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Blog Entries posted by JMSOG

  1. JMSOG
    i read William Shatner's autobiography over the weekend. apparently, he had an offer to host a reality game show called "million dollar landing" or something like that.
    the plot is this: Shatner takes the 4-person plane up to 5000 feet, with a pile of cash and a passenger in the back. he then bales out. if the passenger safley lands the plane, they get to keep the money.
    strangly, the show wwas never made.
    this made me laugh
  2. JMSOG
    just curious: for those who watch it, which is best:
    The Origional Series
    The Animated Series
    Next Generation
    Deep Space Nine
  3. JMSOG
    just googled myself (JMSOG). At the very top, my BS01 page. Pages 1 and 2 all relate to me.
    Page 3.
    There's aparently a "Japanese Musculoscleletal Oncology Group", (JMSOG)
    Kinda sad how a pathetic nerd with way too much time on his hands has more attention than an actual orginization.
  4. JMSOG
    alright.i was watching some AFV. there was a commercial...are you ready for this?...i saw a commercial for a weird, lever grip thingy to make turning a doorknob easier.

    alright, think about that. people have gotten so lazy that they think TURNING A DOORKNOB is dificult. wow.
  5. JMSOG
    this happened in sixth grade. i swear, it is 100% true.
    It was the middle of class. someone at my table said something funny. so, i laughed. so, they laughed. so, i kept laughing. so, he kept laughing. it was interesting. i tried to get myself to stop laughing by slamming my head in my desk, but it didn't work. it only caused the other kid to laugh more. at about the 10-minute mark, the other kid began to beg for mercy. and it kept on going, until the other kid moved to another table.
    that was definatly an interesting day
  6. JMSOG
    I had heard terrible things, and was therefore...hesitant...to watch it until now.
    I'm halfway through season one, so it could go downhill at any point...But it's actually really good. Phlox is fantastic. Trip is fantastic. Everyone seems to hate T'Pol's character, but she's fantastic. Archer is inconsistant, but he CAN BE fantastic.
    The show, unlike all the star trek I've watched up until now, actually FEELS like it's set in space. The crew is in a tin can with experimental hardware that can fail at any time, and it really feels like it. These characters feel closer to astronauts, and i think that's important for the time period.
    So far, there've been some interesting ideas...that one episode where we never learn the alien's motivations at all, "Dear Doctor", the fact that humanity is essentially at the recieving end of the Prime Directive...
    Best part of all really is Phlox. He alone would make this show worth watching. Spock wanted to interact with humans as equals, Data wanted to be human, Odo wanted to be accepted by the humanoids...but it feels like Phlox views humans as bacteria in a petri dish. That's an AWESOME interpretation.
    ...really hoping this doesn't go drastically downhill. I have hope. I HAVE FAIIIIITH...FAITH OF THE HEAAAAAAART...
  7. JMSOG
    today in math, we had a problem that was basically "if you could yell extremely loudly from the sun, how long would it take to reach earth?"
    Now. If you yell loud enough to reach earth, not only will you be VAPORIZED, but since sound can't travel in space, the basic laws of the universe are B.R.E.A.K.I.N.G D.O.W.N.
  8. JMSOG
    ...now i have The Rocky Road to Dublin stuck in my head. ah, well, not as bad as Tik Tok...
    ALERT: only 6 hours left to become a Storyline Leader in Colony 5. go to the sign-up post and say you want to volunteer in the comments.
  9. JMSOG
    i don't know why, but my social studies teacher brought up the possibility of a Kap'n Crunch movie. and have all the other general mills characters in there. It would be a 2 hour commercial, and they wouldn't even hide it. he also suggested Justin bieber play Cap'n Crunch. here's how i think that would go...
    I'm Cap'n, Cap'n, Cap'n Crunch,
    Oh I'm Cap'n Cap'n, Cap'n CRUNCH, oh
    I'm Cap'n, Cap'n, Cap'n Crunch,
    buymycerial for $2.99
    tell me that's not a little win.
    that was random...
  10. JMSOG
    Okay. mhy math teacher often puts encouraging quotes on the whiteboard. So, i subbmitted some for him to put up.
    This morning, i walk into math, and i see...
    People make mistakes. That's what happens when you're brave enough to make decisions.
    i'm sorry, i thought that was cool.
  11. JMSOG
    just while on here, today, i've watched star trek movies 3, 4, 5, 6, and am right now watching 7. my mind is now a muuuuuuuuuussssssshhhhh...................................................................guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...........................

  12. JMSOG
    Everybody, go onto itunes, NOW, search for the band "syrian", and open up the album "Enforcer". Now look at the album art. Look familiar?
    this was aparently released in 2005, so it's not newsworthy, but still cool.
    EDIT: here's a link to the album cover itself: Here
  13. JMSOG
    Apologies if this is slightly confusing or incoherant.
    So, I've been listening to this song over and over for months after finding it on Spotify:
    I find it fascinating, and really like it, in a very precise, specific, probably almost nitpicky way.
    It's clear the narrator in the song (whether he's supposed to be Ethan Wood himself, doesn't matter) spent his childhood with bionicle. Seeing as he's showing specifically Tahu Mata, and the fact that he still has the original set with the original canister, it likely mattered to him through his childhood, teenage years, and now adulthood.
    Now, he's an adult dealing with adult problems...he clearly is approaching the end of a relationship, which is a difficult and confusing thing for anyone to go through.
    So, how does he try to make sense of his emotions in that moment? He relates it to Bionicle, something that's been a part of him since he was small. He expresses vulnerability in the confusion of this moment by essentially showing something pure from his childhood. In doing that, he expresses at the core who he is, as expressed in the line "what you see is what you get".
    That may be reading in too much...but really, this resonated with me in a big way. The narrator in the song clearly had hopes for everything in his life to go well when he grew up, and when something didn't, he calls back to his childhood in an effort to make sense of it. This isn't a new idea, but to my knowledge, this is the only song to do something like that with specifically bionicle...Bionicle was one of the biggest parts of my development as a child, so this resonated with me in a big way in particular.
    So, bringing attention to that song is one thing...but, there's a second thing that it made me realize. All the original fans of bionicle, who were old enough to be there for 2001 and experienced the story as it unfolded until 2011, are adults now. There's an entire population of people who were influenced by Bionicle as much as the singer in that song, all of whom are entering their respective industries right now, if they haven't already.
    For star trek, so many of the people who saw it in theaters were so inspired by it that they took jobs in specific scientific fields, changing what technology is available today. Some went into film, creating some of the most well-known movies and shows. Some got jobs in the government out of optimism to try to create the future. Many of those people lived their lives in a way that were shaped by what they took away from star trek. Many of them brought unique insights to their careers that were inspired by star trek. Many of them changed the course of the world in some way, influenced uniquely by star trek. This isn't at all unique to star trek, it just so happens that Star Trek's influence is well documented.
    Well, Bionicle's influence begins now. Obviously, the song I showed is not well known at all, but it is deeply unique and could only have been made by someone who grew up with bionicle. I think that some of the media, technology, and policy that emerge soon may begin to be influenced by the bionicle fans who contributed to them, even if it's in small ways. I think, statistically, that at least a handful will make a massive impact in the world, influenced by their experiences with the bionicle story and sets. I have no idea what the specifics of that will look like, but I believe that that will begin around now...and that's really cool to me.
    Again, maybe I'm reading too much into it. but it's definitely something I've been thinking about for a few months.
  14. JMSOG
    i just thought of an e-mail i got a couple months ago
    boiled down, it said something along the lines of this:
    It has come to our attention that the bank ows you some money, close to the sum of $1,000,000. Please click this link to collect your money.
    (some name)
    one little flaw here:
    reallly, they should do their resurch, it's almost like they didn't care
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