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Les Miserables

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Everything posted by Les Miserables

  1. Well, even if I did vote, the lolcats would win. So I shall abstain from voting.
  2. I am considering joining BZProvince. So would a vote from me count in any way?
  3. I am looking to get involved in some of these 'CoT RPGs' and noted that you are a judge. So far I have applied for 'MechPunk' and 'Naruto'. MechPunk I had to ammend my profile and Naruto I have not heard anything from. Are there any RPGs you could suggest that have frequently active runners that I may join the community sooner rather than later?

  4. Ah. I presumed that a member with your level of activity (as noted by your high number of posts) that you would have quite the plethora of knowledge on the primary subject of this site. But none-the-less, magnificent knowledge of the world of Bionicle is unneeded to enjoy your works of literature.

  5. Why thank you. Already I feel more welcome than previous forums I had joined. I look forward to interacting with you around the boards here, even though I am not very knowledgable about Bionicle.

  6. Well I've been hovering around this site for several weeks now before finally registering this week. And from an avid reader to a skilled writer, I am pleased to have pleased you, and hope to read more of your work. I am reading 'Miners' right now.

  7. You appear a most interesting and insiteful person. I am greatly enjoying reading some of your stories.

    Slightly off topic: Is it 'insiteful' or 'insightful'?

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