit Missions from Brotherhood). Still continuing to waste time with it. XDWell... at least until someone decides to stir up trouble in Ga-Koro again and call on me to enforce the law. I still don't know how I got roped into that.

  13. It's a three sequence hallway. First is the chamber with the divehole leading out into the deep ocean and a door with the riddle. Then a second door with the way leading behind you to the first and the way beyond heading to the third. After the Third door is the Temple Chamber proper. It's a little claustrophobic in there as the hallway is tall but exceptionally tight until you get into the main temple so too many characters in there may cause a traffic jam. The entrance is a little wider but I'd say about 8 Toa would comfortably fit in it. The main chamber would probably fit about 20 but people would end up in the pool of water. The hallway would be about 2-3 wide.Do note that this is the MNOLGII description. Tuck may have added more or adjusted the Temple in his notes.Now who kidnapped Tuck? I have all 7 of my Master Assassins standing by. We don't negotiate. We hunt down and kill those responsible. :evilgrin:

  14. Yeah I found the offline version of MNOLGII and went through the Temple of Purity already. At the bottom of G-6 is a reef that kind of leads upward into an air pocket. There's three doors blocking the temple proper. The riddles and slots are on the left side of the wall. Once you get in there's a walkway that leads to a platform in the middle of a pool of water. To the immediate right of the door as you get in the chamber proper is the water/sludge valve puzzle. There are four of the Toa heads trickling sludge/water(Three of them are sludge to begin with, one is water). To solve the puzzle you need to turn the valves until all four are trickling "Pure" water which in turn will cause the black sphere in the center of the room to become the Crystal of Purity.I haven't cracked the other five yet. Kongu and Tamaru just thrashed me in Kohlii (A depressing 0-14 loss) so I'm currently farming stats for now. Game is a little buggy as Taipu keeps vanishing on me so I can't grind Stamina which is a little frustrating. Every time he does that I have to go to Ga-Koro and then Onu-Koro and beat them both in Kohlii before he shows up in the mining tunnel and the Kohlii game itself is a little bugged with those two as they don't move and if Taipu gets the ball I'm kind of stuck as Hahli can't steal it from Taipu and he just stands there frozen and doesn't throw it. I'm working around it but it's slow going though.

  15. If anyone's interested Kalama(No not that one! This one!) is executing a Toa in Ta-Koro. If you want to try to save the poor guy, or help the Ta-Koro guard then show up!

    Tch, I knew I should have sued Lego for copyright infringement of that name. <_< Now my character is going to get blamed for his actions. At least they look nothing alike. ^_^ My character is much better looking.The ironic thing is that I almost executed a Toa in Ga-Koro in almost the same time frame.
  16. IC: Kotu burst out laughing. "Well I didn't hear you as I was in the hut and you were outside it. However I have 3 Ga-Matoran and 2 Marines all saying they saw you with another Ga-Matoran outside the hut where I was loudly discussing killing people as soon as you left the hut and ran into her not more then a few feet away and didn't move to another location before striking a deal. Situational awareness my friend. Be mindful of your settings as you are always being watched even when you don't think you are. Just FYI of the 37 Matoran we passed, 29 of those were Ga-Koroan. Of those 29, 18 of them were glaring at you and out of those 18, 7 were Marines. I think its safe to say your 'by whatever means necessary' speech didn't go over so well. They typically don't unless your back is against the wall and our back has a ways to go before we're that pressed."Kotu saluted a few Marines on her way passed. "If you want to take a crack at the big ugly, be my guest. You won't get any complaint from us. I am going to request however that you move your Center of Operations from my docks to that little strip of beach just south of the main gate. By the composition of your troops I can tell you're not properly kitted for amphibious warfare. That's my specialty by the way." She winked at him. "Each force has their own strengths and weaknesses. We're no exception. "Our preferred terrain is wet, soggy, and halfway submerged. We don't fair well in open spaces. I'll let you figure out why. If you're going to be operating in Ga-Wahi well... hope your troops can hold their breath." She chuckled. "You're always welcome back here, just keep your operations out of my Koro proper and I'm sure we'll get along neighborly." She waved at hand as he walked off. "Good luck against Makuta! Oh and I don't believe you're telling me the truth about being here as long as he has! You're not the first person to tell me that and so far no one has been able to tell me what he looks like!"Turning back she said to herself as she walked back through the Koro. "Good kid, got guts but needs to get that temper of his under control. If a wacko like Argentum can get under his skin I only pray those men have a levelheaded leader in that chain of command somewhere to keep the reigns tied down." She paused to observe the mess Argentum had made in front of the Turaga's hut. "What a mess. Good thing this fight didn't get into the residential district. Now THAT'S asking for civil unrest."

  17. OOC: You may have gained Lanora's Tolerance but you're quickly loosing points with Kotu and that's who's favor you're going to need if you want the assistance of the Marines.Yes Lloyd, the windows were confirmed closed but no. It's not airtight. That's how you managed to pull the air out in the first place. Also it's why the hut was dark on the inside. Nothing for light to get through. And yes, they escaped though the floor.IC: Kotu looked annoyed slightly at the knife at her throat before it was pulled away.Nodding with her head she walked with Kuyre back to the docks. "How old are you Kuyre? You don't look that old. In fact you look just old enough to be one of my Leftenants. Not that it's a bad thing mind you. A lot of my Leftenants are quite bright and the Marine Corps wouldn't be nearly as successful without their efforts. Some of these older Commandants just don't have the energy and creativity to solve the kind of problems my Leftenants run into anymore.""My Marines tell me you're the leader of that army that's currently clustered on my docks." She said after a pause. "It's quite an honor to be in that position. I myself am in that position as Chief Head Commandant." She smiled. "It's not as glorious as they make it out to be though. I know Captain of the Guard Jaller gets frequent headaches in the form of Guard members occasionally slacking off." She chuckled. "Not easy is it? Being represented by those you're in charge of. Everyone watches you. They judge you based on the actions of your subordinates. For example if your Private back there had slit my throat, the Ga-Matoran would be out for your blood and the Commandant Board would be happy to give it to them. The other Forces would get word of what had happened and you might find yourself not welcome anywhere for having killed the Chief Head Commandant. Which would be detrimental to your efforts I'm sure. Lanora told me you want to be a force for Good and that wouldn't help your image much if you had had me killed would it?"Kotu suddenly turned serious. "That said, I know it was you who sent the assassin to kill my prisoner. No, don't speak. Listen carefully and I'll show you how you were caught." Kotu went silent letting the sounds of life around them drift into the conversation."...outrageous! That much for two Ruki?!" "I'm sorry but with the recent pirate raids south...""...about what happened to Tamaru?" "I know! Those Toa! We should...""...hasn't seen Taipu in days. Think he's suffered the same...""...shame about what happened to Kenthi. She was about to get married in a few days to that nice miner from Onu-Koro and goes and loses her leg in that fight with the assassin...""...think Macku is okay?" "She's with Kalama's Raiders. I think she's...""...wanted to go to Le-Koro but with all the death going on there I think I'll go to Ko-Koro instead...""...caught that serial killer in Onu-Koro finally. Maybe it's safe enough to go out there and visit...""You hear that?" Kotu spoke again. "That's the sound of life going on all around you. I have hundreds of Marines across the island working tirelessly to keep me informed of all of it. The other Armed Forces do the same. That Po-Koroan over there?" She pointed to one haggling over the price of a Kohlii stick. "He's a Footman. He's taking in all the information around him and he'll report to Hewkii when he gets home. I should also point out that haggling over a deal to assassinate somebody out in the open where anybody can hear you isn't the best move in the book. I already have eyes on the Ga-Matoran who you went through to hire the assassin that almost killed me and my Marines. Considering how many times you've almost had me killed I should have you arrested for attempted murder." Chuckling again she smiled at him."But I'm not in the mood for another bloodbath in the middle of my Koro over an assassin who should be dead anyway. I'll leave him to see if he can manage on his own since even if he survives your killer for hire, he'll be killed if he returns here. There's more than one way to skin a Muaka and we have enough information to figure out that third or fourth option. Tell me though. Do you still want to be a force for good or have you lost your way already?"

  18. OOC: Hey highspeeds! How about you slow your roll and give me a chance to respond would ya? Don't be so quick to write people off!As for the suffocation I've preformed both blood and air chokes and had both preformed on me. I have personally experienced it so I know what I'm talking about.Now as for the explanation for the negative air pressure(And yes I know about air pressure. That knowledge is required to understand the Theory of Aerodynamics which is required to know to become an Aviator Pilot, which I was for a time). Air pressure is constant at sea level. There is heavy pressure pushing down on you right now. The further up you go the less it gets. To survive your body is constantly pushing back with just enough force against the heavy pressure at sea level to survive. This is why you can be crushed into mush the further BELOW sea level you go as the water pressure is too much for your natural resistance to overcome and results in explosive decompression in the vacuum of space as there is nothing to limit your natural resistance.Fortunately, BIONICLE's don't seem to suffer from that considering the environments the stories have taken place in.The only reason the hut hasn't "imploded" or collasped is yes, because of structural integrity. In bio-containment labs where pathogenic research is done, negative pressure is used to keep contaminated air from escaping confinement. This vacuum is not enough to trigger the above mentioned affects in regards to extreme adverse affects on the body but CAN be focused enough to remove oxygen from the area. THIS is what Lloyd is trying to accomplish.However trying to suddenly create this vacuum suddenly and forcefully, he's going to blow out the hut and suck everybody out of it taking out the doors and windows as well. He can do this slowly and over time without the sudden explosive force. This is because he's trying to do it in an enclosed space. Such limitations do not apply if they were out in the open though. Which they were not.Yes Lloyd I am aware you solved the issue of Line of Sight. However that would be Meta-gaming if the characters on my end just did it without acknowledging it.Onarax: Keep your story straight. You claimed OOC you left the Guard but now you're using Guard Authority IC to keep Marines from arresting you. Pick a side and stick with it.IC: Kotu listened. "You hear that?""...That hissing noise?""Yes."The door was suddenly opened and then closed followed by rushing of air."Marines it is now official. We have a Toa of Air now trying to murder an official Prisoner as well as three Marines and the Cha-Codfish."Kotu drew her blade and proceeded to cut through the lily platform. The Marines detached their prisoner on her orders.Finishing their escape hatch the three Marines dove into the water. Kotu looked up at Argentum. "As it stands it is now too risky for you to be kept here. By your own words your goal is finished. You are to leave Ga-Koro immediately or you will be killed on sight. You may keep the powerless Rau but your own mask, weapons, and armor will not be returned to you. You may go."With that Kotu dove into the water.Swimming around the Chief Head Commandant oriented herself and surfaced, leaping from the water onto the main docks platforms in the open platforms.A Marine rushed up to her and talked quickly and quietly to her. Kotu listened before barking out, "MARINES! FRONT AND CENTER!""But Ma'am-!""I SAID FRONT AND CENTER SO GET OFF THAT KO-MATORAN RIGHT NOW!" She thundered.The Marines quickly organized themselves into a formation releasing Ramanox."Spread out and find me a Toa of Air currently using their powers! NOW!"They scattered looking for a Toa of Air.OOC: Yes Lloyd I know you're using a Mahiki which is why they are currently not looking for your character.IC: Kotu walked by Kuyre. "Are you Kuyre?" Without waiting for an acknowledgment she said, "Walk with me." Seeing him hesitate she said, "That WASN'T a request."

  19. IC: Kotu watched impassively as Argentum began to choke and turn an interesting color."Ma'am?""It appears someone has been sent to silence our singing Gukko bird. Judging by the way he's choking I'd say we have a Toa of Air trying to kill him.""Should we do something Ma'am?""Let him choke for a bit. He's got 15 minutes before his brain starts to die." Kotu shook her head. "This is why your Drill Instructors instruct you on the use of blood chokes and not air chokes for combat when you're trying to kill. It actually takes far longer to suffocate someone to death then you'd believe. And there's still a chance you can revive them if you don't hold the suffocation long enough. Right about now though he'll be going into a spasm fit shortly..."The Toa started jerking uncontrollably against his bindings."There he goes.""Do you think Nokama would like to talk to him Ma'am?""Yes. You may shut the door now. Broken line of sight should prevent further damage."The Marine closed the door and Argentum started breathing normally again."It worked?""Without a focus, Toa cannot use their powers in a remote fashion. I would suggest moving him to another place in this hut in the event they simply try to focus on the same spot. Are the windows closed?""Aye Ma'am.""Good. I'll send someone to look for Toa of Air attempting to use their powers within the vicinity. I would prefer to get as much out of him as much as possible before ether Nokama gets him or that assassin succeeds in silencing him." After conversing with one of the Marine Officers that had followed Kotu though the door, She turned to the Toa as the Marines in the room moved the device he was tied to to another place in the hut."How many other 'friends' do you have seeking to... how did you put it? Silence the Chronicler's Company?"

  20. OOC: No, it does not. That's a separate storyline. One I am quite content to stay out of and would prefer if the Bounty Hunters didn't invoke the Marines without another reason.IC: The Marine sighed. "This is why I miss the good old days of fighting Rahi and natural disasters. We didn't have to worry about ethics and all this belief of "you are no better than that which you fight if you employ their methods" Maha Dung. Now, will all Non-Marines except for the prisoner, GET. OUT."She turned to Argentum and stared at him for a minute."Get the Cha-Codfish." She ordered the second Marine. "And while she gets her, set those fingers." The third acknowledged the order by correcting Argentum's broken fingers.-------Kalama looked up to see Agarin. "Oh hey," He said. "Assassin attacked. Tried to kill Macku. I think he's currently in custody of some mercenary group by the docks but Lanora went to go see if she could get custody. Macku is fine by the way. My ladies got her out of Ga-Koro. Sadly I have no idea where they are. He escaped custody once and I had to fight him and a group sent to spring him while my Raiders got away. I intend to go chase them down in a bit." Made a mess of the Koro by the Turaga's hut. Mother is not going to be pleased."-------Chief Head Commandant of the Marines, Kotu "The Fearless" stood before the bound up Toa hanging upside-down. Arms crossed, one foot tapping slightly as she examined him."This him?" She finally said after a full minute of staring."Aye Ma'am.""Were his fingers broken when you took him in?""They were broken before we could get him on the record.""Fair enough. He didn't exist before he was put on the record anyway. What has he said so far?""Mainly he's talked in riddles but from what we could get out of him, two Toa in Le-Koro were responsible for the death of Tamaru and he's friends with them. They're on orders from Makuta to "Remove the Chroniclers Company from the picture" so to speak.""He actually said that?""Well it's the only connection we have between Tamaru and Macku. He said and I quote "Makuta wanted her gone from the picture so none of her secrets are told. Same with the others. Tamaru was successfully killed; Gone from the picture permanently. There are just some..... loose ends." End quote. I'm betting that means the others are also in danger and by others I mean the other four members of the Chronicler's Company.""You're not including Takua in that?""Takua has been missing as long as the Toa so no. I'm not.""Good.""Ma'am?""Continue Marine.""Yes Ma'am. He continues to play dumb to the lingo of his trade making bad jokes about people "Hitting on Macku" in response to the question 'Who put the Hit on Macku' leading me to believe he's not a real assassin but a flashy murderer. You've read the eyewitness accounts about what he was shouting in the middle of the Koro Ma'am?""I have. That wasn't very assassin like was it? Shouting it from the rooftops instead of doing it stealthy. Though I applaud the actions of Ramanox. It probably was a ruse to draw attention while the REAL assassin did the dirty work. Remind me to send a letter of commendation to his Superior in the Guard for quick thinking on protecting the target.""Aye-Aye Ma'am.""Do we have an ID on the Toa from Le-Koro involved in Tamaru's death?""Negative Ma'am. We're still waiting on the report from the liaison there.""Tell them to speed it up. I want eyes on those Toa ASAP. Macku might be safe with a rogue Ghekula unit for now but I want to know where those Toa are and what they're eating for dinner tonight and every night until we're sure Macku is no longer in any danger and can come home. Get a message out to the other liaisons. I want to know the status of the other members of the Chronicler's Company. Is Kalama still in Ga-Koro?""He is Ma'am and waiting for intel before starting his search.""Good, it's his unit. He'll know how to find them best." She approached Argentum."Argentum I am Kotu, Chief Head Commandant of the Marine Corps. Turaga Nokama is currently dealing with your mess in the Koro undoing some of the damage you've caused. She'll be along shortly. in the meantime I heard you have some information you'd like to share."

  21. OOC: Uh... King of No Isles? We're in a hut in Ga-koro as the Marines carted him off your boat a long time ago.IC: "S-s-someone tried to... assassinate Macku. Th-th-they killed some Marines... Th-th-th-they almost k-k-k-kiled K-k-k-k..." Her teeth chattered and she started hyperventilating having trouble saying a name obviously in shock. She managed to point.Her finger pointed toward the familiar multicolored Matoran Agarin had known as Kalama. He was talking with two Matoran clearly not from this village as one was a Ta-Matoran and the other was an Onu-Matoran.The Marine Kalama had left to watch Tanuka put a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, it's okay. Breath. Everything is fine."Tanuka managed to keep herself under control though she continued to shake.-------"I didn't ask for a philosophical answer. "Argentum" and "Magnetism" would have done just fine. It would have spared his fingers." The Marine grumbled as she scratched in the answers. "Every second we waste here, Macku and Kalama's Raiders get further away, their trail gets colder, and we might never find them. Ever. Rogue Ghekula units are a searag to track down, even with their Commander on standby who will have a higher success rate at finding his own unit. We also want to find out who put the hit out for Macku and put them on ice ASAP."Going back over her records she said, "Yes, Tamaru is dead. Nokama got a message shortly before she ordered this one seized. When he resisted he shouted out, and the whole Koro heard him, he was intent on killing Macku. Records show you were there. You heard him yell out he wanted to assassinate Macku. Not very assassin like if you ask me. More like flashy murderer. Believe me. I've met ShadowWalkers. Those guys are real assassins. They do their own homework instead of blundering about like this knucklehead. As for the methods, we're charged with keeping Ga-Koro and the Ga-Matoran safe at all costs. Even if you Toa do your job and take down Makuta like you're supposed to, over the last 100 years you've proven that some of you would rather serve your own ends meaning we're not using Makuta's methods..."She gave Ramanox a cold glare. "We're using yours." She said with as much acidic venom in her voice as possible."And it will continue even after you drive Makuta from our island."Turning back to Argentum she continued. "Who ordered you to kill Macku Argentum?"

  22. IC: The second Marine cursed. "Are you seeing this?""Hearing it also." The first Marine said. "I've seen this twice before. Pretending to ignore pain. Trying to goad us with misinformation and claims of our ignorance. Playing dumb to the lingo of his trade. Clear cut psycho. Nothing we can do. Might as well wait for Nokama to tell us to chop his head off.""Should we start carving him up?""Nah lets save that for later." The first Marine glanced at her records. "When you first showed up to Turaga Nokama, you expressed interest in Macku for some, and here you hesitated, friends. Who are these friends and what is their interest in Macku?"

  23. OOC: Guys when I type the dashes it means the events are taking place in two separate locations. This is one location where Tanuka is talking to Agarin.------- <=== This means we're changing locations.OOC: This is a second separate location where events take place such as the Marines interrogating Argentum. Let's keep it straight now.IC: The first Marine sighed and rubbed her temples feeling a headache coming on."I HATE it when they get all philosophical. I only want straight answers. What is your name and what element do you control? Are you a Toa of Fire? Ice? Plantlife? Water? Electricity? Magnetism? Iron? Gravity? It's not a trick question. There's no need to try and be coy. It's VERY EASY! WHY DO THEY ALWAYS WANT TO TAKE THE HARD WAY?!?!"The Marine looked at the third. "Break his fingers.""Which ones?""ALL OF THEM."As the Marine got to work snapping all of Argentums fingers the first one turned to the second."You ever miss the good old days?" She asked over the screaming."The good old days where all we had to fight was Rahi?""Yeah and not deal with these kinds of issues. Treatment of other sentient beings. Rahi at least had enough sense to retreat if you fought them long enough.""I quite agree. Let's not forget the natural disasters ether. Those were easy to fight.""Yeah, all you had to do was stay alive and you won. End of story.""What ever happened to those easy days where all Matoran fought together and we only had to worry about the Rahi and nature?""Those days are long behind us Sister. These newcomers showing up and killing indiscriminately. You can't even trust these Toa anymore. They don't hold to their code anymore. Skulking around at night. You heard what happened in Le-Koro?""Yeah. Poor Taramu. He must have not seen it coming until the last second. And then THIS guy...""I know! Kalama didn't even pick up on anything and usually he's got a sixth sense for this kind of thing.""Well it's usually if someone's attacking him. It doesn't quite extent to others... but at least he tries.""I know what you mean. If anyone should be a Toa it should be him. He doesn't sit around preaching fancy words and then backstabbing those he protects. He gets out there and actually FIGHTS.""How come he isn't a Toa?""Dunno. I hear you have to be 'destined' for that kind of thing.""What kind of Toa do you think he'd be? He doesn't match any known element. He's like a breed of his own.""Whatever he'd be he'd be pretty powerful seeing as he's the only one of his kind.""Shame, I like to think he is a Ga-Matoran. He's been here so long you don't really think about it. We just consider him one.""True.""...do you really think the Makuta would stoop to having us Matoran killed?""I don't think he's above it. But you have to think about it. He wants us to worship him. What good is a dead follower?""Then why would the Toa behind us think we're employing his methods?""I seriously can't answer that question. If you really think about it, Makuta more or less used Rahi to scare us. Remember that he's easily already had Tarakava prove that we aren't safe even in this village."The second Marine shuddered. "Ugh... the Great Tarakava Raids... don't remind me.""At least this time, we'll be ready for a Forth. You know it's coming. It's happened three times already and there are still infected Rahi out there.""I still don't want to think about it. What if something worse then Tarakava show up?""Then at least this time we don't have to wait on the Guard to get mobilized. We can take 'em as soon as they show up. That's why the Marine Corps were founded in the first place.""At least the Ga-Koroan seem happy to have us doing our jobs. These newcomers are thankless of the services and safety we provide Ga-Wahi.""Tell me about it. We're out there risking our necks so they can have safe passage. Once again it's thanks to Kalama that we know how to deal with some of the more interesting threats others don't see. I never even knew the Grikk existed until my unit stumbled on a hive. Nasty pieces of work those Grikk. Or the Amaya Shrieker Bats.""Yeah. There's so many undocumented Rahi out there it's a wonder we haven't seen them before.""Well you have to remember that even though you aren't looking. Life rolls on around you. Right now while we're standing around conversing in the dark, boats go out on patrol, messages are passed, Matoran go buy things in far off places, the Turaga communicate, Kohlii games are won and lost, fish swim, and pirates raid ships. Just because you're here doesn't mean you see everything. Those hidden events you don't know about can influence your life in ways that you couldn't imagine.""Done." The third Marine said."Good, all this philosophy was making me sick." The first Marine stared down Argentum. "Who put the hit on Macku?"

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